How do I use Whirling Wrath...
You are not doing anything wrong. Enemies in PvE do get pushed back by WW, but players don’t. I believe that’s the whole point of this trick; to be used in WvW or sPvP.
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?
(edited by xFireize.6318)
Well, that explains a lot, actually. Thanks
Here are some things to note:
First, the tooltip uses 2600 armor for its damage calculation. If the enemy has more, or less, than 2600 armor you will do damage that is not consistent with the tooltip.
Second, the tooltip erroneously lumps two projectile hits in with the damage numbers of the tooltip. In reality, the tooltip should read 7 hits + 7 hits to reflect the fact that there are 7 separate projectiles on top of the melee hits. The projectiles do about a third of the main hit damage. Therefore, the tooltip will again be erroneous depending on how many projectile impact the target.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
In PvP/WvW Leap of faith or Binding blade. WW and when they dodge, JI.
I wish I could see their faces when they see that they’re still in my range
You can also use it in Purging Flames’ Fire field to add some extra damage!