How's guardian/dragonhunter
maybe read some threads, at least on the first page of this sub-forum?
I don’t PvP so I can’t tell you. But in PvE, they’re mediocre.
A lot of it is Anet’s idiotic decision to make Mordrem resistant to melee, forcing people to go condi. And that’s where the DH is gibbed. You have 2 choices and you have go all or nothing, you can’t build an effective hybrid. It’s the same as it was before. Zerker vs Condi.
If you try a hybrid, you’re stuck with not enough physical damage and not enough condi. You can go Rabid or Rampager’s and try get the best of both, since your condi is burn and tied to precision. But that leaves you doing piddle for physical damage, which Mordrem are already resistant to. The burn isn’t all that great to begin with since it doesn’t stack intensity and duration doesn’t last.
This is where traps have the only redeeming quality: finishing off mobs and letting you kite. Kiting is also a good way to get yelled at. Heavy Light let’s you knock mobs back and tied with Dulled Senses (4s Cripple and 8s Vuln.) it saves your butt. And then you’ll be screamed at by the melee for knocking mobs back.
You can go zerker and ranged, but make sure you write your death note and hand them to a friend to give you to momma, because if you get hit, you’re worm food. You need that Vitality and Toughness and that means no zerk.
DH could have been good, it has a lot of good ideas in the trait lines, but in typical Anet fashion, they have no direction, focus or foresight and gibbed the class. Traps did have bleeds which made them good in PvE, but since Anet hasn’t separated PvE and PvP like Gw1, they took bleeds out. Too powerful in PvP I guess.
(edited by Shivan.9438)
Guardian, no matter the spec is on the lower end of the damage potential spectrum (it has burst but thats about it)
Also its other utility is also brought just as well or better by other classes (namely rev, ele & engineer) they however do just as much or much much better damage.
The rev and engineer also have completely viable condition builds & in the case of the engineer stealth.
The only thing the guardian really brings that nobody else does is AEGIS and given the way the raids, PvP and many high end fractals work it is nearly useless due to the damage coming in so fast.
So if you want to role play a holy knight or templar go for it, but if you want what is most effective & flexible try a rev or engineer (or ele)
They should make it so that aegis blocks 3 attacks before it expires instead of just 1. And multiple damage coefficients of both greatsword and sword by 1.2, that’ll about enough to save guardian otherwise this class is now abandoned in PvE.
There is a lot of misinformation in this thread
There is a lot of misinformation in this thread
Care to elaborate?
Someone like myself who’s still new to the game doesn’t know the difference in what’s right and wrong on what’s being said and it would help out a great deal!
I dont understand how people can say Guardian/Dh is weak in pve. I wreck mobs (mordrem and any others ) on my Zerk/Valkyrie geared DH. Never felt like they were hard or resistant to my power damage. I dont even use a PVE spec. I use my WvW Roaming medi/trapper spec.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
PvE they’re strong for open world (including new areas, where they’re great to explore IMHO) in raids you will be asked to play as tank (other classes will do more damage like Herald, PS Warrior will give constant Might stacks so your boons are not “that good”). In dungeons they’re great but nobody runs that anymore. In FotM it’s one of the best classes because it deals good damage and brings active defenses (blinds, blocks and reflects) for the whole party that are useful in high levels.
PvP wise you’re gonna have a good advantage against new players because of the spike damage of the traps, to say it in other words, it’s a cheese class that most seasoned player won’t a have a problem killing. I would say it’s good to use until Ruby league. It can be good for holding points but has no contest against some builds and intelligent/skilled gameplay.
So far I’m not getting sick of my Berserker DH yet in PvE. Though the dmg is so-so but for me its still fun if you like what you are building. Everything in Guardian is pretty mediocre I guess. So everything goes for it. Which makes it whats fun for me Since swapping stuff around results in probably similar results, so I run what I like as and when. But the more elite people are not really happy about it though. My main is a Chronomancer, but I am enjoying my time as a DH for an alternative.