[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


3) i would not consider foodfad, he just want the “full berserker” equip because he thinks that “stunningstyles” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgYhGde9Qmc&feature=c4-overview&list=UUTR1RaHwL3UEx4DB6SzoiBQ) is really a pro gamer… anyway please dont use references to his useless posts.

Lol, what? I didn’t even post in Stunningstyles’ thread.

I don’t know why you have such a huge problem with me, but any time you’d like to address it substantively instead of trying to insult me every other post in this thread without me even being a part of the conversation, please: send me a PM instead of kittening up your own thread. You’d be doing yourself a favor.

we had a discussion in another thread (not a stunnyngstyle’s one) … please stop post here, you are not welcome and we are trying to do something of costructive, bye.

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: colerunner.6198


[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: foofad.5162


Try Runes of the Wurm. It gives Vitality, critical damage, and a flat damage bonus. Works well with high toughness builds. It also doesn’t cost as much as Divinity.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


This mix should be the best i can do:

… tell me if you have something better…

ps: you have to add 80 thougness manually because of Strength in Numbers which is 150 and not 70.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


was bit unclear, EM has a 1s internal cd and vigorous precision has 5s.

that build looks more powerful, has more surviability and one hell of a burst capability for a support build.

Advise, try that with the staff in zerg warfare and you will find that you spam 2k aoe in a cone infront of you and dont forget skill 2 every third attack, think it will hit for almost 4k.

As said above wurm is a very good alternative to divinty and it might be possible to add in instead. The 3% damage increase in the 6th rune has impact on both crit and non crit since its base damage (ie power) that increases.

Try to swap the knight chest and the berserker legs with each other. if i remember correctly its favorable to have crit damage in the chest, you gain a couple of points. A bit uncertain here so Foofad or Akamon might perhaps fill in for me.

Imo a much better build from almost every perspective.

But no need to go for divinitys if you are happy with Lyssa, use those on that build and you will still be better off.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


was bit unclear, EM has a 1s internal cd and vigorous precision has 5s.

that build looks more powerful, has more surviability and one hell of a burst capability for a support build.

Advise, try that with the staff in zerg warfare and you will find that you spam 2k aoe in a cone infront of you and dont forget skill 2 every third attack, think it will hit for almost 4k.

As said above wurm is a very good alternative to divinty and it might be possible to add in instead. The 3% damage increase in the 6th rune has impact on both crit and non crit since its base damage (ie power) that increases.

Try to swap the knight chest and the berserker legs with each other. if i remember correctly its favorable to have crit damage in the chest, you gain a couple of points. A bit uncertain here so Foofad or Akamon might perhaps fill in for me.

Imo a much better build from almost every perspective.

But no need to go for divinitys if you are happy with Lyssa, use those on that build and you will still be better off.

ok but the problem isn’t vigorous precision because i have it for 5.5sec every 5sec … so it will be permanent vigor.

thank for the advice for staff… i will give it a try later.
i dont know if put berserker chest will be better or only make the build weaker from stats it seems better…
the differences are:
+29 power
+2% less crit damage multiplier
+34 thougness = 0.82 less damage
+0.25% crit chance (…)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: foofad.5162


Try to swap the knight chest and the berserker legs with each other. if i remember correctly its favorable to have crit damage in the chest, you gain a couple of points. A bit uncertain here so Foofad or Akamon might perhaps fill in for me.

Shoulders, Gloves and Boots have the cheapest crit damage, followed by chest, then the rest is the most expensive. For trinkets, Amulets have the cheapest crit damage followed by Accessories, with Rings being the most costly. This no longer holds for Ascended Berserker/Berserker gear, which favors Rings and Accessories fairly equally followed by Amulets.

All soldier armor with berserker coat: 315 power, 152 toughness, 72 precision, 5% critical damage.

Soldier helmet, coat, leggings and berserker shoulder, gloves, boots: 315 power, 152 toughness, 72 precision, 6% critical damage.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

(edited by foofad.5162)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Using the build discussed, posted by Kjeldoran, and swapping chest to berserker, legs to knights. Also changed upgrades on armor to Wurm, Golemancer, Holebrak, lyssa, and soldiers, it is all close. Some dropped power under 2k while others dropped critical damage down to 90.

I thought Power, Critical Damage, and Critical Chance all worked together? Or some form of 3 which maybe I added the wrong one?

