Guardian dps how does it work?
What weapons/runes/utility/stats were you running?
Valor and Honor could improve survivability but the best choice it’s always to avoid all the incoming hits, so you can try a scepter build!
Sword and shield for 1 hand and longbow for second hand both marauder
I changed to this build:
Armor:All of it marauder with runes of divinity:
Weapons shields:Either superior rune of leeching or superior sigil of force.
Skill bar:I got dragons maw at the end with save yourselves as second smite condition spot number 7 contemplation of purity number 6 shelter
If you take zealous scepter over the +7% damage against burning foes, you’ll stack 25 might and just truck through all mobs.
Sword and shield for 1 hand and longbow for second hand both marauder
I changed to this build:
Dragonhunter:2/1/3Armor:All of it marauder with runes of divinity:
Weapons shields:Either superior rune of leeching or superior sigil of force.
Skill bar:I got dragons maw at the end with save yourselves as second smite condition spot number 7 contemplation of purity number 6 shelter
Open World scepter build to self might generation, high AoE damage and Aegis refresh
Seems like you want to get rid of all the conditions with utility alone, if you try to run Virtues you’ll gain survivability with the CD reduction on f1 (to not use in my build), f2, f3 along with passive f2 health regen.
In Open World I run Big Game Hunter only paired with Radiance, to refresh f1 on kill.
Hunter’s Fortification can help you to take less damage when you have no condition on you and to get rid of them.
Zealot’s Aggression + Permeating Wrath help you to deal more damage with cripple uptime and with might stacking (wich also greatly increase your burning damage).
If you want a build with shield you can try a heavy toughness focused build with Zeal and Valor!
Coming from the PoF premade build:
Replace Valor with Radiance and take x-3-3. You’ll get VoJ refreshed on kill which allows you to spam it for Blind and Light Aura, giving you survivability and damage with the Radiance traits.
Definitely swap Zeal to 3-2-3 for better synergy. Virtues x-2-1 is also better than the default.
Since the default armor is Marauder, you’ll want to focus on power. You can replace it with Valkyrie and Strength Runes since you’ll cap crit chance very quickly. If you want to keep the traits close to as they are, I’d change the armor to Carrion and get burning runes if available (can’t remember what all is there). Definitely do the above Zeal and Virtues trait changes though. Valor can be replaced with whatever (Radiance 1-2-1 is good for burning). Since you can have 3 armor sets total, you could just make a power and burn build and swap between them.
U can change your gear from the boxes in the inventory. If you van something condi oriented, use zeal/raidancevirtues: 3-3-1/1-2-1/2-2-1 with sword/torch and gs. if u feel too glassy with viper, just use trailblazer, an undying burn burst group killer build
Hrm but i thought scepter doesn’t add much condi? hrm.I went for a build that adds loads of might and even healing gives retaliation.
Hrm but i thought scepter doesn’t add much condi? hrm.I went for a build that adds loads of might and even healing gives retaliation.
Only Torch and Longbow don’t have to rely on Justice’s proc to deal burning damage (not counting talent’s procs and empowerments) but scepter makes you stack might very quickly and from this will come your increased dps!
Condition damage isn’t your first goal but who says no to free dps?
If you want do rely on retaliation free crit chance you can even try Radiance/Virtues synergy to quickly spam f1 and refresh it at every kill
Retaliation Spammer
edit: if you don’t want to use greatsword you can trait binding jeopardy to gain better damage (only in situation where vulnerability isn’t already capped), otherwise pick Kindled Zeal.
(edited by Vitali.5039)
I was testing guardian more, and i really like greatsword.A person in teamspeak told me he uses a lot skill 3 to jump to people and then 2 spin attack, which i admit i really like for the aoe effect, plus the jump not only blinds but also jumps to enemies and you are on them.There is also a symbol i can use to get more power.Its just a pretty solid combo for aoe attacks for groups of enemies.
You can spit out a massive chunk of DPS by just going Zeal 232/Radiance 221/DH 123. And Scepter/Torch. Surprisingly effective on large hitboxes. Not at all meta, but you can change that build around by two traits and throwing in GS (2 > Wait for 2 to recharge > 4 > 2 > Switch > T4, S2, S2, S2, T4 (Auto on cooldown) > Switch > GS 2 > wait > 4 > 2 > switch, rinse). Not really a fun build though.