HoD WvW 5 man LF Support/heal guardian

HoD WvW 5 man LF Support/heal guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Our guild is PAXA (ex-daoc 8manners). We run a 5 man almost every night focused primarily on killing players. We are looking for someone to fill our 5th spot as a full support/heal guardian (basically using staff and hammer). We have our full group established already; this is purely to fill a void in the group. This is also more of a hardcore focused group than what GW2 often presents. Currently PAXA sits in Henge of Denravi. We understand Xfering isn’t super easy at the drop of a hat and are willing to help someone vested in the opportunity.

There will be a trial program at first running with our group to see if there is chemistry with our team. Please send me a PM or respond to this post if you are interested in a killing focused group. We run NA week nights from 7 cst to about 11 or 12 cst. Weekends we usually have a few on to muster a team but isn’t focused as much as the weeknights.


HoD WvW 5 man LF Support/heal guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: TheGlueGuy.6294


Heal guardian? Are you wanting this person to run shared VoR, healing breeze, tome of courage, aegis heals on removal, etc etc? You are likely gimping your team efficiency pretty hard by forcing some guy to go full magi’s or clerics just to heal you guys. Maybe I missed the idea you had in mind for the build but over 3/4 of the time with guardians the rule of thumb is “If we are healing you, that means we aren’t doing damage or controlling the enemy.”

My in game name is Professor Beard. I host SOAC gaming’s Guardian Podcast: Consecrated.

HoD WvW 5 man LF Support/heal guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Hostility.4961


Yea are u really in need of a guardian? Perhaps ele would do better as they have more bursty heals and condi removal and boons uptime than us.
Some seem to be still stuck in old mmo mindset of nurse cleric healer classes lol.
Full support heal guardian is a waste of a www/pt slot if you ask me.
We aint nurses we are frontal fighters. As soon as we start trying to direct heal its a waste of potential.

HoD WvW 5 man LF Support/heal guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Jscull.2514


We run a full support guardian now. Staff hammer … All condition removal and cc. Not looking for a dps guardian. We have a build that we will work on with the player.


HoD WvW 5 man LF Support/heal guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Nirvana.5796


We have a build that we will work on with the player.

What’s the build?

Love Buzz [VK] – Guardian – Fort Aspenwood

HoD WvW 5 man LF Support/heal guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Jscull.2514


We have a build that we will work on with the player.

What’s the build?

It is a boon – condition removal / cc build. If that is something that interests you send me a message. Can explain more if you have questions.


HoD WvW 5 man LF Support/heal guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Jscull.2514


To give you guys an Idea of what PAXA does on a nightly basis… Here’s a video from last week.


HoD WvW 5 man LF Support/heal guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Limey.2769


If only I had the playtime you guys are looking for. I have a guard, I’m on HoD, and I used to run DAOC 8 man

Sadly my new baby boy is due any day now, and I can’t dedicate time to the game like I did back in the days of DAOC

I wish you the best of luck…. Post more videos please

System: I5 3570k@ 4.4 ~ 7970 X-fire ~ 32GB DDR3 ~ 2×120gb SSD ~ 2×2tb storage drives

HoD WvW 5 man LF Support/heal guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Jscull.2514


If only I had the playtime you guys are looking for. I have a guard, I’m on HoD, and I used to run DAOC 8 man

Sadly my new baby boy is due any day now, and I can’t dedicate time to the game like I did back in the days of DAOC

I wish you the best of luck…. Post more videos please

I know what your intention was, but it is not sad at all! Congratulations man enjoy! Wild turkey ride inc!


HoD WvW 5 man LF Support/heal guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


If only I had the playtime you guys are looking for. I have a guard, I’m on HoD, and I used to run DAOC 8 man

Sadly my new baby boy is due any day now, and I can’t dedicate time to the game like I did back in the days of DAOC

I wish you the best of luck…. Post more videos please

There are older ones just click on the username that uploaded to see them. But we plan to do more.

LavaFluxx – Ele
Ankle Bitër – Necro – Paxa
Necro and Ele small man videos:Necro/Ele Videos

HoD WvW 5 man LF Support/heal guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Athoc.3207


We have a build that we will work on with the player.

What’s the build?

It is a boon – condition removal / cc build. If that is something that interests you send me a message. Can explain more if you have questions.

I’m not on your server to join you, but I’m interested in the build you’re looking for. I PMed you and would be interested in hearing more.