Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Anti.9156



i just wanted to point out that the remove of stats in the traitlines could bring some serious issues to some guard builds (bunker/support builds mainly).
Guardian always had a insanely low base hp. Thats the main reason most builds didnt work and why we were forced to eigther take amulets with vitality(zerker) or go into honor line(bunker/support) while we still only had about 13.9k to 15k hp.
With the patch the stats of the honor line will be removed which could lead to bunker guardians not being viable just because they dont have enough hp. This is even more an issue with the power creep the patch brings for most classes (mes, thief …)

So pls Anet devs consider the health pool of guardians. bring it up to 15k or give us better support amuletts

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: DrPhro.5976


They’re increasing the stats of gear to make up for that loss.

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: badwolf.2583


This is a concern of mine aswell, since i have already geared my guardian with ascended with this gear change i may have to go through and recreate my armor as most my vit comes from the trait lines.

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


This is a concern of mine aswell, since i have already geared my guardian with ascended with this gear change i may have to go through and recreate my armor as most my vit comes from the trait lines.

Considering the trait reallocations in every tree, I imagine everyone is going to reevaluate their gear regardless.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
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Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Anti.9156


@ DrPhro:
i know that. i just want to point out that Vitality is a crucial part (in pvp builds) and make sure they give enough to make bunker/support builds a thing

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


There actually may be another issue although I’d have to check the patch notes to see if it is in. The WvW rank that offers vitality. I don’t know about others but I’d use this to buff up vitality in my dps/zerk set.

I thought I heard that those are going away. If so this may hurt or bother some players.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
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Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: badwolf.2583


i know that regardless of how we setup our gear we may have some decisions to make, i think each gear set should have a single select-able stat as that would fix this issue perfectly

Example, current soldiers sets would give [power] [toughness][vitality][Selectable stat]

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


WTH if anything well have more HP than before with builds that had no vit and the same Hp on bunkers.

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

10k base HP was too low to begin with, if you ask me. I feel like 12k would be more reasonable.

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


This is a concern of mine aswell, since i have already geared my guardian with ascended with this gear change i may have to go through and recreate my armor as most my vit comes from the trait lines.

Trinkets/accessories are easier to replace than ascended armor.

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


They’re increasing the stats of gear to make up for that loss.

Doesnt really do anything if you use clerics

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: SrebX.6498


That’s actually awful, I doubt the pvp meta Medi Guardian build will be viable anymore.
Also pretty much any build on any game mode that doesn’t use vit gear would be worthless. Except maybe pve zerker meta

[EG] Ethereal Guardians, Fort Aspenwood
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Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: teegees.9638


They need to fix the Honor line. It was, and still is, our only option if your interested in a middle ground between a glass cannon build and a hardcore bunker/support.

The gear boost doesn’t offset the change because vit from gear is not an option for many builds. The stat combo’s with vit are bad for anything but a bunker.

A base line health boost would overpower all the builds that didn’t dip into honor.

They need move the 300 vit on the Honor grand master traits to one of the minors (or distribute it among them). Putting all the shout, writ, and vit traits in one tier makes the rest of the tree too weak.

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: DrPhro.5976


That’s actually awful, I doubt the pvp meta Medi Guardian build will be viable anymore.
Also pretty much any build on any game mode that doesn’t use vit gear would be worthless. Except maybe pve zerker meta

I don’t think that’s true. The berserker’s amulet gave vitality, so we’re really only trading a bit of toughness for some more hp.

Outside of PvP it shouldn’t be too hard to exchange a few accessories to get the stat combination you want.

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


That’s actually awful, I doubt the pvp meta Medi Guardian build will be viable anymore.
Also pretty much any build on any game mode that doesn’t use vit gear would be worthless. Except maybe pve zerker meta

What is discussed here has nothing to do with the medi Meta build.