Not sure if it matters or not. So I then swapped to Ruby and ended up with below. Not sure what ruby does vs. the others. What does this do I guess good or bad?

Power – 2081
Precision – 1742
Toughness – 1425
Vitality – 1288
Critical Damage + 102%
Condition Damage + 0
Condition Duration – 0%
Healing Power – 300
Boon Duration – 10%
Critical Chance – 43.35%
Damage – 10%
Armor – 2636
Health – 14525
Endurance Regeneration + 0%
Agony Resistance – 15
Virtue Recharge Rate – 10%

Farming and Leveling
Bonus Experience – 10%

Damage Reduction – 30.35%
Reference Armor – 1836

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379


Here is a a variation of the same build with soldier runes that has 3700+ EP and 24kEHP.
Just put a little more Zerk in the armor and change the accessories. Consumables are Butternut Squash soup and Superior Sharpening Stones.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

(edited by Julie Yann.5379)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: foofad.5162


Switching around 10 points and leaving everything else roughly the same yields this:


Has higher effective health, and more damage, using cheaper runes and only an ascended amulet. On top of that, it has extremely high Fury uptime due to the combination of SY! and Citadel runes.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Switching around 10 points and leaving everything else roughly the same yields this:


Has higher effective health, and more damage, using cheaper runes and only an ascended amulet. On top of that, it has extremely high Fury uptime due to the combination of SY! and Citadel runes.

Yeah you did, epic. 1 ascended piece, wow.
Effective Power – 4278.47
Effective Health (EHP) – 24348
Damage Reduction = 33.11%
Reference Armor -1836

Question. Does it matter that the critical damage is 79% and critical chance is 40%? I’m guessing food makes them both increase?

And, is there a primary, secondary, etc stat to focus on? Of course this is coming from another MMO mindset whereas you try and get one stat has high has possible because that is the primary modifier. Meaning, with the build you posted (thank you, that is pretty sweet actually) has a 40% crit chance.

Does that mean you will crit 40% of the time? 4 out of 10 swings sort of thing? Or am I out in left field?

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


may i ask you to post unbuffed builds, its really difficult to make comparisons when there are different buffs in builds.

OT, citadel are really good if its damage you want out of your runes and they go extremely well with high crit damage. An other interesting rune is rune of rage even though i dont like random stuff.

Adding fiery wrath is huge but lets be honest here, its not a straight dps increase even though presented that way in the calculator, it requires burning which more or less require either specific utilities or an engi/ele around. In pve its a given but in wvw/tpvp im more than sceptical tbh. Its in situations like this that i wish i had a parser.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: foofad.5162


This isn’t like other games (I think WoW did this?) where all of your skills scale off of one particular stat. Everything scales as you would expect – Your tooltip damage values scale off your Power stat. 40% critical chance means you crit 4 out of 10 swings on average. Critical damage is an additional increase in critical damage over the standard 50%. So with 0% crit damage a swing that normally hits for 1000 instead hits for 1500. If you have 50% critical damage it instead hits for 2000, because 50%+50%=100% which is double damage.

Toughness increases armor which directly decreases damage as the formula damage = (power * weapon damage * skill specific coefficient)/armor. The higher your armor, the less % reduction you get per point of armor; this is sometimes thought of as diminishing returns even though it isn’t strictly.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: foofad.5162


may i ask you to post unbuffed builds, its really difficult to make comparisons when there are different buffs in builds.

Which buffs are you referring to?

Adding fiery wrath is huge but lets be honest here, its not a straight dps increase even though presented that way in the calculator, it requires burning which more or less require either specific utilities or an engi/ele around. In pve its a given but in wvw/tpvp im more than sceptical tbh. Its in situations like this that i wish i had a parser.

Even without Fiery Wrath active, it still does more damage and has higher effective health.

For purposes of DPS calculation I gave his and my builds identical consumables and assumed he also had a Force sigil equipped.

DPS for autoattack chain is given as the following:
((((Autoattack 1 + 2 + 3)) * (1+(critical damage multiplier * critical chance)))/AA chain total time)+(Burning damage * Burning uptime * AA chain total time)

Burning uptime is assumed to be .4 (aka 40% from passive VoJ from sword AA). for burning DPS.

All other things being equal, except for Fury uptime (of which he has 23% and I have 73%), I arrive at 2096 DPS for Kjel’s build and 2187 for mine, where mine peaks out at 2297.

