Hammer Is not what It should be like!

Hammer Is not what It should be like!

in Guardian

Posted by: Branix.7801


I really think the Guardians Hammer should be boosted speed wise, like as fast as the warriors. I know that the Guardian has the cast time for the hammer because of the symbol at the end but seriously a warrior has a smash skill that wrecks everything. I really don’t like it at the moment its soooo slooooow and needs to be made faster and more reliable, for example, No.1 skill needs to be made faster (like the warriors). No 2 skill is fine, its a great skill love it! No.3 is fine, good for pulling foes to one place or covering an area. No.4 is fine. But skill No. 5, geez that is a bad skill for wvw/pvp that is slow and annoying, by the time you cast it the enemy is 20 meters ahead (not exactly but you get my point). I just don’t really use the hammer for these reasons and thats probably why I see every guardian with a weapon thats not the 2h Hammer. Thanks guys

Hammer Is not what It should be like!

in Guardian

Posted by: Voltron.1043


LoL, all reasons you wrote- thats why I love Hammer on guardian! I only use Hammer on My Guardian as Main Wepon, sometimes GS, but I love Hammer! I agree with one point, 3rd attack from chain with symbol should be little faster. But still- love Guardian hammer more than Warriors. And 5 skill is cool, when u use it right for interrupt, isolate target, close entrence, cover escape. I use it all the time! My 3 cents ^^

Hammer Is not what It should be like!

in Guardian

Posted by: ironzerg.3196


The first and second attacks on skill one are 1/2 second, just like the warrior’s hammer. There’s a big difference between the third chain attacks, and reasonably so.

The third attack on the warrior chain does AOE damage.

The third attack on the guardian chain hits like a truck AND drops a symbol that does even more damage AND gives you 33% damage reduction AND creates a combo field.

That’s why it’s “slow”.

The guardian also has a huge edge thanks to our number 2 skill, which has a fast activation, a leap AND big AOE damage AND is a blast finisher. The only blast finisher the warrior has is their burst skill, with no combo fields on any of their skills.

Guardian hammer >> warrior hammer.

Hammer Is not what It should be like!

in Guardian

Posted by: Adayes.1425


Realize that hammer’s Ring of Warding is different than Staff’s Line of Warding and learn to use it, it’s really useful and not so bad skill. And 1’st skill chain is long, but it’s beacuse of symbol you apply (you make this symbol under your opponent even when he run’s out of range, so maybe that’s why is so long).

Hammer Is not what It should be like!

in Guardian

Posted by: Kromsin.6359


I still laugh when people run into the ring of warding. The 3 rd hammer hit on 1 you need to time your dodge