Healing/support build for dungeons
Writs are always better than Battle Presence because BP doesn’t heal you or other Guardians in your party, which is very important if you’re pugging.
All boon duration is always better especially if you’re running any shouts.
You don’t need more boon duration. Go with damage food, unless you have a very specific and compelling reason to do otherwise.
Lastly, for God’s sake get rid of Signet of Mercy. It’s awful. You should also get rid of Sanctuary, which is okay but has a horrendous cooldown. Replace them with Purging Flames and Wall of Reflection.
I realize you didn’t come here asking for this particular bit of advice, but I’m compelled to give it to you anyway; Your damage is awful. Think of it this way: The objective of the dungeon is to kill things and get to the end. You aren’t helping with that if you aren’t doing damage. By and large, people can take care of themselves. Dedicated healers really aren’t needed in this game. But with all that said, it’s still possible to do good healing and condition removal without completely sacrificing your damage. I put up a build a couple weeks ago on that topic that you should take a look at and modify to your preferences.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
I would say healing support is trash, but ANet are nerfing zerkers anyway, so maybe you’ll be the new meta.
MorrĂ¯ Mahariel | Serah Mahariel | MorrĂ¯
A bunch of amateur solos from yours truly
I would say healing support is trash, but ANet are nerfing zerkers anyway, so maybe you’ll be the new meta.
Source? Zerkers will never get nerfed! Long Live Zerkers Forever!
1. Zerkers never make mistakes or die or even downed in dungeons!
2. Zerkers time all dodges perfectly!
3. Zerkers never need healing and never take damage!
4. Zerkers kill the boss before it even has the chance to attack or even spawn!
5. Zerkers can run every dungeon path within 2 hours then sit in LA for 3 hours!
Source is this braindead post:
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
i’m opposed to healing power but use it in moderation if at all, going full healing power deserves a kick
This is what I came up with. It focuses on team support so I chose Battle Presence over Altruistic Healing. I would like to hear your suggestions about:
1. Battle Presence vs Writ of Merciful vs Writ of Persistence. Which combination gives better party heal? I understand that Battle Presence works well with Absolute Resolution. I don’t know if I would be able to get greater healing from larger symbols giving pure healing + regeneration or passive effect of Virtue of Resolve
2. 2x Runes of the Traveler or 2x Runes of Dwayna? Is all boon (including regen) duration better than +50 pure healing power and +20% regen duration
3. Which food should I use? I was thinking about Chocolate Omnomberry Cream, Bowl of Saffron-Mango Ice Cream and Omnomberry Cookie
First, you need a more reliable way to remove Poison.
Take Purging Flames instead of Signet of Mercy.
The reason is, Poison reduces Healing Effectiveness and will make your build only 66% of what it is. It pretty much destroys your build.
Let me give you simple number breakdown, you have 2007 Healing Power in your build.
Poison makes you lose 33% Healing Power.
0.33 × 2007 = 682.38
The Signet of Mercy’s +180 Healing Power really pales in compensating the amount of Healing Power you lose(-682) if your party is Poisoned.
Absolute Resolution alone is not enough to deal with conditions, they tend to reapply fast. Specially because you are not using Renewed Focus to recharge it. On top of that, Purging Flames would reduce the Poison duration if it is reapplied within the next few seconds, so it is a good choice. It is also a consecration, so it will benefit from your traits.
1. I would take Writ of Persistence instead of Writ of Exaltation.
In a fight, you are likely to be right next to your allies hitting the boss in melee. A larger Symbol does not do much if everyone is already in the smaller area, but 2 extra ticks of Writ of Merciful will heal for more, on top of getting your Symbols boons to last longer.
2. Mace’s Regen can be maintained rather easily specially if you take Writ of Persistence. It would take you 35% boon duration to maintain Regen permanently
(6 seconds of Regen x 1.35 = 8.1 seconds of Regen. Symbol’s Recharge is 8 seconds)
provided you stay in Mace. Therefore either 2x Dwayna or 2x Traveler is enough for Regen coverage. However, it might be better to simply not take either and use Chocolate Omnomberry Cream or even Chocolate Raspberry Cream to reach 34-40% boon duration. You can then use a completely different set of Runes that focuses on other things instead.
A boon can only stack up to 9 times in duration.
source: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Swiftness-Bug-when-40s/first#post3448857
You can also see this by simply casting Hallowed Ground, you will see that it skips some applications.
If you are trying to stack Regen too much with long boon durations, you are losing out because at some point Regen will simply stop re-applying it. Take enough so that it can be maintained, maybe a little more in case you need to switch weapon(you are also using Hold the Line which gives Regen) but it seems like a waste of runes to keep going up boon duration for just Regen that can be maintained easily.
3. Covered in 2.
Given that you have Writ of Merciful + Regen + Protection + Battle Presence + Shield of Absorption heal, it is very unlikely that you will ever need to use Tome of Courage. The “just in case” does not pull its weight compared to taking another elite such as Renewed Focus. You might also consider taking Save Yourselves instead of Sanctuary, then take 6 Runes of Lyssa and see the amazing combo below.
What you can do with Renewed Focus:
Use all your Virtues as necessary.
Use Save Yourselves to pull all conditions to you, and gain many boons from Save Yourselves.
Use Renewed Focus to gain Invulnerability, all boons for 5 seconds and remove all conditions you just brought on you with Save Yourselves.
You now have your Virtues back again.
This gives you 4 condition removal skills(Purging Flames, Absolute Resolution, Save Yourselves+Renewed Focus, Absolute Resolution again) which your build is really lacking in right now, plus a ton of boons on yourself. It is definitely more than enough to take care of Poison which pretty much ruins your build, so it is vital that you cleanse it.
(edited by Turtle Dragon.9241)
4. don’t use full healing power if it all
Thanks for all the feedback. I know healing is not the current meta and it’s not the fastest build to run through dungeons. I also know that there is no ‘designed healer’ but there is huge imbalance in builds used nowadays, vast majority of them being zerker builds. That’s also the reason why some dungeons are not popular as they could be, as they require more balanced teams. I just like healing classes, played monk in GW1 for 4 years and I also prefer green numbers over red ones. And while some people can take care of themselves, it gives additional possibilities to run with 1 full healing guardian. Lately I’ve been doing Mai Trin fractal (lvl 11+, it may be invalid for higher), where we stacked near her with our guardian overhealing all the damage and her shield came down real quick.
Especially thank you for pointing out lack of condition removal in my build. I got used to thinking that conditions are removed by prot monk ^^
i do level 49 fractals and healing won’t make a difference there, you can give your team tons of support if not more in a dps build as dead enemies do no damage and blind spamming