High Level Guardian FotM Build

High Level Guardian FotM Build

in Guardian

Posted by: zanzoken.7698


Hey everyone,

I am currently looking for a good high level (48+) build for FotM. I would like to be heavy on the support side but if DPS is the way to go, that would be fine as well.

I thought a defensive bunker would be nice but all guides I find are about zerker guardians

Thanks in advance

High Level Guardian FotM Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Thomas.5078


Usually higher levels fractals you wanna put full damage on armor and then trait utility and damage. Bunker is alright for learning guardian and lower level fractals. Ex dealing with agony and taking hits. However once you learn to dodge the agony outright, and any major hits that would kill you, dps is the way to go. Higher level fractals thinks will start one shoting or two shoting you no matter how much toughness you have.


Basically all these are good.
Note strife’s build has not been updated and is usually only good to learn the ropes of the guardian then after learning to dodge and negate damage through blocks and blinds, it is dropped for one of the dps builds.

High Level Guardian FotM Build

in Guardian

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Hey everyone,

I am currently looking for a good high level (48+) build for FotM. I would like to be heavy on the support side but if DPS is the way to go, that would be fine as well.

I thought a defensive bunker would be nice but all guides I find are about zerker guardians

Thanks in advance

I would recommend a zerk guard build but not full glass cannon because that would make any kind of lag or mistake down you and you don’t want to be a liability to the team by being downed all the time.

0 0 30 30 10 AH could work if you wore all zerk items.

You’ll have a decent buffer of toughness and hp from the traits while good dps from gear.

Alternatively, if you want to focus more on dps and less on support.

10 0 30 25 5 meditation build with full zerk would work. (Or 10 30 30 0 0 if you really want to dps)

High Level Guardian FotM Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Sutcliffe.5491


Checkout Obal’s guide :

I think his builts are one of the best for fractals in the current trait layouts. U really want the consecration cd trait in fractals as its so useful in most fractals.