How can I contribute more damage to the team?
Gradually switch out some knight armor, weapons, and jewelry to berserker. Use divinity or scholar runes. You’ll survive
I make PvP & WvW videos
I would just try using some zerkers gear / trinkets and swap more in / out until you feel comfortable. Many guards at higher level fractals run nothing but zerkers gear and do just fine, so it’s really more of a matter of how well you can play with it.
For traits, I’d say the typical setup you have is probably fine, but zerkers vs. knights can make a big difference in damage output.
Hello Basilenco.6375,
if you want something of aggressive and at the same time with a very good survivability i suggest you to look here:
anyway what are you looking for isnt hard to obtain:
- with AH build you still are of help for your team: boons … boons… and boons what else? you can also excange some shouts for sanctuary and get an improved protection from attacks
- i suggest you to use hammer for protection spam and the knock down and immobilize wich allow you to save someone if under attack
- also try to put in your set a mix of soldier and berserker equip or if you want more hp soldier and valkyrie or if you want more precision and burst knight and berserker (or the little variant with knight and valkyrie for more life)
- also try out mace and shield so you can spam aoe healing and symbols which mean: heal, boons and damage ofc
- try to use as elite Tomes no matter what: if you want to help in damage go for burning and the massive aoe blast… if you want to defend go for heal spam and full heal restore.
- also put on Pure of Voice trait for an aoe condition remover or try out the massive aoe condition remover with save yourselves + rune of lyssa os simply use rune of soldier for personal remove
- also you can try a bunker build but will not be able to do a good damage
there are a lot of more options…
knight armor / zerk trinket works fine for me
I run the same trait build as you (0/0/30/30/10) which has been great as a standard build for my entire history with the guardian. I have made some changes to eek out a bit more dps without losing the survivability. On my armor it’s knights-3/valkyrie-1/pvt-2. The change I made was to swap in zerker stats 100% (well, other than the back piece) on the trinkets. My weapons are zerker as well. I really think this realizes the best dps/survivability/group utility tradeoff in the game. Sure, sometimes I miss my warrior’s pre-patch dps, but my guardian can go places where my warrior fears to tread. And, it’s enough dps for me.
(edited by Raine.1394)
Thanks for the suggestions, gives me some things to try and and see what I can survive with.
What should I do with my dungeon knight’s gear seeing as I can’t sell it on the trading post? Seems like a bit of a waste to get rid of it after all that effort running the same dungeon to get it.
Don’t get rid of it, save it. You may use it in a different build in the future.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
You can, but the trade off wouldn’t be worth it.The team doesn’t need your damage. They need the other stuff you have. Tell the fail dpses that you are running with to start dpsing correctly so that you don’t have to do it.
What should I do with my dungeon knight’s gear seeing as I can’t sell it on the trading post? Seems like a bit of a waste to get rid of it after all that effort running the same dungeon to get it.
Keep it. Though it won’t be very useful in PvE anymore once you’ve learned how to get along with berserker gear, it is still a great choice for WvW.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
I might start with Zerk trinkets first and see how much that helps get some damage. If I just search Berserker’s in the TP would that be the quickest way of getting some or if there something else I should be searching for?
Since you don’t get them for Karma or WvW badges, the TP is probably the fastest way to get exotic ones. However, those are not really optimal since the crit damage on them is quite expensive. In that case, shoulders, gloves and boots are cheaper iirc. If you already have some laurels/guild commendations/pristine fractal relics, go directly for the ascended trinkets.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley