Guardian shouts silent to others

Guardian shouts silent to others

in Guardian

Posted by: Shao.7049


When a warrior shouts, everyone can hear it. Anet, please implement the ability for others to hear when Guardians use their shouts! I play with others in a room with my sound off sometimes so I can attest that Guardians cannot in fact be heard!

Follow the virtues of your heart

Guardian shouts silent to others

in Guardian

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


The guardian shouts are lame anyway. I don’t want anyone to hear my screaming “save yourselves.”

Guardian shouts silent to others

in Guardian

Posted by: Setun.4368


I always did find it funny when I would use ‘Retreat!’ while charging forward to a fight.

Guardian shouts silent to others

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


Guardians – the silent warriors of Tyria. or mute.

at least i don’t have to worry about people’s reactions when i yell “Save yourselves!” and then run away on my own. i kid i kid. i never turn my back on my enemies! O_____o

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Guardian shouts silent to others

in Guardian

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


No way, everybody would run away when they heard an anchor guardian shouts “Retreat” or “Save Yourself”.
Seriously, this is a huge joke on Anet collectively or that individual implemented the shout.. Retreat could be changed to Regroup. Save Yourself could be changed to One For All. Sound better and achieved the same result.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

Guardian shouts silent to others

in Guardian

Posted by: Anzu.5702


Guardians – the silent warriors of Tyria. or mute.

at least i don’t have to worry about people’s reactions when i yell “Save yourselves!” and then run away on my own. i kid i kid. i never turn my back on my enemies! O_____o

Hahaha I love this. Made me laugh out loud as its so true. “Save yourselves”, the guardians universal omgwtf “save myself” button haha. Except in the middle of a zerg vs zerg where its more of a suicide button when you pull all those bleeds, confusions etc at once.

Xarvacious: Guardian | Xarvo: Engineer | Achiles Augustus: Warrior

Guardian shouts silent to others

in Guardian

Posted by: KotCR.6024


The irony of Save Yourselves is most funny really in the Dragon fights (Claw of Jormag/Teq) when they use their “Fear All” skills. Hitting “Saves Yourselves” will remove Fear from everybody around you, and they will hold their ground, but you will continue running away lol.

Guardian shouts silent to others

in Guardian

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Both those skills are actually remakes of GW1 skills, although they operate differently in GW2.

Oddly enough, both of those are warrior shouts in GW1. I’m sure they could’ve picked some of the paragon shouts for Save Yourself and Retreat instead, like Never Give Up and Make Haste. But oh well, it is what it is.

Guardian shouts silent to others

in Guardian

Posted by: Shao.7049


Are there any plans on fixing this problem? Guardians and Rangers deserve to be heard just as much as Warriors are!

Follow the virtues of your heart