I make PvP & WvW videos
[Guide]World Vs. World, The Guardian, and You
I make PvP & WvW videos
In my opinion Hammer’s both good and bad as a commander. You have to be rather tough to use the thing, I never do. Lack of movement compared to GS gets you killed a lot more, I feel you underestimate it. A helluva lot of people and commanders play GS/Staff, and for good reason. I try to discourage it to anyone who’s not running some major PVT, as not having that leap gets you killed pretty fast. In general for both might and healing empower is what you’ll be using more than blasts, I suppose you can use when it’s on cooldown, but regroups are the only real time you’ll use empower, and similarly where a waterfields will be down, unless on the main fight, so I don’t really see many situations where the blast would come in handy, apart from niche a bit. A 1k heal for your allies isn’t preferable to you getting killed because you’re plodding along like a dinosaur trying to keep up with everyone, or you can’t cover distance quickly when a guild smashes into the side of you in the middle of a fight.
xD and don’t say that revive traits are good, seriously that’s kinda mean to the people reading, there are any number of better things to take in that slot. Example in point being shout cd, even running a med build you’d probably take larger symbols over a revive trait. Heck you’d probably take a fall damage trait over a revive trait. You also fail to mention the icds.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
(edited by Immolator.5640)
Show off your character & stats Harbinger
I’ve been waitin’!
Sure, I have three different ascended armor types that I switch to depending on what I’m doing. Keep in mind a few things about these screenshots. They include no buffs, and they are my own personal play style. So what works for me might not work for you.
First set is my Berserker/Assassin. This is my dps set, it’s meant for high sustain and burst damage. In the screen I’m running it with 0/6/6/1/1 and runes of Strength.
Second set is my Celestial set. I find this a good middle ground; I run it with a lot of different builds because the versatility it gives me. The screen is 0/1/6/6/1 and runes of Hoelbrak.
Final and last set is my Cleric/Zealot. This is my group comp support/dps build. It meant to provide great support, however it still can do decent damage. In the screen I’m running 0/0/2/6/6 and runes of Trooper.
Those are generally the three main builds and sets I run atm. Also as a heads up, once they update the builder site with the new features from the 15th patch. I’ll update the builds with the new sigils and runes.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
For a well rounded build, is there a better alternative than celestial?
For a well rounded build, is there a better alternative than celestial?
Yes there are. However it requires a lot of mixing of gear. So it’ll cost you a lot more in the long run if you plan on making ascend. Celestial is just more convenient to get, since it’s only one gear type.
Heavens Rage
For a well rounded build, is there a better alternative than celestial?
Yes there are. However it requires a lot of mixing of gear. So it’ll cost you a lot more in the long run if you plan on making ascend. Celestial is just more convenient to get, since it’s only one gear type.
well the issue is just that celestial gear is really hard to get, how would you mix it up the gear and how do you handle chasing people in roams?.. it seems most classes can simply decide not to fight you whenever they want.
For a well rounded build, is there a better alternative than celestial?
Yes there are. However it requires a lot of mixing of gear. So it’ll cost you a lot more in the long run if you plan on making ascend. Celestial is just more convenient to get, since it’s only one gear type.
well the issue is just that celestial gear is really hard to get, how would you mix it up the gear and how do you handle chasing people in roams?.. it seems most classes can simply decide not to fight you whenever they want.
If you want a balanced build that doesn’t involve Celestial I’d recommend something like this;
As for chasing people down, this has always been a problem for Guards, since they lack any type of soft CCs. However there are ways around this; though the use of sigils, runes, and consumables.
These are just a couple of things to make your life a little easier when it comes to sticking to targets. Greatsword and Sword/X is also a great way to keep on target, thanks to the leap and teleport they have. Also the use of Judge’s Intervention is another great tool.
Heavens Rage
Thoughts on the Force of will trait? I have seen people say they don’t like it and I know it doesn’t have any flash but I find it pretty good 300 vitality is alot of extra HP and you can move those stat toward damage where you might have been looking to get to 16k-17k before.
