HP issue

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: jihm.2315


is there any reason why i have to sit on around 11k hp on a dps guardian

while warriors can effortlessly sit at 20 k and have better mobility ,speed and healing signet which is the most hax skill in the game?

virtues are absolutely nothing if you dont add points to them so you cant say i have a lot access to protection and regeneration .

guardian is an ill version of warrior at the moment.

dont say anything about pve it doesnt count.

issues are firstly wvw and then spvp.

a warriors bet to survive is by moving around with superior speed and mobily dragging enemies from all directions and regenerate with healing signet while guardian has to pop all the cooldowns and then eventually die.

action combat made mmos better lol

(edited by jihm.2315)

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: styx.7294


I don’t think hit points on guardian are the issue. Adding a flat 10k hit points to all guardians is only going to make balance worse, not better.

Gate of Madness

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: AdenwaX.3108


You don’t run glass cannon pve build in WvW.. you could but don’t expect you to fight in a large group.

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Tons of protection, tons of regen, tons of dodge rolls, tons of healing. Try playing bunker and you’ll understand how tanky a guardian can be. Like styx.7294 said, it would be bad for the balance, since the bunker build will be super duper tanky.

DPS guardian sacrifices too much of its tankiness that IMO, not worth it. You can observe this chart made by fadeaway.2807: http://s27.postimg.org/nf571pco3/guarddps.jpg

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Trice.4598


Tons of protection, tons of regen, tons of dodge rolls, tons of healing. Try playing bunker and you’ll understand how tanky a guardian can be. Like styx.7294 said, it would be bad for the balance, since the bunker build will be super duper tanky.

DPS guardian sacrifices too much of its tankiness that IMO, not worth it. You can observe this chart made by fadeaway.2807: http://s27.postimg.org/nf571pco3/guarddps.jpg

Big problem with guardian is that you have to sacrifice everything to be efficient.
Also our buff are low duration but party wide, which is good for party but individually doesn’t help so much (such as 4 second protection, 3 second stability).

If we go DPS, our HP pool is so low that 1 mistake will most likely kill you. When you go Tank, you have no condition to back you up and your damage output is ridiculously low. I do agree that a 3000-4000 HP boost would be welcome.

However, guardian are in a very good place right now, and have nice damage mitigation that greatly help party but require a lot of timing with Aegis, condi cleanse and reflection

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Evalia.7103


And if you sit tight and combine both DPS, Tank and Support for Off-Tanky playstyle(fits in completely well with the lack of trinity), You’ll get quite a solid monster on your hands.
Inbetween all the selfish traits, Save Yourselves and Renewed Focus(Oh, and also Lyssa Runes, but anything with Boon Duration also hits the spot), having issues with Regeneration and Protection is something beyond me – it’s like having an issue with Aegis or Blinds on Guardian for me.
Well anyway, OP is so ignorant of it. I’ve played 1.1k hours on my warrior and then re-rolled to my Guardian, and never regretted my decision, actually feeling much stronger both in 1v1 and in teamwork.
Guardian mobility is on par with Warrior if we talk about sticking, too…

(edited by Evalia.7103)

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Tons of protection, tons of regen, tons of dodge rolls, tons of healing. Try playing bunker and you’ll understand how tanky a guardian can be. Like styx.7294 said, it would be bad for the balance, since the bunker build will be super duper tanky.

DPS guardian sacrifices too much of its tankiness that IMO, not worth it. You can observe this chart made by fadeaway.2807: http://s27.postimg.org/nf571pco3/guarddps.jpg

If we go DPS, our HP pool is so low that 1 mistake will most likely kill you. When you go Tank, you have no condition to back you up and your damage output is ridiculously low. I do agree that a 3000-4000 HP boost would be welcome.

Was I not being clear? I agree DPS guardian is too weak and some HP boost would help the build. But extra 3k-4k HP boost is not the solution because it would make bunker guardian to be too strong. Think about it like having almost twice of the Applied Fortitude buff. Do you not feel Applied Fortitude buff significant to your guardian?

Tanky guardian can actually deal decent DPS, depending on your traits. By tanky, I don’t mean full Soldier. Just use some mix offense/defense armor and trinkets and you’ll be tanky enough.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


I would like to see healing power scale better with Virtue of Resolve.

I mean, everybody ingame agrees that the warrior signet of healing is as close to a hack as you’ll get. So; if that’s just fine, why not give us a bit more than 130 healing per tick with ~850 healing power? I feel that should be more like 160-200 healing, which is STILL less than a warrior’s 400-600 healing per second with their signet and a health pool of 20k+ at all times. It might also encourage Battle Prescence more, whereas now, that trait just feels weak in WvW and PvP.