Edit: Wording, math error

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

(edited by foofad.5162)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


Food and it wasnt directed towards you in person, it was directed towards “us” in general so we all remove food from the builds.

Second part, yeah i know, this is why food is so deceptive and makes it hard to compare.

I cant see that he uses that food in his last iteration btw.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


@Kjeldoran – i made some tiny adjustments. really not much has changed except i swapped your armor around a bit. as foofad mentioned, if you look at it from a stat point per 1% crit damage view point, it’s statistically best to place crit dmg % stats onto shoulders, gloves and helm first. so i’ve swapped them to be soldier helm legs, knight chest, and berserker rest.

added sigil of force into your focus for flat out dmg increase. if you want to keep battle in, you can do that too. have not tested the internal cd on those but if what you say are true, then it might be worth keeping them.

to further benefit your generosity runes proccing, might i suggest moving 5 points from Virtues to Radiance? You get more crit chance, and i find the AoE blind invaluable in WvW. though of course it’s another standard build, albeit even older than the 30/30/10 variation, i still quite enjoy it.

i kept divinity runes for now, but if you don’t plan to go for them, since they are pretty pricey, we can try out other runes and put something together. what foofad has up top with Citadel runes is pretty nice too.


so overall, slight drop in effective power, more effective health, but a couple points higher in crit chance. so obviously, it’s not a big change compared to what you had, but i feel this will allow more flexibility in terms of build and gives you most sustainability vs burst potential should you decide to build your traits differently.

as for buffs, i would suggest:

  • Butternut Squash Curry Soup (+100 precision +10% crit dmg), which i feel is our best bet for DPS increase. you’re pretty tanky with this set up so i feel yuor food should be focused on offense
  • Master maintenance oil paired with food to bring your crit chance over 55%
  • Bloodlust Sigils for stacking up to an additional 250 power if you don’t mind stacking sigils and then just swap them out when you reach max stats

@Crapgame – not sure what you meant by “Does it matter that the critical damage is 79% and critical chance is 40%? I’m guessing food makes them both increase?”

from a mathematical standpoint, the closer crit chance to crit damage is, the better damage output over time is. one could argue that with a big disparity between crit chance and crit damage, you’re not fully optimizing your crit dmg multiplier, so it’d be more beneficial to bring the two numbers closer together. however, in reality, i don’t think it makes THAT huge of a difference and in a sense, less predictable by your opponents of how much damage you could do to them with any given hit. that may be a bit extreme in the form of this game though lol.

i want to say, yes, a 40% crit chance will mean you on average (very key here) will net you 4 crits every 10 hits. but of course, it doesn’t mean every ten hits you do, will guarantee 4 to be crits.

ideally, at least in gw2, you should try to find a decent balance between power, crit chance % and crit damage . remember, our base crit damage multiplier is 50. so if you have crit damage of 50%, it’ll be 100% of your base damage when you do crit.

if you have super high crit ratings, but lower power, your crits won’t be super high.
if you have extremely high power, high crit chance, but no crit damage, our crits won’t be super high either
if you have very high power, very high crit damage but 2% crit chance, your crits obviously won’t happen often.
so it’s best to find a balance, and where that sweet spot is? it will be different for everyone. obviously, we want to do more damage at all times, however, lot of the Guardian gameplay, sigils, runes, traits depending, we want to proc more effects so it might be more desirable to go for moer crit chance. whereas sometimes if you don’t require on-crit procs as much, you could spec more into power or crit damamge %.

this is all extremely non-scientific and i just had lunch lol so kind of sleepy now but hopefully that gives you a gist of how to look at the three stats. i don’t have a lot of math to back it up though but i remember seeing some threads or comments that raelly dig into the math.

you can take a look at the chart near the bottom of this wiki entry to sort of get some idea of what your average damage increase would be given a certain crit chacne % to a certain crit damamge %.


of course, damage is also based on other variables such as skill coefficients, boons, conditions, other damage multipliers via traits, etc vs your opponent’s armor rating, and etc etc.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

