Violette Glory [Warrior]
Bala Rama [Herald]
Hey, I’m a newbie at Guild Wars 2, been playing for about 2 weeks… My Guardian is lvl 57 and I have a question
Eventually, I’d like to run some kind of Regen/burst damage with my Guardian and I have no idea how does that work or what should I do with Guardian
I think Guardian regen build or dependant on Altruistic Healing trait, is that true? if so how does that work?
I’d love some Guardian explanation from the more in-depth guys here [Video prefered, if there is one ].
Thanks in advance
Hey, I’m a newbie at Guild Wars 2, been playing for about 2 weeks… My Guardian is lvl 57 and I have a question
Eventually, I’d like to run some kind of Regen/burst damage with my Guardian and I have no idea how does that work or what should I do with Guardian
I think Guardian regen build or dependant on Altruistic Healing trait, is that true? if so how does that work?I’d love some Guardian explanation from the more in-depth guys here [Video prefered, if there is one
Thanks in advance
AH trait is effected by nearby teammates when you cast any team based boon.
Meditation build based on Monk’s Focus trait has more burst if you gear for dps but has less healing than AH in full team.
AH for team play, MF for solo.
Dolyac runes mango pie and 20 into virtues.
If you are aiming for burst, putting 30 points in Valor is not really beneficial. The real plus is +30% crit dmg; but that can be achieved through gear.
AH is much better when you are using a build with a lot of boon distribution, and reaches its max. potential while you are around your allies, so as stated above, AH is better in team play. Since you are still in leveling process, assuming you’ll be soloing, you might want to stay away from that line.
BUT, it is revealed that we are recieving a change on meditations. All of them are becoming instant and the trait making them instant is becoming something like ‘’gain fury when you use meditation’’. (Fury is the boon that gives you 20% crit chance, if you are not familiar with it). After that change, 20 points in Valor will be mandatory for meditation builds.
You can use Monk’s Focus (grandmaster trait) but it will give you a build with ‘healing’ not ‘regeneration’ as you asked.
Now, if you’re meaning ‘’any heal over time effect’’ while you say ‘regeneration build’, and not only regeneration, the boon; there are couple of traits you can invest into. And you should use Greatsword for a ‘burst’ damage (even though most of our damage is more like ‘sustained damage’, there are some ways to strike your foes with multiple sources in a short period of time) and your secondary set should include Focus with either Scepter for ranged damage option or Sword for additional melee burst.
1- Regeneration boon: There are 2 utility skills that can give you regen, ‘Hold the Line’ and ‘Save Yourselves’. HtL is more defensive with protection boon and longer durations with shorter CD on both boons than SY. On the other hand, SY gives you almost every boon in the game, including fury and a stack of might; which is more offensive. This has 60 secs of CD; but make sure to be careful about not using it around other players who are recieving too many conditions at a time, since you are not aiming for a defensive build, the conditions you draw onto yourself from allies by SY can be dangerous.
If you decide using Shouts (which I highly recommend for leveling) invest at least 10 points in Honor trait line for shorter CD on shouts. Also, this trait line increases your healing power.
There is also the 2nd skill of mace, which puts down a symbol on the ground, and that gives regeneration. Also Mace heals you and your allies in a small radius every 3rd hit on its auto attack. Even though most people find it slow and ’’defensive’’, mace hits pretty hard, and since mobs will not be trying to get out of the symbol, you can maximize its damage. You can consider using mace along with greatsword; and you can get a dps weapon AND a defensive option.
2- Heal over Time (HoT): Your F2 skill, the second virtue, gives you a great amount of regen. As long as it is not a big emergency, you should not activate it, like any other virtue. Let’s say you have 10k HP and you are recieving 100 hp per second from F2, and lets say a fight lasts for 15 seconds; this means your Health Pool is at least 11.5k; this and block skills are the main reasons why we last longer than warriors in most situations, even though that have A LOT more HP than us. [Which forces me to remind you that this is not a game you can sit and trade blows with your enemy; you have to time your dodges well, use blinds (with sword, focus and Greatsword for example) on your enemy’s big attacks and remember to use your blocks; because regen on its own may not enough on thougher enemies you can encounter while leveling]
Anyway, there is a trait you can get, that increases this virtue’s effectiveness. It’s called ‘’Absolute Resolution’’ and it requires 20 points in Virtues trait line. By the way, investing in Virtues line also gives boon duration, which will make your Regeneration boon last last longer and heal more, as well as your offensive boons.
Another HoT you can get is from ‘’Writ of the Merciful’‘, which makes your symbols heal allies. This can work with Greatsword’s 4 and Mace’s 2; can also give you a bit more time to react when you are low on health if you are investing at least 5 points in Zeal trait line. (which reminds me, this line has ‘Zelaous Blade’. it heals you for every hit you do with your GS, but it do not recommend it, since it doesnt scale -or scales VERY poorly- with healing power)
These are the ways you can try, as far as I can remember right now. As stated above, there are other ways to recieve healing, other than HoT effects. I’d say you should try everything. You are still in the process of learning your profession. You should experience all the possible builds by yourself before settling on one. Otherwise, It’ll make it harder to give up on your build if necessary in the future and make it harder to adept a new way, should we recieve big changes with incoming patches.
30 Points Honor – XII get’s your V of Res being a passive AoE heal.
20 Points Virtues – IX get’s it stronger.
That get’s passive heals to anyone near you without even needing to click something.
Only leaves 20 points left for Damage traits.
I know a few guards like taking X from Honor, (Symbols heal) so they can heal others while using GSword/Hammer.
Anyway, this game seems pretty ‘tight’ so the more you heal, the less you damage. It’s just finding the balance you want.
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