Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: albotelho.2931


Hello fellow Guardians, just to share your thoughts about the other professions in PvP. WvW is ususally zerged but I had some nice opportunities for some 1v1.

For now in my experiences I had the most trouble with Mesmers… just hate the amount of conditions they can throw on you and those mean phantasms! lol

How are you doing fighting other professions?

Turig Wolfsbane Norn Guardian
Rangrorn Charr Necromancer
Ultimate Legion [UL]

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Blutkrieg.1320


I kill everything. I’m running a Sword\Torch Teleport Burning Condition.

Officer [VILE] – Desolation

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: station.6421


The most trouble I have are mine and grenade engineers for me… Mesmers are pretty easy with GS.

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Vaeyrune.6804


I kill everything. I’m running a Sword\Torch Teleport Burning Condition.

I like your moves.

I’m so good, I astound myself!

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Honestly. Another guardian. I’ve fought at lest 5 1v1s against other guardians and they all ended up with us walking away from each other.

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


Mesmers. But it could be a personal failing, and not one of the profession, as I’ve also faced Mesmers who went down easily.

“Come on, hit me!”

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Ifrit.7296


necro’s. Mesmers are a cake walk if u use GS + spirit hammer for cc.

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Khenzy.9348


Phantasm Mesmers, Scepter condition Necros, LDB spamming bleed thieves, Pistol+Dagger Venom thieves, Sword+Dagger daze (tactical strike) spam heavy stealth thieves, tanky control Mace+Hammer healling shouts Warrior, perma immobilize rifle net-turret power Engineers, spirit weapon (with hammer spirit) Guardians, Scepter+Focus Stone Shard spamming condition based Elementalists.

Not professions, but specific builds.

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Jesus.9142


Easily a engineer. If they drop supply crate it’s over.
I normally run a boon focused build and find everything apart from them are easy. Main reason is every class gets owned by our ret, op boons, and great burst damage. Engineer is only class that can kite us fairly easily and then give us a big burst in two shots while ret is down. Hammer warriors can be a pain too due to their crazy defence and cc.

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Lazuul.7350


I have problems with rangers. I use Sword/Focus and Scepter/Shield, so I have amazing control over how close I am to my opponent. Rangers don’t seem to care if they are next to me or not. The pet is always attacking me and the Ranger uses either a bow or ax with Whirling Defense. Either way they rip through my blocking power.

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Evangeline.8197


Other guardians with specific builds actually.. any class with a specific conditional damage build seems to either be the bane of my existence that and cloak thieves, because they run really really really fast and they’re cloaked so… yeah can’t kill something you can’t catch granted they can’t kill me either.

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Trungalung.7850


I only lost to a ranger 1v1 so far (didn’t die yet b/c it was interrupted by reinforcement, but the fight was going downhill for me). I was getting my behind kited so hard it’s not even funny.

Hardest profession to kill as a Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: roachsrealm.9284


anyone who knew to dodge and kite while I was using bubbles, and to attack when I wasn’t. Basically anyone who mimics me. If they attack when I attack and they defend when I do, Im going down. Guardian 1v1 is so much about feint strategy with the right reaction time. If they are ready for it, there is little you can do without the classic KDs.

Smitten Mittens (The Gothic Embrace [Goth], Fort Aspenwood)