I have been using it in 0/5/30/30/5 meditation build and I sit around 17khp
Thoughts on the Force of will trait? I have seen people say they don’t like it and I know it doesn’t have any flash but I find it pretty good 300 vitality is alot of extra HP and you can move those stat toward damage where you might have been looking to get to 16k-17k before.
I have been using it in 0/5/30/30/5 meditation build and I sit around 17khp
I believe it’s one of the better new GM traits. However the biggest issue, it’s in the Honor line. This make it direct competition with Pure of Voice. In the current meta, Pure of Voice is superior. In my view, this would have been better placed either in the Valor or Virtues line.
With that being said, it does work quite well with the med build you mentioned. 1/0/6/6/1 or 0/1/6/6/1. Either one works well, If you’re running symbols (Writ of Exaltation/Persistence) I’d go with the first one. However if you are traiting things like Pure of Heart and Empowering Might, then I’d go with the latter.
Heavens Rage
Slight update. Fixed all the sigils since the builder has been updated with the new version. Also added a new gameplay video.
Heavens Rage
I’m glad you are keeping this up to date. I pretty much just link this thread to “What build for WWW” threads haha.
Group Stability is a hell of a Drug – Rick James
Great write up.
“Reported” it to the mods with a request to sticky it.
Hopefully they edit as well so the “spam” is removed.
I did the same a couple of weeks ago… hopefully it will reach critical mass with enough reports…
Why play a Guardian“Guardians are devoted fighters who protect their allies and smite their enemies by drawing from the power of their virtues. True guardians are brilliant tacticians and selfless defenders who know when to sacrifice their own defenses to empower their allies to achieve victory.” –Anet
So why should you play Guardian? ….
with my guardian i saved less dollies in www than my thief ( and i played the thief only for level up ) ….
so with their stealth thieves can protect better their allies than guardians !
p.s. sorry if i messed the thread ( it is very very good overall ) , but i couldn’t resist since the last updates . i just wanted to say the bloody truth
(edited by Reborn.2934)
congrats on the sticky ;-)
Well deserved.
One of the reasons I have issues committing to other professions is the quality of their forums.
This thread made this section even better.
Just report some the posts so they get deleted and we will have your posts in a “row”.
(edited by Brutaly.6257)
Yay Harbinger !
I make PvP & WvW videos
Thanks guy, I glad people are finding the guide informative and helpful. Working on the utilities section now. Sigils, runes, and consumables will come later. After that the guide will be done for the most part. I’ll just continue to tweak it adding new builds, and anything else I see fit.
Heavens Rage
Yep awesome job! Congrats. This just enhances how informative and great the guardian forums are.
Group Stability is a hell of a Drug – Rick James
New video is up, and I’m also almost done with utilities section. I’ll have it up sometime this weekend if everything goes to plan.
Heavens Rage
Harbinger, I was wondering what build you were using in your [List] roaming video, as it seemed to have decent damage while being quite tanky. My guild does small group roaming as well, so it would be a perfect match!
Harbinger, I was wondering what build you were using in your [List] roaming video, as it seemed to have decent damage while being quite tanky. My guild does small group roaming as well, so it would be a perfect match!
Sure, I was running a support build.
Heavens Rage
If we are talking about Big Zergs, then having 3 points in Radiance is nigh musthave for reset-spamming(just as other on-kill steamrolls such as, let’s say, sigil that heals you for 1k on enemy kill)
So I tried a mix between the first 2 builds suggested by the OP for Frontline. What you guys think of this:
Well met fellow Guardians!
I’m back from a year-long break, and I’m pumped to get back into WvW. I noticed however that these guides are about 5 months old now.
Are they still up to date?
Thanks in advance
I think they are. No big changes to the class on those 5 months
Well met fellow Guardians!
I’m back from a year-long break, and I’m pumped to get back into WvW. I noticed however that these guides are about 5 months old now.