(edited by akamon.2769)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Than you all for feedback and suggestion.
It seems that after a lot of time, now, we have to choose between these 2 builds which are for me essentially equal:
1) http://gw2buildcraft.com/calculator/guardian/?3.0|1.1g.h19|c.1g.0.d.1g.0|1g.71j.1c.71j.1g.71j.1c.71j.1n.71j.1c.71j|2s.d1e.2s.0.3s.0.3s.0.2s.d1e.2s.d1e|0.0.u64b.u28b.a2|2b.0||e
2) http://gw2buildcraft.com/calculator/guardian/?3.0|1.1g.h19|c.1g.h19.d.1g.h2|1c.71j.1g.71j.1n.71j.1g.71j.1c.71j.1g.71j|2s.d1e.2s.0.3s.0.3s.0.2s.d1e.2s.d1e|0.0.u64b.u28b.a0|2b.0||e

10 power
+37effective power
+1% crit damage
+8 precision (
0.28% crit chance)
+42 thougness (about 1% less damage)
+42 effective armor (obviously lol)
+8 vitality (80hp)

in my opinion it seems to be better the first one… but i want to know your opinion about them.

Second point,
sigils: generosity is a must and i need them on both weapons because if i swap and i need to activate it (during an hard fight for exemple) i have to wait 9 sec in order to swap and hope in his activation… so i need it on every main weapon.
The problem is with the sigil on the focus:
which one should i use?
remember that i dont use sword/focus as main source of dps but as utility and, only then, dps. So i’m looking for a sigili which can give me bonuses also for GS and i thought that battle was the answer (because after get 3 might stacks i can swap and use them with GS…) and i dont think it shares cd with rune of generosity because them are from 2 different sets of sigils…
anyway, any suggestion for the second sigil is well accepted

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


hmm, is buildcraft down for anyone else right now? i was just working on it and then now i can’t open your links.

1) but, back on topic.. lol, the difference really isn’t huge tbh. if you’ve already the gear in place for one or the other, just stick with it. though i may have a different view when being able to actually view the builds.. but i doubt it. : )) for now, i’d go with more dmg personally. so i guess the first one as well just based on stat differences.

2) hmm, again, more testing is to be done. though for now i stand by my original comment that they share the same CD, even though different sets / types of sigils. stated on the wiki as well as stated by many other players, it’s believed that ALL sigils share the same cooldown. which is why i never mix on-swap and on-crit sigils, though i would love to be able to mix and match them.

i guess you could relatively easily test it in the Heart of the Mists? ideally with a friend in an empty arena so they can keep applying conditions on you. get as high crit chance as possible, keep attacking them with your GS, wait for a crit and sigil proc, and then immediately swap to Sword Focus and see if you get the 3 might stacks.

and if, Battle indeed doesn’t work and would interfere with potential Generosity procs, and you don’t want force or accuracy, then maybe you can go with either Sigil of Perception or Bloodlust to build up stacks. though this means you would have to be active in your Sword/Focus set when enemies die (you don’t have to land killing blow with your sword/focus, just need to have them out when you had done enough dmg to get credit to said enemies for the stacks to build). then again, when yuor reach 25 stacks, you’re potentially “wasting” a sigil slot.

[added: if anything, i want to say accuracy is still a good bet. since you’ll have 9s where you’ll be in Sword/Focus whenever you swap to it even if for utility purposes.. you have Generosity on the mainhand, so an extra 5% crit chance could never hurt. plus, the sword hits hard too, so more chance to crit, the better imo.]

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

(edited by akamon.2769)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


hmm, is buildcraft down for anyone else right now? i was just working on it and then now i can’t open your links.

Works for me – perhaps you wore it out! ;-)

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


hmm, is buildcraft down for anyone else right now? i was just working on it and then now i can’t open your links.

Works for me – perhaps you wore it out! ;-)

oh noes. lolll that, or the office is catchnig on to me.

either way, back to work i go now! lolll cya folk soon enough. ; ))

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


I know for sure that stat enhancing sigils like sigil of accuracy and sigil on swap like energy do stack. I get endurance and my stat sheet gets higher crit chance when swapping.

What i noticed dont stack are crit effect sigils and swap.

Earlier i tested it with strength and battle (swap and crit) and they dont stack.

Main hand will trigger first but you can trigger off hand as well, if its a swap sigil like energy and you have less than 100% endurance and are in combat. if you do trigger energy (or any other swap sigil effect) it sets the main hand on cooldown, in my case fire and fire cant trigger.

So you can have two sigils but can never have the effect of both crit and swap in the same cycle. And you cant have the effect from two crit sigils either, if you have two the one in the main hand is the one that triggers.

