How bad is my PvP Guardian build?

How bad is my PvP Guardian build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Harold the Herald.8347

Harold the Herald.8347

Hello! I am a rank 30 PvP Guardian. I do not really have patience for deep analysis. Instead I try things out until I find something that works for me. I have tried other builds than the build below, but this is what works for me and I have fun. In 1v1 I sometimes win and I sometimes lose, which somehow seems fair to me. In Solo Arena team play I have more wins than losses.

I have met people that have praised my work, but also people who call me n00b guardian because they expect me to hold by my own. To the latter I would like to say “if you do not like my playing style, do not play PUG”.

I have fun playing and would probably rather quit PvP than changing my build too much. However, I do not want to waste my teammate’s time and ruin their game, so I would appreciate your opinion.

How bad is my PvP Guardian build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Flamfloz.6732


What is the playstyle associated with your build? Do you tend to hold points or play “healer”?

Regardless, I would empty the “valor” line to free 10 points and remove “purity” and “valorous defense” – as you really have a lot of condition removal already.
Then for 5 points you can get “signet mastery” to recharge your heal and condition removal quicker, and you can push further into another line.

I feel that other builds could achieve any purpose more efficiently than your build (although to be honest I’m unsure of the purpose of it right now).

How bad is my PvP Guardian build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Nime.2089


First of: As long as a build suits your playstile numbers or anything do not matter that much. However, I think it’s wise to ask for some feeback.

I also had some troubles figuring out what exactly you are doing with this build. But in general it looks rather supportive than anything else. Assuming that you want to heal your teammates and/or damage your enemies with the symbols I strongly recommend to look into the Staff instead of the GS. The Staff has a groundtargeted symbol which can be applied every 15 seconds and with empower and orb of light you can be even more supportive to your team. GS symbol is placed where you stand and can only be applied every 20 seconds.

Try to get 15 points in radiance to get renewed justice and rignet Mastery. This will greatly improve your sustainability (more blinds, heals and better dmg output). If you get those points from zeal or valor is up to you. But I personaly would take them from zeal…

Last but not least I would consider to swap save yourselves for signet of judgement. SYS is very dangerous if you come across a mean necro and since you have faster signet recharge it synergises well.

(edited by Nime.2089)

How bad is my PvP Guardian build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Harold the Herald.8347

Harold the Herald.8347

Thank you for your reply. I have been away for over six months and back then I could not really have too much condition protection. Maybe things have changed.

Signet of Judgement was in my build instead of Purging Flames until I concluded that I did need more condition removal. SYS is hard to resist, despite its danger.

I am not asking for the optimal heal or hold build. I just want to be assured that my build is good enough to take part in Arena PvP, or if I should stay away out of consideration for my teammates.

(edited by Harold the Herald.8347)