I don't understand traps?

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Sylent.3165


A heal trap? How terrible. And other traps? Really? We are heavy armor class. Besides our auto attack with bow toys class just killed my hype.

Was really looking forward to a paragon type class. Our f skills sound cool that’s about all. Guess a melee dragonhunter can be pretty good still.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


“How terrible” You’re basing this off the idea that it’s a trap alone, you have no idea how the trap will function at all.

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


i am glad we are not paragons. i am not glad (yet) about traps. hopefully they impress tomorrow

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Sylent.3165


“How terrible” You’re basing this off the idea that it’s a trap alone, you have no idea how the trap will function at all.

Well as its a trap it will function like a trap. I don’t recall reading anything saying when a specialization uses a trap it will be completely different then other traps. This isn’t a trap type class, no one wanted traps on guardian and no one uses traps on thieves or rangers. Or very rarely. I focus on pve so this is a disappointment for me.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Traps are pretty much ground targeted marks that have a delay before going off. For PvE, that’s not that useful, but for PvP/WvW, that could be very good.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: bigbobpataki.4796


Do you even know how the heal works? Or how the rest of the traps work? We’re all listening if you can share. If tomorrow on the live stream we find out the abilities suck than we can complain but until then we really can’t say how useful/terrible they’ll be.

You also don’t have to use the heal trap, I probably won’t because it probably wont be as good as shelter in PvP. The nice thing about elite specs is that you can use previously available abilities/weapons.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Valentine.6529


“How terrible” You’re basing this off the idea that it’s a trap alone, you have no idea how the trap will function at all.

Well as its a trap it will function like a trap. I don’t recall reading anything saying when a specialization uses a trap it will be completely different then other traps. This isn’t a trap type class, no one wanted traps on guardian and no one uses traps on thieves or rangers. Or very rarely. I focus on pve so this is a disappointment for me.

Well if we use Chronomancer as an example of someone uses wells I have to say its way different than a Necro Well. It gives certain buffs thats not avaliable to other classes like alacrity. It has clock hands that shift with each pulse of the well, and the wells all have an explosion radius at the end when the clock hand shifts fully. SO I would have to say wells are way different for a Chronomancer than say a Necromancer whose wells barely buff ally’s and barely debuff them too. I think that traps for these guardians will work in a different way to, much like the Chronomancer.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Dastion.3106


The Guardian Elite profession creates constructs of light which trigger when an enemy approaches. So basically a “Trap” but because of their mystical nature will likely behave on different ways than we’ve come to expect.

I’m not a fan of the name – but I’m holding off too much judgement until I see the twitch stream tomorrow.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: anking.6245


Someone pointed out that these may functionally be like Necro marks; clearing condis, buffing, etc. I know the ‘traps’ part is throwing us all for a loop but it might just be thematic fluff, and not mechanically as useless as the current traps in-game.

I’m skeptical about this all too, but the real crux will come during the stream tomorrow when we can see it in play. It’s not as flashy as the Chronomancer, but if the damage and heals are powerful, it will make up for the lackluster special effects.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: bigbobpataki.4796


I think they’re going to function much differently from ranger/thief traps, and they put them in the traps class in order to create more synergy with runes. I hope nobody seriously thinks that an enemy is going to walk over a guardian trap and spikes are going to come out of the ground.

In the video a little barrier trap activates that traps the dino in a little cage of light. That’s pretty cool imo and fits the overall guardian theme well.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

In the video a little barrier trap activates that traps the dino in a little cage of light. That’s pretty cool imo and fits the overall guardian theme well.

That’s not a trap, it was a longbow skill. There’s a very clear barrage-type cast animation to be seen.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


if the …heals are powerful, it will make up for the lackluster special effects.

unless they decide to give heals a real base coefficient, i wouldn’t count it on.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: bigbobpataki.4796


In the video a little barrier trap activates that traps the dino in a little cage of light. That’s pretty cool imo and fits the overall guardian theme well.

That’s not a trap, it was a longbow skill. There’s a very clear barrage-type cast animation to be seen.

Just rewatched it, I didn’t see the barrier thing be cast, the mob walked forward and got caught by the cage which suggests to me it was a pre-laid trap but for all I know maybe i’m just not seeing it. Either way the first trap use (the burning/blind one) looked like a ring of warding type thing so we know the traps will (probably) have the appropriate aesthetics.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Hexalot.8194


In the video a little barrier trap activates that traps the dino in a little cage of light. That’s pretty cool imo and fits the overall guardian theme well.

That’s not a trap, it was a longbow skill. There’s a very clear barrage-type cast animation to be seen.

Just rewatched it, I didn’t see the barrier thing be cast, the mob walked forward and got caught by the cage which suggests to me it was a pre-laid trap but for all I know maybe i’m just not seeing it. Either way the first trap use (the burning/blind one) looked like a ring of warding type thing so we know the traps will (probably) have the appropriate aesthetics.

Black box is right… The Guard fired off what looked like Ranger’s barrier but instead of arrows it looked like little fence posts digging into the ground around the beast that quickly linked up to fence it in. Basically an immobilization skill on the LB with a fancy light show.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


A heal trap?

I’m pretty amused by this considering they were unsure wether to make Healing Spring a trap. That aside, Guardian with stealth could be quite fun. I’m a bit turned off by the utilities though since we already got Consecrations and Symbols…

(edited by Xaylin.1860)

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: tboneking.2531


I hope for you Guardians’ sake that they look better than the weird balls of mud the rangers throw that magically turn into spike traps… that one I never understood.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


I view traps as another style of consecration. Warding an area with magical glyphs. Yes, sure, come attack me or my friends.. But this ground will sap your strength, blind you, heal me, and set you on fire. Come at me bro.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Totbot.4583


I view traps as another style of consecration. Warding an area with magical glyphs. Yes, sure, come attack me or my friends.. But this ground will sap your strength, blind you, heal me, and set you on fire. Come at me bro.

Yeah, I’m hoping this is what Guardian traps are, and that the name “traps” is just there for game play mechanics.

Yeah, they could call them “Wards” or something but then they wouldn’t fit into a game mechanic category that already exists.

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Elegie.3620


If these belong to the trap class, then it means the guardian will be able to use Trapper Runes, so get access to stealth…?

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


Here’s another thing with the guardian traps, as they provide beneficial effects.. what’s to stop there from being a trait that causes allies to be able to proc them?

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


“How terrible” You’re basing this off the idea that it’s a trap alone, you have no idea how the trap will function at all.

Well as its a trap it will function like a trap. I don’t recall reading anything saying when a specialization uses a trap it will be completely different then other traps. This isn’t a trap type class, no one wanted traps on guardian and no one uses traps on thieves or rangers. Or very rarely. I focus on pve so this is a disappointment for me.

Speak for yourself. I use traps as a Ranger non stop in WvW. They are amazing with the runes and proper gear set.

PvE / sPvP maybe. But the 3rd meta of play they are huge when properly played to the point of being over powered.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

I don't understand traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryuu.5608


Traps should belong to Rangers and Thieves, they NEED that kind of mechanic, they rely on it (lorewise at least), how come a paragon of justice (guardian theme) will use traps? Give them more WARDS at the VERY LEAST..
Traps are absurdly out of theme, as for the mechanics of them are plain and just meh.. they hardly compete with meds and consecrations skills in efficency.
The only thing good about the new elite spec (dragonhunter, teehee) are the virtues..