Are they still up to date?Thanks in advance
Been taking a break for the pass few months, however most of these builds have been around since launch, so they stood the test of time. As far as I’m aware, there hasn’t really been that many major balance changes since I made this guide.
Finishing up utilities, and posting.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Utilities (continued)
Motivational phrases which instantly aid nearby allies with boons or condition removals.
Hold the Line- A widely used shout and for good reason. It has a fairly short CD, and gives protection and regeneration. This is always a solid choice if you are having a hard time choosing which shouts to run.
Retreat- This is somewhat of a mixed bag when it comes to shouts. Rarely is it used in a combat situation. Generally it’s used to get from point A to point B faster. Due to the recent change with lowering the CD, this shout now is very viable and should be considered if you plan on running a shout build.
Save Yourselves- A very useful tool for any guardian. It gives you access to a large amount of boons for an extended period of time, and also acts as a stun breaker. However the ability to draw conditions from allies to you makes it an excellent choice. However because of this you need to be careful when you use it. If you’re low on health with little to no condition removers, I wouldn’t advise using it. It’ll just spell your demise. Also you need to be cautious of skills like Corrupt Boon and Well of Corruption; these can cause this skill to backfire on you.
Stand Your Ground- Arguably the best shout available to Guardians. Extremely short CD while granting AoE stability and retaliation. Also it acts as a stun breaker to boot. Generally every Guardian in WvW runs this on their build. This is almost a must have for any build.
A type of utility skill that involves teleportation, healing, condition removal and AoE damage.
Contemplation of Purity- A solid and simple skill for any build. It converts all conditions you have to boons and acts as a stun breaker. There are a few things to be cautious about. First it has a high CD time, so you need to use it smartly. Also just like with Save Yourselves; you need to be careful of skills like Corrupt Boon.
Judge’s Intervention- One of the few teleports available to Guardian. The damage from this skill is fairly low; however it makes up for it by being a 1200 range teleport with AoE burning. Also it can act as a stun breaker. This is a very solid skill for any build, since Guardians lack mobility for the most part.
Merciful Intervention- This is an interesting skill, a 1200 range teleport with healing potential for yourself and others. Due to recent changes, this skill is now a shadowstep, meaning you have control over where you port to. However, if you don’t port to an ally, you will not receive the shadowstep, nonetheless you’ll receive the heal for it. This is now a viable meditation due to it’s mobility factor and healing.
Smite Condition- A solid skill, very short CD with great AoE damage. Also it acts as a condition remover. To get the most out of it you need to make sure you at least have one condition to get the max damage output.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Spirit Weapons
Summon weapons that follow the guardian and can fight or aid, while also being able to be commanded for an additional effect.
Bow of Truth- Probably the weakest spirit of the group, and I wouldn’t recommend using it. It cures one condition every five seconds for you and allies, also it has slight healing of 357 per shot. When you command it, the bow does AoE healing of 96 hps for ten seconds. Due to recent changes the bow now scales with healing power.
Hammer of Wisdom- The strongest spirit of the group. The hammer has a lot of damage potential with a slight CC option to boot. It attacks foes with a three-hit chain. The last hit causes knockback. Also when commanded, the hammer performs a three second knockdown. If you’re running spirit weapons, this is a must have.
Shield of the Avenger- A somewhat useful skill. The shield follows behind the guardian and periodically generates a Shield of Absorption that absorbs projectiles. Also the shield will not begin generating the shield until a nearby ally is struck. When commanded, the shield will fly out and apply weakness to foes, this also acts a stun breaker.
Sword of Justice- This is just straight up dps, the sword serves no other role. It’ll attack every 2.5 seconds, and does a decent amount of damage. When commanded, the sword will do an AoE attack that has higher damage than the standard attack.
A Signet is a type of a slot skill that grants a passive effect while equipped and additional benefits when activated. During recharge, the character loses the benefits of the passive effects.
Bane Signet- One of the better signets we have. The passive increases power, which is always useful, no matter the build. However the active is quite good too. A 1200 range knockdown for three seconds is extremely useful since Guardian’s don’t have that may soft CCs. I definitely recommend this for dps builds.