And don’t say that’s OP, in the middle of combat, where time seems to slow down and you take and deal damage in large numbers, healing for 130 per second doesn’t do all that much. Sure it’s ~1300 HP regen in ten seconds, but that’s if you’re not forced to use it to remove condi’s or heal people around you.

Not to mention 1300 is like a single average crit from most classes.

The health pool is low yes, very low, a minor buff wouldn’t hurt but I feel that that would make healing/tank guardians immortal, unfortunatly. SO it’s probably best to not mess around with it. Unfortunatly, that means Zerker guardians are basically a non-thing in most scenarios outside tPvP and some PvE situations. Just like a burning guardian build is actually really bad. :P

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Basche.2305


…healing for 130 per second doesn’t do all that much…

As someone who has played only a guardian for over a year now, I completely agree with you. Also, I’d like to point out that Virtue of Resolve’s passive healing actually only procs every 3 seconds where as the Warrior’s Healing Signet procs every 1.25 seconds. Quite a profound difference given the difference in how much they passively heal.

Member of Naturally Delicious [Yum]
Zephiere — Guardian
Yak’s Bend

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Turamarth.3248


As someone who has played only a guardian for over a year now, I completely agree with you. Also, I’d like to point out that Virtue of Resolve’s passive healing actually only procs every 3 seconds where as the Warrior’s Healing Signet procs every 1.25 seconds. Quite a profound difference given the difference in how much they passively heal.

I just tested it and for me it seems to proc every second.

Brandar – Kodash [DE]

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


is there any reason why i have to sit on around 11k hp on a dps guardian

while warriors can effortlessly sit at 20 k and have better mobility ,speed and healing signet which is the most hax skill in the game?

Probably because Guardian balance isn’t determined by what non-Guardian classes do?

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: foofad.5162


…healing for 130 per second doesn’t do all that much…

As someone who has played only a guardian for over a year now, I completely agree with you. Also, I’d like to point out that Virtue of Resolve’s passive healing actually only procs every 3 seconds where as the Warrior’s Healing Signet procs every 1.25 seconds. Quite a profound difference given the difference in how much they passively heal.

It’s every second. You might be confusing it with Battle Presence which drops a 3 second buff on people, but even that heals once a second.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Amins.3710


is there any reason why i have to sit on around 11k hp on a dps guardian

while warriors can effortlessly sit at 20 k and have better mobility ,speed and healing signet which is the most hax skill in the game?

Probably because Guardian balance isn’t determined by what non-Guardian classes do?

Don’t mind Obtena, jihm – she’s on Team Anet.

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: jihm.2315


is there any reason why i have to sit on around 11k hp on a dps guardian

while warriors can effortlessly sit at 20 k and have better mobility ,speed and healing signet which is the most hax skill in the game?

Probably because Guardian balance isn’t determined by what non-Guardian classes do?

really because its a different class it means there should not be any balance at all?

action combat made mmos better lol

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


is there any reason why i have to sit on around 11k hp on a dps guardian

while warriors can effortlessly sit at 20 k and have better mobility ,speed and healing signet which is the most hax skill in the game?

Probably because Guardian balance isn’t determined by what non-Guardian classes do?

really because its a different class it means there should not be any balance at all?

That’s your opinion that there is NO balance at all. It’s my opinion that you’re making sensational generalizations. Guardians have issues but … NO balance at all? You really want someone to respect that position? Certainly not anyone with the authority to change it.

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: jihm.2315


is there any reason why i have to sit on around 11k hp on a dps guardian

while warriors can effortlessly sit at 20 k and have better mobility ,speed and healing signet which is the most hax skill in the game?

Probably because Guardian balance isn’t determined by what non-Guardian classes do?

really because its a different class it means there should not be any balance at all?

That’s your opinion that there is NO balance at all. It’s my opinion that you’re making sensational generalizations. Guardians have issues but … NO balance at all? You really want someone to respect that position? Certainly not anyone with the authority to change it.

you did not make any valid argument your self either.
i dont speak to earn respect i speak for what i think is the truth.
there is no reason to bring a dps guardian over warrior in wvw since the healing signet overbuff.
so it would be good for guardian to get something in exchange.

yes compared to my class guardian and warrior , no balance at all…

action combat made mmos better lol

(edited by jihm.2315)

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I’m not making an argument, I’m just pointing out how sensational yours is. Your opinion is narrow and selective; you’ve cherry-picked your comparison to make your point. I could do the same to ‘prove’ your wrong, but that would be nonsense.

