Help with pure guardian support build.
The end fights and miasma machine events are all timed which means dps > support. (blue/green/red generals, prime hologram) Bringing full support with low dps just makes you more of a burden in that situation not to mention the burst damage from boss will most likely 1/2 shot most people anyway making healing support not that useful. At least not as useful as knowing the mechanics and knowing when to dodge.
The other events can be steam rolled by any build provided you got sufficient numbers and know the mechanics so building dedicated support build there is not that useful either.
If I were you I’d “support” the zerg with a dps build or a bunker build that can stay alive enough to help revive people downed in lightning trails or aoes.
get any spec from obals guide. ( stickied above)
take scepter/focus
take stand your ground and hallowed ground utilities.
stand at range on the area that increase your damage to boss and pew pew boss.
use stability on pulls and pushes. traited stand your ground is enough for me. hallowed ground is for emergencies.
use focus 5 either to blast mights from hallowed ground or to defend yourself or when you reviving scrubs.
each use of “stand your ground” means five people not pulled to the boss. -> best support ever.