Signet of Judgment- Another very useful signet. 10% damage reduction is quite significant, and it’s also a stun breaker! However the active on it is quite underwhelming, granting retaliation to yourself and allies, while inflicting weakness on foes is nice. However, for the most part the only time you want to use the active is for the stun break.
Signet of Mercy- I don’t like saying skills are useless or bad, however Mercy is REALLY underwhelming. The passive is fairly mediocre, since healing power doesn’t scale that well. The active seems like a great idea; however it’s really poorly implemented. It has almost a four second cast time, and only revives one person, sometimes it doesn’t even work. Also throw in the fact it has a ridiculously long CD time. I cannot recommend using this.
Signet of Wrath- Wrath is another subpar Signet; condition damage also scales bad, so an extra 180 condition power is like 45 more damage from burning. So as you can see, that’s very insignificant. However the active is fairly decent! Three seconds of immobilized is quite good, and it works quite well if you trait Binding Jeopardy and pair it with the scepter and hammer.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Elite Skills
Elite skills are powerful skills designed to be used infrequently and have a dramatic effect on the tide of a battle. The last slot on the skill bar is reserved for elite skills. Elite skills typically have much longer recharge times compared to normal utility.
Renewed Focus- The most used elite skill by far and for good reason. RF has a fairly short CD, and also gives you the ability to become invulnerable. However the big benefit is that it recharges all your virtues. This skill works best if you’re traited heavily in the virtues line. I’d recommend at least one point into virtues (Inspired Virtue) if you plan on using it. Renewed Focus is now considered a Meditation, meaning it’ll benefit from traits such as Focused Mind and Monk Focus.
Tome of Courage- This is a VERY powerful skill that can easily turn the tide of a battle. When using Courage you are granted protection and also your toughness and vitality increases by 100%, this makes you extremely durable. Courage has extremely powerful support skills, such as Light of Deliverance, which will fully heal you and five other players. However be warned, try to make sure you have stability before using it. You can easily be interrupted if you don’t, and the elite will be wasted.
Tome of Wrath- This is the least used elite, however it’s still fairly strong. It has the ability to apply might, swiftness, fury, and quickness to yourself and allies. Which is very helpful, it also cripples and weakness foes. Conflagrate really isn’t that good since it just applies burning, and very little direct damage. However Judgment is quite decent. It does a good chuck of damage and also knocks down five foes in a 600 radius. However just like Courage, try to have stability before using it.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Next on the list, I want to discuss sigils, runes, and consumables. After that I’ll go into detail of all the different stat choices to choose from and how to gear.
Heavens Rage
Runes: The game changer
Runes are upgrade components for armor that provide stat bonuses and other effects. Runes provide a huge boost to a player’s build, and it can even change the tide of battle! However, there are over 50 different runes so choosing the correct one can be a bit overwhelming. In this section I’ll discuss every rune set, and which ones best synergize with Guardian.
Above average- I highly recommend these runes before all others. They synergize extremely well with Guardian, and will give you the best bang for your buck!
Average- These runes can work on Guardian. They do well in some areas; however they have shortcomings that hold them back.
Below average- These are the runes that I’d try to avoid, they do very little for Guardian, and you’re better off going other choices.
Rune of the Baelfire- These runes actually synergize very well with Guardian, extra 30% burn duration, and power to boot. So they are decent with a dps or hybrid build. However the bonuses are fairly underwhelming, and for these reasons I can’t recommend them (Average).
Rune of the Centaur- A mediocre set for Guardian, 30% swiftness duration is nice, however the other set bonuses are fairly bad. I’d recommend Rune of Speed before theses (Below average).
Rune of the Citadel- These runes actually work quite well with Guardian. Guardian has very little access to Fury, so this is a huge boost. The sixth bonus of the bomb is a bit underwhelming; however the rest of the stats well make up for it. Great for a dps build (Average).
Rune of the Elementalist- These runes do nothing worthwhile for Guardian. The only useful stats you’re going to get out of it in is power, and 20% burn duration (Below average).
