How Is Everyone Finding DH Thus Far?
Hey there. I also main Guardian and Necro. Opinions are pretty polarized on DH right now, although the vocal majority seem to think it is very OP. In my opinion, it has its place in PVE and is a good noob-killer in SPVP. I honestly still prefer old-school medi Guardian for SPVP though. I have not come across a single DH I have lost to on my old build which probably means one of three things is going on. 1. DH is not nearly as OP as people are saying, 2. DH is OP which is causing many unskilled players to flock to it and thus get wrecked, or 3. old-school medi Guardian is a good counter to DH. Either way, the only place I really use DH is for fractals, since the AoE of traps is hard to pass up. Your mileage may vary. Happy hunting!
DH in open world is really great.
I would compare it favorably to old school sword/torch guardian while leveling.
You could teleport to a mob, hit 1 skill and your auto attack chain would finish it off, then teleport to the next. Mowing through mobs 1 by 1 in quick succession without having to wait for any long cooldowns.
DH longbow can be set up to play in a similar manner, but at range.
You can auto attack, throw [Spear of Justice], hit [True Shot] and auto attack once or twice more. Doing this combo, your True Shot will get +63% bonus damage from retribution, unscathed contender, zealot’s aggression, pure of sight, and big game hunter and also +10% crit chance from radiant power. It will hit like an absolute truck.
That little combo will kill most normal mobs, resetting your F1 so you can immediately do the same thing to the next mob. Mowing them down in seconds one by one.
So for solo open world PvE, I’d say it’s actually better than vanilla Guardian.
DH is great for events as well. Lots of AoE and break bar opportunity.
Raids? DH is very versatile here. You can spec and gear to tank, heal, condi, or dd team. But you won’t be the first choice for any of those roles and you’ll need different gear for each of them.
(edited by phor.7952)
I agree. DH is OP against noobs. Against good players, they either observe me so closely to guess where traps are and ignore my attempt to lure. Naturally, against other DHs, good luck getting me to those trap bombs, I know how they work and used.
There are tons of QQ about DH being OP, but those are from people who tried to win by lobbying to nerf the DH rather than thinking of a strategy to overcome new challenges themselves. It’s like a ninja warrior challenge course while asking for most obstacles to be removed. Traps don’t kill, stupidity does.
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.
(edited by quaniesan.8497)
DH is very fun to play! I really enjoy using traps in PvE. They allow for such a fun playstyle. I used to use shouts.
Longbow is also excellent. I NEVER used range as a primary weapon before its introduction to guardian. It makes me wish I gave scepter a real try.
In PvP, I do feel that traps are too strong right now. They can make fighting on a point very dangerous.
I make PvP & WvW videos
In PvP, I do feel that traps are too strong right now. They can make fighting on a point very dangerous.
Fighting on a point is always dangerous.
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.
In PvP, I do feel that traps are too strong right now. They can make fighting on a point very dangerous.
Fighting on a point is always dangerous.
Not true. It’s relative to what you’re up against. I could find it fairly safe to fight on the point if I’m miles better than my opponent. Or a dragonhunter with tons of traps at my disposal.
Traps need to be toned down for PvP. A good action to take would be to change the trait that gives traps daze. It could instead give blind or vulnerability on trap trigger, or the daze effect could have an ICD.
I make PvP & WvW videos
I did say I was fine as far as SPvP goes I went 14-1 in games today, very hard to lose solo queuing with meditrapper, imo anyway. I think I lost 2 1v1’s the entire day and both were to minionmaster reapers..
Well I looked at all other classes and the only one that sort of took my interest was druid… But I much prefer guardians. Hell the reason I stopped playing it was due to no ranged except scepter now bam, Longbow!!
I’m very slowly getting it to 80, from then what gear should I get? I assume zerker is a nono? Got it on my reaper but he’s much tankier in General… Traveller rune ok? Mostly be roaming hot areas for events. Thinking the standard gs + lb build would work fine, I’ll carry a staff for event tagging.
Grab zerk or marauder gear. Traveler runes work for… well, traveling. Pack runes offer mobility in combat + offensive stats.
I make PvP & WvW videos
Is pack the swiftness duration and power rune? Whilst levelling I’m using staff and gs with retreat and save yourselves, being able to stack over 60s of swiftness is real nice for running around. I just thought traveller as I’m lazy, my reaper uses the signet and strength rune lol.
im liking it even has a DH without bow or traps, the traits itself are very consistent to the class itself, i dont feel obligated to use bow.
What sort of setup would you guys say would suit me for hot content with zerk gear?
I’m thinking gs/bow with shout heal/teleport/trap/swiftness/quickness
Level 79 so almost time. Absokuely loving my necro at the moment though it’ll be very hard to top him!
They are funny and love the bow and trap gameplay.. mostly played spvp due to the HP grind :/ if you’ve done it one or two char, rest should get ot for free :b
I like the concept, but it does not fit with what I want from playing a guardian personally. It is great they opened up more options though so that is all good.
What gear do I want to run when soloing/farming events in HoT areas? ive gone for berserker atm with greatsword+longbow, is that a bad idea? should I swap to knight or something maybe?
If I’d wanted to be a Ranger I’d have rolled one, Druid should be Guardian’s elite spec.
That said, I’m having fun on it. xD
I’m happy with it so far!
In PvE I absolutely enjoy the ranged nukes (I think the CD on TS is too short… I do not like to spam this BTW). Traps with mace/GS offer great AoE damage and some utility.
In spvp the traps are situational but offer great point denial tools. I run shattered Aegis build now FYI.
F skill are on-par with the old Virtues.
F1 is a great pull in both pve and pvp.
F2 is a great heal and the shorter CD means more condi-cleanse. It’s affected my immob/cripple but I do not mind since this makes it somehow balanced in Spvp.
F3 with RF gives you a serious standing power till help arrives.
Overall I feel DH a good elite spec. It has a minimal synergie with other weapons but it does have some.
I tried about 6 different builds including some condition/hybrid and I enjoy all of them.
DH is a lot better than a lot of haters would have had everyone believe. To this day I still can’t believe some people would have actually suggested that it was not competitive in sPvP, when clearly it’s quite a strong class in that game mode.
Even in PvE, traps are a lot more useful than even I would have originally though. Not only are they great for burst damage and some nice extra boons, but they’re also good at taking down an enemy’s break bar thanks to daze on trap trigger + Dragon’s Maw.
All in all, they tick all the boxes that an elite spec should tick. They give the core class (in this case, guardian) new ways to play, which are still competitive with current builds, but that don’t completely render core builds irrelevant.
I didnt read previous reponses so pardon me if i go against what anyone’s said without mentioning it. But i personally find DH an upgrade to to my previous gaurdian build. I destroy most players in pvp, and do well in pve with my new DH. But i do have to say…its all in the DH traits and LB. There’s alot of complaints about the traps being overpowered. Personally the traps are aweful unless youre fighting unskilled players and the traps arent great in pve.
But the traps seem to do really well in wvw zerging situations, that being said DH traps seem only useful when fighting bad players in wvw/pvp. But the traits and longbow is definitely superior to the guardians scepter in terms of pvp, small wvw fights, pve and dueling due to its great range, CC, potential damage boost and condition removal.
DH is good
(edited by Rexxaro.6109)
After testing other classes vs DH I must say, DH is ok, one thing that is OP on DH is daze, Daze need to have icd of 5-7 sec. Thats should make everyone happy.
Surprisingly fun, probably the most surprising thing for me. It’s the most fun ranged character for me. This is mostly a pve alt viewpoint tho.