Having a hard time killing with this build
Looks like a Healway variant.
One of the problems with Guardians is that we don’t have access to cripple or easy access to chill, which means it’s very hard to catch someone trying to kite you. Sadly, it’s a fact of life – you’re packing two teleports, which is a start, but unless you also bring Bane Signet and a scepter for immobilize, you can kiss anyone that wants to get away from you goodbye. It’s just not gonna happen. Staff’s Line of Warding can also work as a knockdown but it’s also incredibly fiddly and vulnerable to Stability; same deal with Hammer’s Ring of Warding.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
Staff’s Line of Warding can also work as a knockdown but it’s also incredibly fiddly and vulnerable to Stability; same deal with Hammer’s Ring of Warding.
And you don’t really want to be stuck in staff for 10 seconds when you’re already having a hard time killing people.. staff is decent in some TPVP builds when your goal is to survive as long as possible as a Point Defender Bunker, or in Zerg versus Zerg to tag a lot of people but it will never work on a roamer whose purpose is to kill other roamers.
The only guardian build that can kill anything that’s trying to flee from you in WvWvW are the triple meditation DPS builds. They are terrible for zerg vs zerg and don’t offer much sustain/survivability but they are your only hope if you’re looking more toward roaming and dueling people in open fields. These builds rely on damaging your opponent as fast as you can so that they will die before they successfully flee from you. Three gap closers, some burning, enough healing to let you stand a decent 1vs1. The base of the build is 0/30/30/0/0, the remaining 10 points are up to your personal taste/preference. Gear is zerker trinkets, zerker weapons, ruby orbs and some PVT on your armor. Utilities are.. it should be obvious, it’s in the name of the build. Greatsword, sword focus, sigil of hydromancy on focus and GS, force on sword.
Yeah, good point. Though, even on my burst Meds guardian I can’t catch thieves that want to stay gone if I don’t land my burst.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.