Same goes for stacking on kill and here you cant benefit from having two different sigils even if they are in two different sets of weapons.

Hope that clarifies things.

(edited by Brutaly.6257)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


(BAM done for the day and i am back lol XDD)

just to add, if you have say, two on-crit sigils, one on mainhand the other on offhand, i think it will work out like this:

Upon critical hit:
Mainhand sigil will be tested for on crit proc

—> successful proc – both MH and OH sigils go on CD, according to MH CD duration
—> unsuccessful proc – Offhand sigil will be tested for on crit proc

Offhand sigil tested for on-crit proc
—>successful proc – both MH and OH sigil will go on CD, based on OH CD duration
—> unsuccessful proc – both sigils remain off CD, MH sigil will be tested again on next critical hit

so of course, it doesn’t make sense to have two on-crit sigils on an MH/OH set since you’re basing the sigil on the OH to have a chance to trigger, on the chance that the MH sigil doesn’t trigger when it has a chance to trigger. that’s a lot of chance. ; ))

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


This is usually my goto for Sigil global cooldown information:


It’s a few months old, but I believe still valid.

Long store short though: Both effect on swap and effect on crit sigils share a global cooldown timer. The variance in behaviour between sigils is most likely down to the difference in internal cooldown duration between them ( some have 9 seconds, others as low as 1 second )

Although it doesn’t mention it directly, it does seem to imply Akamon is correct with running duel on-crit sigils giving 2 chances to proc once per crit

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

(edited by Tarsius.3170)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Guys wait a moment… i’m always more confused… this is the set:

GS: sigil of generosity

MH: sigil of generosity -> 60% on crtit
OH: sigil of battle -> 3might on swap

when i go from GS to S/F i get surely 3 stacks of might… but, this is the question, will i still be able to activate generosity from MH sword?

ps: so the winner is

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


Well if that link is still accurate, then no – the 9-10 second ICD of Battle will prevent the on-crit sigil from firing for the duration.

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

(edited by Tarsius.3170)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


No! 15 chars…

EDIT: a bit more than 15 chars. You are better off with a stat enhancing sigil and in your case 5% more crit chance since you like crits.

Im a bit uncertain about the stack on kill sigils though, i only use them in two handers and double sigils isnt an issue.

(edited by Brutaly.6257)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


kitten …
ok now the problem is to find a good combination. here are few combination i find interesting… which one is better in your opinion, and works?
→ sigil of battle (swap) + sigil of accuracy
→ sigil of battle (swap) + bloodlust or perception
→ sigil of accuracy + bloodlust
→ sigil of generosity + accuracy
→ sigil of generosity + perception

thank you

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


so if you’re sticking with Generosity on your GS, i wouldn’t put Battle on your Sword/Focus set at all. The “don’t mix on-swap + on-crit sigils” applies across your weapon sets and not just between MH and OH sets. again, global cooldown.

so any of the bottom 3 would work. though i’m still inclined towards Generosity + Accuracy.

I like having a separate weapon set for stacking sigils. so bloodlust or perception on both another set of GS and sword/focus, then when u hit max stacks switch to gen+gen/acc.

it’s pricey but most “effective” based solely on building stacks the fastest. :PPP though of course you have to take into acct your playstyle and since generosity seems an integral part of your gameplay, maybe Generosity + Perception would be good.

hope this helps!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


so if you’re sticking with Generosity on your GS, i wouldn’t put Battle on your Sword/Focus set at all. The “don’t mix on-swap + on-crit sigils” applies across your weapon sets and not just between MH and OH sets. again, global cooldown.

so any of the bottom 3 would work. though i’m still inclined towards Generosity + Accuracy.

I like having a separate weapon set for stacking sigils. so bloodlust or perception on both another set of GS and sword/focus, then when u hit max stacks switch to gen+gen/acc.

it’s pricey but most “effective” based solely on building stacks the fastest. :PPP though of course you have to take into acct your playstyle and since generosity seems an integral part of your gameplay, maybe Generosity + Perception would be good.

hope this helps!

mmm yes i agree with all…
anyway as you said the best for would be generosity + perception but there is another problem… i really dont like to farm sigil’s stacks… but on the other hand if i put on precision i get a 5% bonus only on the “utility” set… while with perception i get precision also for the main one…
… but i’m pretty sure that will be better generosity + perception…

edit: since 21 precision = 1% crit chance… it means that to reach 5% i need 105precision and so 11 kills… that’s pretty hard in wvw … unless i want to farm it on mobs… which is pretty boring :<

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


Same goes for stacking on kill and here you cant benefit from having two different sigils even if they are in two different sets of weapons.

