Help me find a good tanky pve guardian build

Help me find a good tanky pve guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: JellyRabbit.2978


Hello i’m playing guardian for a while now but i’m very weak, im not that tanky and i deal absolutely no damage like maximum 2.5k crit with hammer “2” skill.(important to mention i got about 26% crit chance )

does anyone know a good build for me to use which is tanky, good at taking mob aggro in dungeons and deals a normal amount of damage?

(edited by JellyRabbit.2978)

Help me find a good tanky pve guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Brace yourself for the " bunker builds are for noobs", “no such thing as taking aggro”, “AH sucks”, “full zerker rules” etc…

tanky, good at taking mob aggro in dungeons and deals a normal amount of damage? Go with Strifes build for sure|1.1n.h1|2.1n.h1|1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x|4s.d1f.2s.d1e.3s.d1e.1n.67.1n.67.2s.d1e|0.0.u56b.u298.a6|54.k|d.|e

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Help me find a good tanky pve guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: JellyRabbit.2978


Brace yourself for the " bunker builds are for noobs", “no such thing as taking aggro”, “AH sucks”, “full zerker rules” etc…

tanky, good at taking mob aggro in dungeons and deals a normal amount of damage? Go with Strifes build for sure|1.1n.h1|2.1n.h1|1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x|4s.d1f.2s.d1e.3s.d1e.1n.67.1n.67.2s.d1e|0.0.u56b.u298.a6|54.k|d.|e

ty for the answer, looks like a nice build and ill try it out

Help me find a good tanky pve guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Bloodgruve.6038


Hammer’s Symbol of Protection makes you tanky too. AH+Hammer is super good for survivability but you’re sacrificing a lot of damage. Learn AH and love it but if you really love something you will set it free. When you do you could give a 10/30/0/30/0 a try also. Good DPS, lotsa damage mitigation and with a few good dodges quite workable as an ‘anchor’. Switch Superior Aria with Writ of Exaltation if you want a bigger puddle but the new symbol is quite large. This is great as it will give your melee protection also, WoE will prolly let your symbol hit your ranged guys as well. I’ve used this in Arah and FotM 20, after 20 things start to hit just a bit too hard though so you’ll need more proactive damage mitigation. Make note of the rune setup, those and WoPresistance gives you 100% uptime on Protection.

I will normally hit 4K to 5K on Mighty Blast and 9K to 11K on an autoattack chain including symbol damage IIRC. Will do better in a group setting with vulnerability and might.


“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”

(edited by Bloodgruve.6038)

Help me find a good tanky pve guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: subclavian.5839


My latest build:|2.1n.h2|2.1n.h1|1n.a7.1n.a7.1n.a7.1n.a7.1n.a7.1n.a7|31j.e16.31j.e16.21j.e13.3v.e16.2v.e13.2v.e13|0.a2.u46b.u27b.0|54.k|v.1b.16.19.1i|e

Same effective power as strife, better effective health, better damage reduction, more heals-per-second, and cheaper.