Rune of the Brawler- These runes have a very good combination of power and toughness, however Guardian healing skills have too long of CDs to take advantage of the sixth bonus (Average).
Rune of the Fire- Everything in these runes synergize very well with Guardian, these would be a great contender for a dps or hybrid build (Average).
Rune of the Flame Legion- Theses are one of the strongest runes available to Guardian due to the emphasize on burning, I highly recommend these for dps and hybrid builds (Above average).
Rune of the Mesmer- Precision and Power are great stats for a dps guard; however Guardian has no daze to take advantage of the sixth bonus (Below average).
Rune of the Ogre- Ogre is a great rune that can be used in almost any build. Power, damage multiplier, and also your very own Rock Dog! Rock Dog is actually very useful; it’s quite tanky and does a lot of damage to boot. However in larger fights, it gets melted quite quickly (Above average).
Rune of the Pack- Pack is extremely useful for Guardian for a number of reasons. Huge amount of Power and Precision, and also the fourth set bonus is amazing for team support (it also effects you!). I highly recommend pack, it’s a great way to increase dps, and also support your team (Above average).
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Rune of Hoelbrak- Hoelbrak is another great choice, it increases your damage output, plus a way to deal with those nasty conditions. Hoelbrak is a solid choice when running a dps build because it gives you a little buffer against conditions (Above average).
Rune of the Scholar- This one is a bit tricky, it’s the largest dps boost available to Guardian, however you have to be over 90% hp to get the full benefits. For this reason I can’t recommend it, however it’s still a great rune for increasing your damage output (Average).
Rune of Strength- Another great dps rune set; Guardian has a large access to might, which is why this rune set is so potent on Guard. Easily one of the best damage runes you can go. However they are quite expensive, I’d recommend them if you can afford them. If you can’t, no worries, there are other viable choices such as Hoelbrak (Above average).
Rune of Vampirism- While these runes look good on paper, they hardly play out that way in-game. The life steal from the runes is very small. Also the sixth bonus is very wonky, most of the time mist form gets you killed instead of saving you. However they do have some merit if you’re trying to do a life steal build, or something of the sort (Average).
Rune of the Mad King- These runes don’t do anything for Guardian; main bonus applies to bleeding, which Guardian doesn’t have. While the sixth bonus is quite humorous and works well with Renewed Focus, it doesn’t warrant this runes use (Below average).
Rune of the Privateer- This run is somewhat similar to Ogre, however there a slight differences. It loses out on a damage multiplier; however you get another source of might. You also drop Rock Dog for a parrot, the parrot seems to do more damage, but is far squishier. In the end, I’d still recommend Ogre over Privateer (Average).
Rune of the Eagle- This is one of the better precision runes when it comes to Guardian. All the stats are useful, and the sixth bonus is a quite useful damage multiplier (Average).
Rune of Lyssa - This is actually a very solid rune for Med builds. All the stat bonuses are useful. The four bonus works fairly well with Latinity of Wrath, since it has a low cooldown. The sixth bonus also gives more condition clear (Average).
Rune of the Ranger- This is actually a very odd rune, since the sixth bonus works with Spirit Weapons. If you’re running a Spirit Weapon build, this is actually viable. However, due to the current state of Spirit Weapons I can’t recommend these (Below Average).
Rune of the Rata Sum- These runes are generally wasteful, none of the bonuses really have any synergy with Guardian, and the sixth bonus CD is too long to be useful (Below Average).
Rune of the Thief- Another subpar rune when it comes to Guardian. The condition damage isn’t useful, and you’re generally not going to be striking targets from the sides or back to get the bonus (Below Average).
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Rune of the Dolyak- This is an interesting rune, since it gives you another form of regeneration. The toughness and vitality stats are always useful, however it’s the sixth bonus piece that sets it apart. The base for the regen is 43 and it also scales with healing power. So realistically you’re probably looking at another 50-60 hp per second. This isn’t a bad rune by any means; however there are more favorable ones to choose from (Average).