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Anti.9156


to make it clear:
I’m talking about PvP. in pve you can get your vit by mixing different stats (rings, amulett …)
The problem with vitality is also only regarding bunker builds, or builds with the honor line pre-patch.
its kinda hard to fix tho.There are 3 differnt options in my opinion:
1. give guard more base HP (which on the other hand would result in a buff for medi guards)
2. give us a new amulett or vit on clerics amulett, which could result in other classes getting more use out of that for cheesy builds (decap engi?).
3. giving us a trait. actually we got a trait (honor GM). problem with it is, you cant take the trait + shout GM (which is kinda the must have for a support guard)
As an alternative to 3: they could add 300 vit to a minor trait in honor

Anyway. we have to wait for the patch and see what base HP we get. I hope Anet thinks of this problem and solves it so bunker guard can be played post-patch.

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

Valkyrie gear provides power primary with vitality and ferocity. That’s hardly bad for a non-bunker.

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

For pve I don’t think it will be a problem.

For PvP however it likely will be since they are just increasing amulet stats instead of adding rings/jewels.

That means a good 7-8 of the amulets will be a no go for guardians, thieves & elementalists because they will give no vitality or so little as to not matter & without that vitality you will be easily nuked/plagued to death by conditions.

really instead of flat out buffing the amulets they should have rings/jewels with the lost stat amount on them in various combinations.

(edited by Ragnar the Rock.3174)

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: cymerdown.4103


This is actually one of my biggest concerns when it comes to support guard viability in PvP post-patch. If HP pools stay as currently announced, a cleric amulet guardian with Soldier runes will have an HP pool of about 12.5k, which is pretty low and susceptible to being bursted down even with good toughness. Two main solutions that I see would be to distribute the loss in trait line stats to base stats in PvP, giving everyone about 150 more of each Stat or something. That would bring support guard HP up to 14k with Soldier runes, which is still on the low side but bearable. Another option would be to bring back jewels, like someone else had mentioned earlier, and put the lost stats into it. I think this solution would be best since it would give everyone a small amount of additional build customization.

Kensuda (Bunker Guardian)
Bunker Guardian Guide
Twitch Stream

(edited by cymerdown.4103)

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Mikau.6920


they should increase the base health from guard, thief and ele to 12k. 10k is just too low considering the loss from traits.

Sorry for my english.

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Templar.3418


Ugh yeah. My build is ruined also.

That 600 vitality from traits got cut in half.

Now I need to pick up more ascended to make up for it.

I suppose the stat buff to gear will make up for it though.

Equip a few accessories or w/e with the vitality stat and I’ll probably be where I was.

But still…ascended gear…ughhhhhhhh dat grind….again…

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: yanoch.7051


They announced a while ago that they will remove guard stacks in WvW. Anyone know if they are removing them tomorrow?

Heiann – NSP

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Drgori.5724


Just reminding that Ascended gears stats will be changeable in the new patch..

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Anti.9156


cleric guard in pvp has 11.6k hp (out of the digitalprosports stream)
rip bunker guard

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

There actually may be another issue although I’d have to check the patch notes to see if it is in. The WvW rank that offers vitality. I don’t know about others but I’d use this to buff up vitality in my dps/zerk set.

I thought I heard that those are going away. If so this may hurt or bother some players.

They are indeed going away.

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Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: EKAN.4051


They’re increasing the stats of gear to make up for that loss.

Nope, they wont, seams like they change their mind, if it ever was “a good to go”.

Edit: And about the loss, shouldnt they raise the base attributes amount for the trait loss?

“Death is just another path”

(edited by EKAN.4051)

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: apharma.3741


That means a good 7-8 of the amulets will be a no go for guardians, thieves & elementalists because they will give no vitality or so little as to not matter & without that vitality you will be easily nuked/plagued to death by conditions.

Last I checked thieves didn’t put many points in a vitality line for health, it was for the actual traits. Just as elementalist puts points into water for the regen, healing and support.

Everyone seems to also forget that all builds will now be able to pick 9 major traits instead of just 7 so there’s now room for that added defence. Sure there is a loss of those special 1 point minors like the classic medi guard but on the whole you should be able to take the defence you need to compensate.

Play the patch first before whining for more health, it’s what I plan to do with my zerk WvW ele before adding vitality or complaining.

Guardian and Vitality (patch 23.6.)

in Guardian

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


This is a concern of mine aswell, since i have already geared my guardian with ascended with this gear change i may have to go through and recreate my armor as most my vit comes from the trait lines.

Considering the trait reallocations in every tree, I imagine everyone is going to reevaluate their gear regardless.