Instead I will direct you to the recent vote put to the players about the 3 worst classes. THAT is a better indication of where Guardians stand for balance. HINT: It’s not NO balance.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: jihm.2315


I’m not making an argument, I’m just pointing out how sensational yours is. Your opinion is narrow and selective; you’ve cherry-picked your comparison to make your point. I could do the same to ‘prove’ your wrong, but that would be nonsense.

Instead I will direct you to the recent vote put to the players about the 3 worst classes. THAT is a better indication of where Guardians stand for balance. HINT: It’s not NO balance.

i didnt say there are not worst classes but HINT: this is Guardian forum section and people talk about Guardians here.

you still didnt prove me where im wrong but dont bother .

action combat made mmos better lol

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I can’t disprove something that is your sensational opinion. I haven’t got an issue with people talking about Guardians but what are we talking about? Guardians are balanced at nothing according to you. That’s simply not an objective position, that’s not a starting point for a constructive discussion.

You want to have the focal point of your discussion around what warriors do that Guardians can’t. You picked warriors because it makes your statement for you. Why did you stop at warriors? If you would look at more classes, this would lead to a more objective, constructive discussion about where Guardians REALLY rank in the ‘balance’.

I want Guardians to get the necessary attention where it’s needed because frankly, if you only want to compare Guardians to one the more OPed classes in the game and concluding we aren’t OP’ed, then you’re going to have a hard time convincing anyone that there is actually a problem with Guardians.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Guardians should start with the highest armor rating. It’ll still keep the same basic disadvantage of being potentially bursted down and conditions.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: jihm.2315


why did i pick warriors..
because warriors are the problem and since they dont receive any critical nerf i think that classes should start balancing around them so the game becomes fair.

do i belive that guardians will get extra health ?
i think not .

but that does not stop me for expressing my opinion.
guardian does not completely suck but its getting more medicore with each patch and i dont think its very logical to have the lowest health on a heavy armored class that is mele oriented and takes beating.

action combat made mmos better lol

(edited by jihm.2315)

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: notabot.3497


Meta for pvp/wvw changes over time. There was a time where warriors with the worst pvp class, now they aren’t. This is the result of patches and shifting counterplay. Deal with it, its just how competitive games are.

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


but that does not stop me for expressing my opinion.

… and no one said you shouldn’t. I’m simply challenging your point of view because like I said, professions aren’t balanced (or shown to be unbalanced) based on a singular comparison to what is already OP’ed.

guardian does not completely suck but its getting more medicore with each patch and i dont think its very logical to have the lowest health on a heavy armored class that is mele oriented and takes beating.

Other classes are just as melee oriented and take beatings as well, so the only thing that seems exceptional from your statement is the heavy armor … which makes me think that it’s COMPLETELY logical for the heaviest armored class to have the lowest health tier.

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: jihm.2315


but that does not stop me for expressing my opinion.

… and no one said you shouldn’t. I’m simply challenging your point of view because like I said, professions aren’t balanced (or shown to be unbalanced) based on a singular comparison to what is already OP’ed.

guardian does not completely suck but its getting more medicore with each patch and i dont think its very logical to have the lowest health on a heavy armored class that is mele oriented and takes beating.

Other classes are just as melee oriented and take beatings as well, so the only thing that seems exceptional from your statement is the heavy armor … which makes me think that it’s COMPLETELY logical for the heaviest armored class to have the lowest health tier.

obviously thats why warriors have low tier HP you are either trolling or trolling

who do u see in front lines in wvw elementalists and rangers ofc

action combat made mmos better lol

(edited by jihm.2315)

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


obviously thats why warriors have low tier HP …

You’re almost there … do Guardians need a boost to balance or does something else need to happen? Maybe warriors SHOULDN’T be in the top tier of HP. You approach really didn’t consider that did it? You just concluded Guardians need more HP because it’s what you want, not because it makes sense.

Don’t get me wrong, Guardians need work but more HP isn’t going to fix that. You get to take another hit while your opponent is running circles around you … so what?

(edited by Obtena.7952)

HP issue

in Guardian

Posted by: Basche.2305


…healing for 130 per second doesn’t do all that much…

As someone who has played only a guardian for over a year now, I completely agree with you. Also, I’d like to point out that Virtue of Resolve’s passive healing actually only procs every 3 seconds where as the Warrior’s Healing Signet procs every 1.25 seconds. Quite a profound difference given the difference in how much they passively heal.

It’s every second. You might be confusing it with Battle Presence which drops a 3 second buff on people, but even that heals once a second.

Ah your, right. I guess it just slipped my mind.

Member of Naturally Delicious [Yum]
Zephiere — Guardian
Yak’s Bend