Rune of the Earth- These runes are meant for maximizing protection by giving you other sources of protection and also by increasing its duration by 30%. It also features a Magnetic Aura effect, which reflects projectiles. Again these aren’t a bad set to use with Guardian; however there are much more beneficial sets to choose from (Average).
Rune of Engineer- This set does very little for Guardian, the only useful stat is toughness, and also the sixth bonus is very situational and wouldn’t work well at all (Below Average).
Rune of the Forgeman- This is an odd rune, it seems like it was designed for Guardian, however it falls short. While it does look decent, it doesn’t play out that way. I wouldn’t recommend using these (Below Average).
Rune of the Guardian - As the name implies these are to be used by Guardians! However, just like Forgeman, they have a number of shortcomings. 100 more healing power isn’t that beneficial due to the way it scales. However, the sixth bonus is fairly decent. It also stacks with Defender’s Flame. So instead of only getting one second of burning on block, you now get two seconds. Not a bad rune, however it’s not great either (Average).
Rune of Melandru- This is by far the best toughness rune in that game. Not only does it give you toughness and vitality, it also gives you -25% condition duration and stun duration. These also stack with things such as Purging Flames and Lemongrass poultry soup. I recommend these above all others (Above Average).
Rune of Mercy- Mercy is a very solid rune set, the main benefits to Mercy are reviving. So it works best with traits such as, Resolute Healer and Protective Reviver. I’d recommend these runes in a small group comp situation (Average).
Rune of Resistance- In theory these runes would work well, however they have a number of issues. The biggest issue is the sixth bonus CD it too high, this makes using this rune somewhat unreliable. Also signet Guardian really isn’t the strongest build to go either (Average).
Rune of Snowfall- I really wouldn’t call this a serious rune, since it’s very situational. However, it does stack with Protector’s Impact, giving you 75% less damage from falling. I wouldn’t recommend these, they are more of a “fun” rune (Below Average).
Rune of Svanir This is a very gimmicky rune that relies on the sixth bonus. Essentially it gives you another invulnerability, which can be useful, however if you move or use a stun break it’ll cancel the invulnerability. Guardian also doesn’t really have that many sources of chill (Average).
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
reserved for future content
Heavens Rage
reserved for future content
Heavens Rage
reserved for future content
Heavens Rage
Hey Harbringer,
do you still recommend this build (build,gear, runes, sigills) for small havoc teams?
“0/1/6/6/1-Again we come back to this build. This in my view is the best all-round build, so it makes it an excellent choice for a hybrid build. It brings everything to the table. Sustain, damage, and support. Once again hammer is an excellent choice; so is greatsword.”
Thank you
Yes. 0/1/6/6/1 is a great build that works in almost any situation, only time you really don’t want to use it if you’re solo roaming. You can obviously tweak the stat, runes, and, sigils to fit your playstyle, but at it’s core 0/1/6/6/1 is one of the most versatile builds.
Heavens Rage
Great. Your gear setup looks really balanced and I will give it a try the next days. Do you have any comments concerning your choices?
That’s what I was going for when I made that build. I was trying to create a good balance between damage and survivability. Most of the gear choices are just to point people in the right direction. It best to experiment and find what works best for you, since no two players have the same play style.
Heavens Rage
Hey Harbringer,
its me again! I am currently elaborating on a gear setup around Hammer/Staff 0 1 6 6 1 AH Build + Pack runes and I need your help
. I am playing with a small havoc team ( max 5 man) and we got enough condi removal so i dont need to stick to Soldier runes.
What are your thoughts on my choices mentioned above?
Which armour + trinkets would you use?
Thank you
That set up is fine. I’d recommend going mostly pvt with some knight/zerker. Since you’re using AH you don’t really benefit from healing power that much. With AH builds it’s better to take a more raw power approach (maximizing power, toughness and vit). With other builds such as 0/0/2/6/6, which don’t have AH, then your better of going for healing power and such.
