Help with Powerful solo wvw build
Anyone? I would love to hear some ideas…. I looked online, but i rather trust something up to date… since ive been out of the loop
There are couple of threads above your post, here is one of them ;
Best roaming build for guard
Just to make 100% sure, does anyone have any builds even MORE powerful than these? please let me know before I make the jump into it! thnx :
You can copy paste builds xD but it won’t make you win 100%
I don’t think there are any builds like Skull Crack for Warrior or PU for Mesmer when it comes to Guardian, i.e. builds that let mediocre players beat better opponents 1v1 through their build and nothing else.
If you want to faceroll as a Guardian you had better find some people to play with so you can abuse boon spam, otherwise I would recommend you to try another profession unless you want to actually spend time learning your Guardian and learning how to delicately balance your supportive capabilities with your offensive ones, both through your build and how you play it.
Fort Aspenwood
Let me understand this, you want an absolute perfect build that you can copy and faceroll without even trying?
PVT armor. Knights trinkets. GS/Sword,shield.(Sub Sceptre for sword and focus for shield if u want some range.) + 10 prec on kill sigil on GS. 5% damage on sword and energy on Shield. Vit/Toughness food (Omnom bars) Preci Oil.
Build 0 0 30 20 20. Trait. Valor: IV VI XI. Honor: II IX. Virtues: VI IX.
Utilities: Save yourselves (or JI), Stand your ground, Purging flames. Renewed Focus.
Heal: I use signet of resolve. But theres a good argument for Shelter.
ET Commander
Pro Guardian