Healing Power - How good is it? Questions
healing power is really bad.
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.
Healing power is really bad.
This is true. It’s very dependent on how well abilities scale with it, which generally isn’t a 1 on 1 conversion. I don’t have exact numbers, but you need loads of +healing in order to make a meaningful difference.
As far as I know, it is something like this:
Virtue of Resolve FORMULA: 0,06x+84
- Active FORMULA: 0,75x+1625
Altruistic Healing FORMULA: 0,01x+69
Pure of Heart FORMULA: 0,1x+645
Writ of the Merciful FORMULA: 0,075x+107
Regeneration FORMULA:0,125x+130
Selfless Daring FORMULA:x+129
Orb of Light FORMULA: 0,4x+660
Faithful Strike FORMULA: 0,18x+335
Monk’s Focus FORMULA: 0,1x+1960
Zealous Blade FORMULA: 25
Which is a little pitiful if you ask me.
P.S.: Pre 11/15 update.
I enjoy it wildly. I run 0/0/10/30/30 myself. No AH, but the heals from dodge rolls + Resolve + regeneration add up to a metric puppyton of healing output.
For reference, I run 3/6 Dwayna and 3/6 Water and will be swapping from Dwayna to Monk as soon as I have the time to grind AC. I also use Sigils of Energy on both primary weapons (scepter and GS) and a Sigil of Life on my focus. The extra 250, though it may take some time to build up to, is wonderful if you’re already stacking HP.
I won’t claim to be a pro though. Their may statistically be a better way to approach my type of build (support with some force behind it via Power stacking—I use Cleric’s gear) in terms of survival. I’ve yet to see any solid math stating that one thing is better than another though…so I just go with experience for now.
Can’t wait to see some written out theorycrafting though.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)