Also it depends it you want to go more support or tanky dps.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Hey there, Gw2skills.net has been down for a few days with no word on when it’s returning.
Is there any chance you might have the builds posted on an alternative website? I’ve been trying to spec and gear up using the 01661 build, but I no longer have access to info like recommended skills, gear (armor, weapon stats, trinkets), or consumables.
Seems like gw2skills.net is having issues! So I’ll start working on fixing the builds, hopefully it gets resolved (it’s the best builder site imo), if not I’ll use the new ones as backup.
Apparently they are fixing it, and it should be up in the next couple of days. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
Hello, I like your guide, I just came back after a year, and I don’t have enough gold, and I have only one set of armor on my Guardian, Knight armor with superior rune of the trooper. I want to play WvW, so do you have any suggestions on any weapons, trinkets, and traits? I would appreciate any suggestions, and thank you.
Hello, I like your guide, I just came back after a year, and I don’t have enough gold, and I have only one set of armor on my Guardian, Knight armor with superior rune of the trooper. I want to play WvW, so do you have any suggestions on any weapons, trinkets, and traits? I would appreciate any suggestions, and thank you.
Well knight is a very solid stat combination, it gives you a lot of flexibility. If you’re more into roaming and small group you could easily go a medi build, however if you’re more into large scale combat a shout build would also work great. Just depends on how you want to play, then I can give you some suggestions.
Heavens Rage
Well, I think small groups and roaming is my kind of style, got any suggestions for that? And thanks for responding. But can you also give me suggestions for large groups too? Cause, I may change my mind later on, and thanks.
Well, I think small groups and roaming is my kind of style, got any suggestions for that? And thanks for responding. But can you also give me suggestions for large groups too? Cause, I may change my mind later on, and thanks.
For solo roaming I’d recommend something on the lines of this:
Small group this build works quite well, its also decent in larger scale combat.
Heavens Rage
Just want to say thanks Harbinger for the great guide. I’ve been pouring through all it’s great info and all the useful links to various other builds over the past couple weeks as I turned my alt PvE farm bot into a main WvW roaming/havok.
I found it quite difficult trying to get a good balance between DPS/Survivability/Mobility (expecially the mobility part) compared to building my Warrior or Ele. So many sacrifices have to be made, especially if you are looking for a self sufficient roaming build. I’d like to get your opinion on this build I made (mainly for roaming or < 5 man parties).
I like this trait setup cause I get better cleansing power when roaming and can easily swap from a Medi build to an AH on the go if I decide to hope into a zerg fight.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
Just want to say thanks Harbinger for the great guide. I’ve been pouring through all it’s great info and all the useful links to various other builds over the past couple weeks as I turned my alt PvE farm bot into a main WvW roaming/havok.
I found it quite difficult trying to get a good balance between DPS/Survivability/Mobility (expecially the mobility part) compared to building my Warrior or Ele. So many sacrifices have to be made, especially if you are looking for a self sufficient roaming build. I’d like to get your opinion on this build I made (mainly for roaming or < 5 man parties).
I like this trait setup cause I get better cleansing power when roaming and can easily swap from a Medi build to an AH on the go if I decide to hope into a zerg fight.
That’s a very solid build for roaming and solo group. The only thing I’d really recommend is changing out Retributive Armor for Focused Mind. RA will only give you another 6% CC, while FM will give 20% CC. You’re running three meds so it would be more beneficial to run FM. If you deicide to run AH, then you can always switch back to RA.
Heavens Rage
That’s a very solid build for roaming and solo group. The only thing I’d really recommend is changing out Retributive Armor for Focused Mind. RA will only give you another 6% CC, while FM will give 20% CC. You’re running three meds so it would be more beneficial to run FM. If you deicide to run AH, then you can always switch back to RA.
Yeah, I wasn’t sure about that one. I wanted to max out the procs from the strength sigil and empowering might and didn’t know if I could keep them up during the Fury downtime. I’ll run with FM for a while and see what kind of numbers I get. Thanks for the input.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”