Guardians the blocking class...

Guardians the blocking class...

in Guardian

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


For a class that is supposed to use a lot of blocks im highly disappointed that we are seeing more and more “unblockable” skills/traits.

I suppose its the same way that thieves have stealth and there is more “reveal” skills appearing.

Oh well… its just a whine post. Not sure anyone will care or do anything about it.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Guardians the blocking class...

in Guardian

Posted by: Kicast.1459


Glad we have dh to follow the power creep wagon…how..wait…

Guardians the blocking class...

in Guardian

Posted by: TEGG.2859


Rejoice, with more and more unblockable skills being implemented, there is a higher chance of heal (cleric/zealot) guards becoming meta, unless they keep the druid as he is right now.

And DH only has the traps in terms of higher damage output, compared to the current meta guard.
The trait + traps, then again, eat up valuable trait and utility space, which might not be worth it in my opinion, since the guards needs them to secure his job.

(edited by TEGG.2859)