

in Guardian

Posted by: gindoom.6032



Hammer needs a boost, we all know it.

Can we at least start by reverting the Judge’s Intervention + Mighty Blow combo to work again.



in Guardian

Posted by: Sird.4536


Care to list what you think needs a boost? Last time I checked JI wasn’t a hammer skill.

RP enthusiast


in Guardian

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Please explain?

Hammer + quickness gives some of the best dps over time that a guardian has.

Do you want Mighty blow to have a longer distance? Banish to have a shorter CD? Auto-attack to have a faster attack rate (which would push the weapon over the top with quickness imo).

The only skill I’m not a fan of Ring of Warding. I would rather is provided a short reflect, because I rarely use it. I actually had to look up its name because I forget about the skill.


in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.3952


@pve heroes
This clearly isn’t a pve thread. Op was talking about ji not usable midair which includes midcast on mightyblow.
I agree but I think staff needs the biggest boost out of our weapons.

#1 gerdian na
0 counterplay


in Guardian

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


hammer auto attack needs to be able to land more consistently in pvp

mighty blow is fine, but the JI interaction needs to be reverted

number 3 skill is absolutely horrible, not only does it move slower than molasses, is only a thin narrow line, but it can actually be reflected back by projectile hate.

banish needs faster casting and shorter recharge

ring of warding needs to be able to be used while moving.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que


in Guardian

Posted by: Reliquary.8952


Yes, clearly a pvp thread, cause they’re the only ones complaining on this forum.


in Guardian

Posted by: gindoom.6032


Let me clarify,

This is for PvP.

In the past the 2 skills would be combined. Honestly the 1500 jump is decent to any1 remembering the hammer, when it was meta. The combo is more important then the jump and critical to the hammer skill – both would be nice. I am only requesting that they start by bringing that back. I can list lots of changes that would be decent , but really I am only looking for the anet team to make a simple change that might bring a lot of fun back into hammer.

I am asking the GW2 community to at least agree or disagree with this change so we can make it happen or move on .

Thank you all for your thoughts.