Healway still a thing?
kinda, but its shut down by anyone with perma poison, ie. thieves/necros
kinda, but its shut down by anyone with perma poison, ie. thieves/necros
Not really, the heals are still huge.
It’s a great for roaming around in a small group or in a guild raid.
I still use it. My party loves it -.-
I still use it for roaming, although I find the medi burst builds to be more fun. It’s not really the best at killing things, but it can hold out for quite awhile if you make the proper moves.
It’s a bit slow unless you’re using the traveler runes, or unless you have someone to give you swiftness. I like using the trooper runes since it helps a ton with condi clear.
I guess you could always slot retreat if you wanted to ensure more mobility though.
Depends on the meta you are playing. I believe in WvW there are too many conditions so it is more a game of speed.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
If I were you, I’d only use it for group play/commanding at this point. It’s an easy build to move around a map with (high potential Swiftness uptime) and good for staying alive through snipe attempts and overwhelming hostile AoE.
Zerker/DPS builds are certainly more useful for roaming these days. Too many condis.
I still run the build and have some success with it.
If I were you, I’d only use it for group play/commanding at this point. It’s an easy build to move around a map with (high potential Swiftness uptime) and good for staying alive through snipe attempts and overwhelming hostile AoE.
Zerker/DPS builds are certainly more useful for roaming these days. Too many condis.
How do you kill Mesmers as a Guardian in WvW? Because I’m at my wit’s end.
In PvP they are super squishy. I close the gap asap, then keep pressuring them until they run out of tricks and die.
But when I face them in WvW they are so tanky I can barely make a dent in them. Maybe I should go full glass cannon but then I’ll explode in 1vX because Guard has bad disengaging abilities.
So what do? I’m starting to think that this class is just crap at roaming, which would explain why noone roams with it.
I haven’t really roamed in almost a year (or more), so I couldn’t tell you. The only times I enjoyed roaming anymore was with a DPS build in complex areas like the ruins and cliff areas around EBG, where I could abuse LoS to manage 1vX fights. If you’re trying to find Mesmers in the open field, they have a huge advantage, so I’d just avoid them.