Hammer/Greatsword WvW

Hammer/Greatsword WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Mickey mb.8690

Mickey mb.8690

Hi every1! I finally came back after a 6-month brake. Can somebody give me a good, effective build with hammer/GS that I can use in WvW, since I don’t know a lot a bout the changes in builds since I haven’t played in last months. I’d be very thankfull if someone could do that for me. Ty!

Day walker, night stalker…

Hammer/Greatsword WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

Hammer/Greatsword WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Hammer/Greatsword WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: borgs.6103


I found these helpful too. Thanks!