Help me optimize my hybrid build!

Help me optimize my hybrid build!

in Guardian

Posted by: Khenzy.9348


I’ve been working on this hybrid build:|1.1n.h1j|6.1n.h1j|1g.7x.1k.7x.1k.7x.1g.7x.1k.7x.1g.7x|311.e17.311.e16.211.e14.211.e14.311.e16.2v.e14|0.0.k56.u29b.k69|4h.1|w.16.y.19.1i|e

Without AH but with Absolute Resolution, Pure of Voice and Soldier Runes, this is the most well-rounded build I could come up with. The problem is that I was never a fan of not having AH (plus decent condition removal). So if I want AH I have to sacrifice either Pure of Voice (which is overrated without Soldier Runes, but pretty decent with these) or Absolute Resolution, sometimes incredibly underrated, hence why I’ve taken it instead of, shockingly, AH. Obviously, I was not convinced yet, like most of you, I just like AH too much.

So I rearranged my traits and came up with something like this:|1.1n.h1j|6.1n.h1j|1k.7r.1c.7r.1a.71g.1k.71g.1a.71h.1k.71h|311.d1a.311.d15.2u.d14.21k.d14.311.d17.3s.d15|0.0.u56b.k29.k29|15.1|w.|e

Which ended up being my final trait choise.
No more Soldier Runes+Pure of Voice, but AH+Absolute Resolution+ -50% condition duration and +50% boon duration. I no longer felt the need to use my shouts as condi removal, this gives me that much more freedom when using them.

With that said, my traits and runes choise is final, the point of this thread is not discussing my trait+rune+sigils roster, it’s about you helping me optimize my stats.

As you can clearly see, I like well-rounded stats (as an example: my Guardian just after the first Karka event back in the day, months ago). But these round numers don’t mean jack kitten if it’s not the most optimal combo in terms of damage+mitigation, hence why I created this thread. If Ascended Weapons/armor ever come out I’d end up with 1700+ power 3000+ armor, 700+ healing power but again, it just looks good on paper, and well, not so much, as the Power+Crit. Chance are both low.

So I ask you: What Armor and/or jewelry pieces should I change in order to improve or balance the damage (crit. chance, power…) with out sacrificing mitigation (healing power, armor, HP…) and vice versa?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: This is mainly for all purposes WvW.

(edited by Khenzy.9348)

Help me optimize my hybrid build!

in Guardian

Posted by: foofad.5162


That gear… it’s like a fruit salad of stats. Pick something and stick with it. Don’t dip into condition damage, your power is horrendously low so you’ll want to replace things with power-primary stat gear, and consider losing the healing power as well since you’re really not getting enough out of it. Healing power is more of an all-or-nothing stat; you need to have a really good, specific reason to have it in your loadout.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

Help me optimize my hybrid build!

in Guardian

Posted by: Khenzy.9348


The difference between 700 and 0 healing power on a Guardian is quite significant, I wouldn’t call that an all or nothing stat at all. The idea here is to optimize the stats as much as possible, it doesn’t matter if the stats are like a ‘fruit salad’, mixing stats is actually a good thing here.
If I ditched all that healing power I’d be gaining + 200 attack and 15 to 20 crit damage, but I’d lose like 200 armor, 400 healing power and like 2k HP, crit chance would stay relatively the same. Even if Power is 1700 (2800 attack with a greatsowrd), I could still gain + 250 with blood stacks (making that 1900+ power/3000+ attack) and I’d have more might stacks uptime that sort of cover that weakness with the newely buffed greatsword autoattack and Staff’s Empower plus +50% boon duration.

I’d like to get that Power and crit chance up through base stats without sacrificing much of anything else though. I’m trying to min-max the stats with a base trait/rune/food roster.

Thanks for your input.

Help me optimize my hybrid build!

in Guardian

Posted by: Pecar.1236


i use this in wvw: Helm/Coat Knight with soldier rune
Gloves/legs/Boots/Shouders Soldier with soldier rune

Ascended cavalier Amulet/2x rings
Exotic soldier back with beryl jewel
2X exotic Cavalier accessory with Beryl/Ruby jewel

Berserker GS with fire rune and Berserker Sword/Focus with Force/perception sigil
Food: Omnomberry Pie and Master or Quality oil (i prefer quality (difference vs master is 1% and 9silver)

20/0/20/30/0 with 3x shout and shelter
