How do you handle a power based Rev?

How do you handle a power based Rev?

in Guardian

Posted by: Catinka.5476


As the title says how do you deal with a power based revenant as a DH? Either in pvp or wvw. Because I find them quite hard to kill at this point in a 1v1 situation which mostly results in me being the one on the losing end.

How do you handle a power based Rev?

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


It’s difficult to deal with a power based rev in either game mode. One good staff 5 will obliterate a dh. It does 3.3k (base) damage with marauders. Rev sustain is also ridiculous. What I’m trying to say is revenant has the upper hand against us.

Thankfully most of them use sw/sh & staff, so you can kite them while shiro teleport is down. Make sure you have sigil of blood on longbow or your melee weapon (or like me, both).

In a 1v1
Use f1 and lb 3 to interrupt their staff 3 & shield 5. Watch out for their glint utility blind and staff 3 blind. Make sure you dodge sword 2 and 3. You can use f3 to block all of sword 3s hits, but to do so you have to keep turning your screen clockwise or counterclockwise so you keep up with their teleporting position. Keep in mind that revenants sometimes use the taunt on cc trait, so your first cc on them will cause you to become taunted. Use smite condition or JI to remove it from yourself and kite them using longbow. Only when you have a trap or f3 off cd would I recommend fighting them head on with a melee weapon. Don’t waste a trap on them while they’re not capable of being put in a “good daze”. Honestly you have to kite them to death. Do not hit them while they’re healing with glint.

In a team fight
A rev coupled with other professions is a nightmare to go against. Keep your distance and make sure to use most of your skills defensively. If you get locked down by a rev you’re going to burn your cds frantically. Consistently kite and hope that your team helps you focus the rev down…

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

How do you handle a power based Rev?

in Guardian

Posted by: Booms.2594


a few tricks i do:
flashing blade when theyre expected to staff 5 will juke the skill and theyll only hit 1/2 instead of like 6+.
deflecting shot and zealots defense when you expect precision strike.. really important to save dodges
gotta land every true shot so be careful about that kitten
i like to use wings at proper times like when theyre in glint or after an unrelenting so the following precisions trike will be out of range


How do you handle a power based Rev?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

If your running a offensive spec they generally have the upper hand as the others have said.

If your running a defensive spec (point holder) however power based revs generally are nothing to worry about.

Or you could just reroll scrapper and not even care due to the fact they have insane amounts of sustain even with a balls to the wall offense spec.

How do you handle a power based Rev?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


If the rev has paladin and retribution you will not kill it in a 1v1. Ever. It’s ridiculous how lopsided this match up is.

How do you handle a power based Rev?

in Guardian

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


Pretty much just play as defensive as you can and space out your healing CDs and make sure to never eat a full sword 2 or staff 5, then hope they make a mistake and eat a hunter’s ward when your F3 shield is up or run multiple times across ToF.

Power rev is not a match guardians can handle all that well, you have to be a good 2-3 notches about them in skill to win.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que