How does the Purity trait work?

How does the Purity trait work?

in Guardian

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


Under the valor trait tree, the description for Purity is:
“Lose a condition every 10 seconds. "

How exactly does this work? Is it:

1) The trait starts counting down 10 seconds once a condition is placed on your character


2) There is an invisible countdown on your character where every 10 seconds if there is a condition on you, it’ll be removed.

(edited by RoseRIP.8502)

How does the Purity trait work?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fredlicious.7523


I’m fairly certain it’s the latter because I have definitely seen times when a condition has disappeared very shortly after appearing on me.

How does the Purity trait work?

in Guardian

Posted by: Snuffy.4061


Yes it’s the latter, it is same for the signet heal. Infact they share the same timer, so with both you lose 2 conditions every 10 seconds, if your heal isn’t on cooldown.
Also, regarding the signet, the 10 seconds counts continuously even if the heal is on cooldown, it just doesn’t remove a condition, so you can get lucky and have remove a condition 1 second after it comes off cooldown.

If i recall correctly, there was a thread detailing this on GW2Guru not too long ago.

How does the Purity trait work?

in Guardian

Posted by: Bobnintendo.1256


It should be worded like this “Automatically removes a condition. 10 second cooldown.”
The cooldown will only start if a condition was actually placed on you. So if you just started a fight, and someone put a condition on you it will get removed right away. Then it goes into a 10 second cooldown.

How does the Purity trait work?

in Guardian

Posted by: OneManArmy.5617


It should be worded like this “Automatically removes a condition. 10 second cooldown.”
The cooldown will only start if a condition was actually placed on you. So if you just started a fight, and someone put a condition on you it will get removed right away. Then it goes into a 10 second cooldown.

Are you certain about this? What about after the first removal.
Is it (a) a 10second rotation that resets when it reaches zero, regardless if you have conditions on you OR
Is it (b) a passive ability with a 10second cooldown that as soon as it reaches zero,it waits for a condition to appear to remove it and then reset the cooldown?

Is it
-(a) IF Conditions are on then remove them—>Either way reset count OR
-(b) Is it Wait for a Condition removal before reseting count

Surrender is not an option!

How does the Purity trait work?

in Guardian

Posted by: Bobnintendo.1256


I’m not a 100% sure, but I assume it is (b). Considering it always removes the first trait right away, (a) would not make much sense.

How does the Purity trait work?

in Guardian

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


I like it how it sets. Its fairly powerful all things considered. If it was set to remove the second a condition is put on us that seems a little much in my eyes. Someone hits us with blind for example knowing were getting ready to use some hard hitting skill. Bam its just gone and they get facerolled. Where as they hit us with blind. Now if that happened to hit the 0 count its removed if not we miss with our big attack. Much fairer in my eyes.

How does the Purity trait work?

in Guardian

Posted by: Snuffy.4061


After reading it up on Gw2Guru, they are under the impression it has a continuous cycle of the 10 seconds counting down, if there are no conditions on when it reaches 0 it just resets and counts back down from 10. Meaning you can get lucky and have it remove a condition immediatly or it can take 10 seconds.

I have been using it for the past 30 levels and it seems to be a random time between 0-10 when the condition has been removed.

How does the Purity trait work?

in Guardian

Posted by: Sammael Darksbane.4572

Sammael Darksbane.4572

Having used it and the signet in my build, I can tell you it’s a continous countdown that starts as soon as you equip it, and keeps ticking constantly, I’ve seen it remove conditions the second they were placed, and I’ve also been forced to wait sometimes for conditions placed on me to tick for ages, or even run out (if they last less than 10 seconds)

How does the Purity trait work?

in Guardian

Posted by: Danicco.3568


The countdown starts the moment you enter a battle (you can check by looking at your skills, they get locked out).

If you start a battle by getting a condition, it won’t be removed until 10 seconds have passed.

The only way to get “lucky” is to receive a condition at 9 seconds after you entered combat, and it’ll be removed 1 sec later.

Same for the Signet effect.