However you can put 2 of the same type on your 1 handed set, which will give you 2 stacks for every kill. I guess that’s handy if you are trying to charge up as quickly as possible.

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Guide updated to reflect the new build and changes with few tips for beginners and not

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


yea, agreed, if i’m having a bad day, i just give up with stack building. lol. and it’s best to not rely on them as much i feel, but if you can? then they’re definitely nice to have.

like Tarsius mentioned, one of the reasons why i suggested a “stacking” set is because you can build so fast, and with a stacking sigil on both MH and OH, when you have that set out, you get two stacks.

but again, it’s up to you : )) if you go with accuracy, you never have to worry lol but getting that perception stacks also affects your GS. other ways around this though, say for e.g. if you ever run in a party and say Warriors, can give decent fury uptime, and that’s a hefty 20% crit chance.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


yea, agreed, if i’m having a bad day, i just give up with stack building. lol. and it’s best to not rely on them as much i feel, but if you can? then they’re definitely nice to have.

like Tarsius mentioned, one of the reasons why i suggested a “stacking” set is because you can build so fast, and with a stacking sigil on both MH and OH, when you have that set out, you get two stacks.

but again, it’s up to you : )) if you go with accuracy, you never have to worry lol but getting that perception stacks also affects your GS. other ways around this though, say for e.g. if you ever run in a party and say Warriors, can give decent fury uptime, and that’s a hefty 20% crit chance.

at least i decided for perception because it affects also GS and isnt so hard to stack.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: foofad.5162


Second part, yeah i know, this is why food is so deceptive and makes it hard to compare.

I cant see that he uses that food in his last iteration btw.

No, I mean it does more damage and has higher health when using either no food or the same food.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Hey guys! i’ve added a new build:

it’s pretty similar to the first one but without rune of divinity! the cost is really low and the result maybe better than the first one!
pros: +21 power + 16 precision +3 thougness
cons: -52 vitality -1%crit damage

what do you think?

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


I don’t get what the argument is about. In WvW your dps is meaningless anyway and you gear for survivability, and in pve you should be full zerker anyway.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: foofad.5162


DPS is meaningless, it’s true. Burst damage is king though.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


I don’t get what the argument is about. In WvW your dps is meaningless anyway and you gear for survivability, and in pve you should be full zerker anyway.

“your dps is meaningless” -> i dont think
“gear for survivability” -> of course
“pve you should be full zerker” -> that’s not true… but if you want to do cof for the rest of your life (cof p1…)

dps should be very high (not so high if you are trying to compare a guardian with a warrior ful zerker of course).

ps: a full zerker guardian have “only” 58 more power with 800 less hp and 200 less thougness

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


foodfad what do you think about the last, and cheaper, build I created? better or worse than the one with rune of divinity?

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: foofad.5162


Ruby orbs work, but 5x Citadel +1x Ruby will get you slightly lower stats in exchange for free Fury for 37 seconds at a time, which is spectacular and will work well with your already respectable critical damage. Citadel runes are also cheaper than Ruby orbs.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

(edited by foofad.5162)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


i was going to say your HP seems a bit lower, but i think it’s more than fine. do you run more in big groups or small – med groups?

if you are sticking with ruby orbs instead of divinity, i want to agree with foofad here and say that citadel runes + ruby orb might be worth it. the added crit chance via fury will really make use of your high crit damage.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Ruby orbs work, but 5x Citadel +1x Ruby will get you slightly lower stats in exchange for free Fury for 37 seconds at a time, which is spectacular and will work well with your already respectable critical damage. Citadel runes are also cheaper than Ruby orbs.

mmm… thank you for the suggestion but… i can put in rune of cittadel mainly because i can’t keep up enough precision from equip and get at the same time the same power, thougness and vitality…
i know fury is 20% more critical chance but there is only a 5% chance… on hit… which isn’t a very importante number especially if you want to do burst.

i was going to say your HP seems a bit lower, but i think it’s more than fine. do you run more in big groups or small – med groups?

