Guardians and Combos
Greatsword has 3 finishers (projectile, leap, whirl)
Hammer indeed has only 1 (blast)
Focus also has a blast finisher.
The blast finisher on hammer is probably the best in the game (unless someone proves me wrong, I don’t know all weapons for all classes yet)
Staff, mace, scepter, shield, torch and focus indeed don’t have any finishers.
Guardian has a lot of combo fields though, most are light. (Except for one fire combo field)
I haven’t really played with combos too much, so I’m not going to comment on whether it is needed to have extra finishers.
Guardian has two fire combo fields, both consecrations: Purging Flames and Hallowed Ground.
Just a small fyi.
Hammer #2 is an amazing Blast finisher since it’s on such a short CD.
Level 80 Guardian, Thief
Minions of Grenth, Jade Quarry
Guardians don’t lack in the combo department. We have a narrow focus of combos, but nearly no end of combos available. When it comes to Combo fields, it’s a rare Guardian build that can’t put up a Combo Field: Light almost at will.
We do have very powerful Combo finishers, but they’re, again, limited in scope. Greatsword has three—two whirls and a leap. Hammer’s Mighty Blow is a blast finisher, but the recharge is so short that it’s incredibly dependable. Outside of those two weapons, Guardian combo finishers tend to be more incidental (Mace sort of has a whirl.)
Generally speaking, we’re a lot better at initiating Light Combos, but we have at least two weapons that heavily emphasize finishers too. I’ve heard arguments in favor of Projectile Finisher in Zealot’s Defense but…we’ll see.
I don’t think it would be game-breaking to put a combo finisher on each weapon. It’s not as if we can use more than one at a time anyway.
We have plenty of combos. For example, you can use Purging Flames and while standing in the field, Greatsword 4 grants a Fire Aura while Greatsword 3 and 5 generate Burning Bolts.
While inside Purging Flame, Scepter 5 grants Area Might. While inside a Light Field, Hammer 2 grants Area Retaliation.
There’s a lot of self-comboing we can do. I don’t think all weapons need a combo finisher, although I do think it’d be nice to change the scepter’s auto-attack to a slightly faster three-hit chain where the last chain is a Projectile finisher to shore up our ranged weapon.
We’re better at starting combos than we are at finishing them, but in my opinion, that’s okay. Combos are nice to have when soloing, but really shine in groups, where you probably have more people with good finishers.
Few classes, besides the Elementalist, have many self-combos. Warriors for example, have tons of finishers, but only like one or two combo fields through the Longbow. Guardians have an insane amount of Light combo fields. I’d say we are the best, or at least second best at constantly keeping a combo field up, unfortunately they will almost always be Light fields. Our number and variety of combo finishers I’d say are average, a little low for a melee class, but we have a lot more self-combos than say Warriors or Thiefs.
Mace+Focus Area Retaliation is probably one of my favorite self combos on the Guardian. 3 blocked attacks, regen, DoT, AND area retaliation? Yes please.
If you ask me, Flashing Blade on sword needs to be a leap finisher and Protector’s Strike on mace needs to be a whirl finisher EVEN when it blocks.
I also agree that Zealot’s Defense would be awesome if it was a 20% projectile finisher. As I’ve said before, I’d love it to hit foes in a line but I think that probably won’t happen
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood
ya I must say we are blessed combo wise. what more do you need than might and retalliation!!
nothing makes me laugh more than giving out group retaliation when a thief is using pistol whip and watch them drop instantly
permanent condition removal ftw!
Hallowed ground is an awesome combo field…very large and lasts twelve seconds, I believe. With traits it’s even better. Area might is very nice with the hammer’s mighty blow…
I use hammer most of the time, and can take a ton of punishment just by doing my auto-attack combo, laying down the symbol (which i have traited for size, duration, and heals) and then using mighty blow to splash retaliation.
Wall of reflection is just awesome for so many reasons…and most of the area domes and things are all light fields as well.
I love the guardian combos.