Just recently got my guardian to level 80, and I’m trying to decide what kind of gear and build to go – right now I’m focusing on trying to get a high crit mace or sword build that has some survivability (ie no glass cannon). Some things to note:
- This is not for PvP or WvW or dungeons
- Not using ascended gear in my calc’s, as I have none and don’t see myself getting any in the near future
- I’m not rich, so can’t just go switching gear without a thought.
- I don’t use food or other consumables
- not for grouping
- My back item in all builds is set to “Shaman” as I’m using the free backitem from the LS Southsun event.
So here is the current build I use & gear (also note, this isn’t exactly 100% my stats.. as I’m wearing rare quality goods, not exotic.. but there’s no way to show that in the calc):
Right now as you can see I don’t have +10 in Zeal for the +damage when target is on fire. I personally don’t remember to use my virtues often enough for me to feel like it’s warranted for just the few seconds enemies are on fire every 5 attacks – and yes, I do know I have passives & trait which boosts what I can do for the times I do remember to use my virtue of justice. This gives me high crit rate with decent crit damage (in-game doesn’t seem to show the crit boost I should be getting from RHS). I also get freq stacks of might & vigor, but my only self healing is via healing skill, healing passive & when I remember to dodgeroll.
Thing is, I’m looking to upgrade my armor to exotic level as I can afford it, and “soldier” armor might not be the best option as it’s non craftable and only gotten via karma, dungeons or PvP – which means it’s not really ideal for me as I don’t want to farm dungeons, not interested in WvW and it will take me way too long to get the karma needed. So starting to look at other options – such as Knights or Valkryie.
So, here’s some thoughts, going back to mace/shield.
- I’m not interested in all berserkers as I want survivability (and I don’t consider glass cannon to be that – and have enough issue at times with nearly dying.. yes, I’m that bad :P)
- I guess I like to have a decent health pool… lol
- All these builds are using the +90 toughness with shield trait and not the +5% damage when using mace trait. These can be swapped.
My main goals:
- have high crit rate @ 50-55+% while also having high crit damage %.
- Have decent highish health pool @ 17-18+K
- Have good/decent/ok Effective Health (EHP) @ 21-22+K
- Have good/decent/ok Effective power @ 4-4.2+K
- Yes I know mace is the lowest damage weapon for guardians. I’m not stuck on it, so am willing to swap… just not interested in a GS or Hammer build right now. Which is why I’m looking at either the mace or sword.
This should give me decent survivability in general PvE (again, not bothered with dungeons or Fractals) while still being able to deal out a good bit of damage (although I know not as much as other glass cannon type builds or other classes)… and not trying to focus on an aspect that I know I am very, very weak on (ie activating virtues… lolz).
But I would still love some suggestions or help in regards to this. Cause as I’ve said, I’m not rich.. so it’s something I want to work towards and then keep for awhile.