if you are sticking with ruby orbs instead of divinity, i want to agree with foofad here and say that citadel runes + ruby orb might be worth it. the added crit chance via fury will really make use of your high crit damage.

yes 800 more hp aren’t a so huge quantity

[minor update]

sobstitution of soldier boots for the knight one and sigil of perception with bloodlust.
The result is (without bloodlust/perception) stacks:
+26 more EP +1.16% crit chance +10 toughness

that will be a good one if combined with these 2 foods:
→ Bowl of Curry Pumpkin Soup (for lack of vitality)
→ Superior Sharpening Stone (for an increased power)

Build added to the main guide

(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: madd.7183


Need Suggestions/ Help

this is what im currently running in wvw


I need help balancing my gear so that i dont sacrifice to much hp but i do want my Precision to attest 45% and & 75% Cit Dmg im comfortable with my hp pool in 1600ish range i know its gunna be kinda hard but im stuck playing around with gear idk what to do please help thanks in advance.

PS: i like staff cus i usually run in large / medium groups and its good AOE 1 Spam dmg for decent loot drops.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


Need Suggestions/ Help

this is what im currently running in wvw


I need help balancing my gear so that i dont sacrifice to much hp but i do want my Precision to attest 45% and & 75% Cit Dmg im comfortable with my hp pool in 1600ish range i know its gunna be kinda hard but im stuck playing around with gear idk what to do please help thanks in advance.

PS: i like staff cus i usually run in large / medium groups and its good AOE 1 Spam dmg for decent loot drops.

this is the nearest to your description without change trinkets and runes/orbs

anyway i suggest you to change your rune and go for more vitality in rune and more precision in equip since in order to get precision, thougness and crit damage your only chooise are berserker and knight.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: madd.7183


Need Suggestions/ Help

this is what im currently running in wvw


I need help balancing my gear so that i dont sacrifice to much hp but i do want my Precision to attest 45% and & 75% Cit Dmg im comfortable with my hp pool in 1600ish range i know its gunna be kinda hard but im stuck playing around with gear idk what to do please help thanks in advance.

PS: i like staff cus i usually run in large / medium groups and its good AOE 1 Spam dmg for decent loot drops.

this is the nearest to your description without change trinkets and runes/orbs

anyway i suggest you to change your rune and go for more vitality in rune and more precision in equip since in order to get precision, thougness and crit damage your only chooise are berserker and knight.

Thank you Kjeldoran i’ll experiment with Zerk in chest and boots armor and see how much of a difference it makes, i think i have enough health and toughness as it is so why not take more dmg if i can with out hurting my over all defense, also i think zerk runes might help me alot , ….time to start saving my laurels.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849


[update] New AH build: cheaper, optimized and even more offensive!

i worked a lot on this build… and basically is formed to give you a better survivability and a greater damage burst. The only reduction is 1% less crit damage but on the contrary you get maximum power from equip, optimized precision form equip and equip + food, larger health pool (+ 1000 hp without food) and an optimized EP which reach 4918! (200 more EP than the previous build)

please comment and give me a feedback and suggestion thank you

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Blasino.3128



Your boots and coat should be zerker and your legs and and helm should be soldiers or knights for better stat ratios. The upgrade in your boots should be either the ruby or beryl orb.

Uturunku Yana, Guardian / Chullachaqui Yana, Engie
Group Stability is a hell of a Drug – Rick James

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kjeldoran.3849



Your boots and coat should be zerker and your legs and and helm should be soldiers or knights for better stat ratios. The upgrade in your boots should be either the ruby or beryl orb.

thank you for suggestion but i cant exchange those pieces. Here is the reason:
all stats are calculated at millimeter, apparently with your disposition (which is right for stats quantity) but you will gain wrong stats. You get a bit more EP and hp… but you lose toughness and precision which are voluntarily set to 1500 and 50%, respectively.
40 toughness for 80 hp isn’t a good exchange
1% crit chance for 14 power isn’t a good exchange

if you know any other solution in order to get 1500 (about) tougness (more, not less) please tell me.

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Blasino.3128


then use knights and a ruby orb… I suggested either one. So what would be the issue of going knights or a combo?

And how are you calculating this to a millimeter?

Uturunku Yana, Guardian / Chullachaqui Yana, Engie
Group Stability is a hell of a Drug – Rick James