I feel trolled in WvW

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


1) Very hard to get any kills with most builds
2) No honor badges or event participation for our great supporting possibilities
3) Most classes can easily escape from a guardian, since we have no useful ranged alternative, no cripple, extremly short duration bind. 80% of the time I am just getting kited for minutes when I meat a lone wolf behind the lines and nothing to do about it other than looking at the /laugh emotes from the person kiting me. Opponents finnaly reaches a point of low health? They just get out of guardian range heal up and come back to fool around with you even more. The only way to get kills seems to be to pick on inexperienced people who got upleveled to 80 and are at a heavy disadvantage to my exotic gear.
4) Many important skills have too long recharge time or are easily interrupted. Eg. Tome of Courage, Empower

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


This is because the devs failed to give the Guardian a real ranged weapon.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019



This is because the devs failed

That’s a rather harsh assessment. I find myself incapable of arguing with it, though.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: kousei.5914


The idea that we have no snare or gap closers is completely false.

- Leap of Faith
- Binding Blade
- Mighty Blow
- Zealot’s Embrace
- Ring of Warding
- Line of Warding
- Flashing Blade
- Chains of Light
- Bane Signet
- Signet of Wrath
- Hammer of Wisdom

Leader of Marked Souls [MkS]
Jade Quarry

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Sythus.2396


The idea that we have no snare or gap closers is completely false.

- Leap of Faith
- Binding Blade
- Mighty Blow
- Zealot’s Embrace
- Ring of Warding
- Line of Warding
- Flashing Blade
- Chains of Light
- Bane Signet
- Signet of Wrath
- Hammer of Wisdom

Indeed you are right, but the problem remains that we don’t have any viable ranged options :/

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Leap of Faith? You are closer to the target for a moment, they snare you and are out of range again.
Pull/Binding Blade: You do like 50% of their maxhealth damage at best, then they are out of range again.
Save Yourself/Retreat: Help a bit but again short duration, long cool down. Most classes also can speed up themselves, making speed tied again.
Line of Warding: Part of staff and hardly any good since it has a cast time.

I cant find any gap closer in the list which will be more to the enemy than a small annoyance. Especially since you cripple your damage with some of your suggestions making it harder to get something killed.

I am heavily stacking vitality and toughness, so my general damage output is low. But if I dont do this thieves backstab (12k damage is a lot for low health guardians) you for a lot of dmg and kill you in no time. But theres no use to having a lot of survivability if the fight gets nowhere as a result. If I respec to glascannon build I often die within 5 seconds to people who are also glas cannon.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

(edited by Malediktus.9250)

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Aza.2105


The idea that we have no snare or gap closers is completely false.

- Leap of Faith
- Binding Blade
- Mighty Blow
- Zealot’s Embrace
- Ring of Warding
- Line of Warding
- Flashing Blade
- Chains of Light
- Bane Signet
- Signet of Wrath
- Hammer of Wisdom

Guardian doesn’t have snare….unless you count glacial heart.

Gap closers mean nothing if the target will just run off again, the same for immobilization effects and knockdowns. They don’t last long enough for one to reach the target and fight them. However they are great for assisting other ranged players…..

Its bizarre that the most melee oriented class has no consistent snare.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Marthiarn.8107


I tend to agree with the assesment that this class needs some form of reliable snare at least.

I tend to not have many problems, but that is because I make sure to use the new hammer trait, sigils of ice and freeze, and have a very high (compared to most others) crit chance so they can be reliably procced.

Without that crit chance though, I am all but useless to stay on people without retreat up. All the binds, teleports, and leaps in the world won’t help when they can pop their swiftness abilities and leave me in the dust.

As it is, this reliance on random chance and crit building kinda puts us in a corner if you plan on playing an aggressive Guardian

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: RolliPolliBear.3781


It may just be me, but I don’t have a problem with the lack of range in WvW. I don’t bother trying to 1v1 an opponent or try to get kills, I leave that to my guildmates. Instead i’m the man on the ram because guardians just don’t take that much damage. It also seems as though you don’t realize how good guardians are at defending/blowing up clumped enemies. In WvW Tome of Wrath is a godsend. I have personally defended quite a few towers after the gates have fallen just because I synced my tome with another couple of guardians and spammed 1. It is the most satisfying thing in the world to see an open gate at your tower and no enemies left trying to get in.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Azuroz.6845


I have to agree, when talking about WvW, i dont think about 1v1 but a big stand off between two large groups, at a wall or not.

The only option we have is scepter, which wont make you kill anyone, just leach some assists…. gap closers are no option in such a fight because the moment you get close you get blown up by such a big group.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: zerph.1482


1) 2h sword built with heavy crit has worked best for me for kill issues
2) seems nerfed recently but doing good DPS will help with #1
3) signet of the wrath, activated 2s knock down, with 2H sword you can also pull them back in, having speed boost from “Save Yourself” can be real useful in this case. Having shorter cool downs and good burst damage also is helpful in 1v1 situations, but you sacrafice other things so depends on your play style.


Madro – 80 Guardian- BG

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


My crit chance is 11% currently and it will probably drop further when I have my WvW power toughnet vit jewelry

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Kharel Arhew.1437

Kharel Arhew.1437

I actually have designed a build that specifically counters the lack of mobility. The build link seems to be marked as a bad link, but I can at least go over the setup:


Radiance: II
Honor: II, VIII, XI
Virtues: II, IX, XI (or X or XII, depending on preference)

Weapons: anything goes, though I prefer greatsword for one slot. Sword/focus also is viable, though this hinders running speed and escapes without the use of greatsword leap. I actually run GS + hammer as my preferred set, with sword/focus if I need extra durability.

Slot skills: Signet of Resolve, Hold the Line, Retreat, Save Yourselves, Tome of Whatever-you-prefer.

Sigil of Superior Strength preferred on GS or Sword/focus, other sigils depend on weaponry (I’m a big fan of Hydromancy on the hammer for the additional CC). You need two Superior Runes of the Water, and preferably two of the Monk and two of something like Hoelbrak or Pirate’s as well for the additional might duration. With two Water and two Monk, along with traits, the set will provide +60% boon duration.

Focus power, precision, and vitality, with a bit of toughness as desired.

Why this setup? Between Retreat and Save Yourselves, you have 100% swiftness uptime. Combined with the natural CC present in most Guardian weapons, a stun breaker (potentially 2 depending on traits), and removal of up to 6 conditions (including immobilize) plus SoR passive, I can honestly say that I have only had one opponent (a thief) that I wished to kill escape me in the open field. Props to whoever that was, some serious juking occurred there.

On the flip side, with the swiftness, all the condition removal to strip immobilizes, and the stun breaker of SY, I’ve escaped from the middle of 35-man zergs spamming every “move-fast!” and CC ability they could find at me. It works exceedingly well against everything but heavy boon stripping.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Strenif.4935


I agree 100%

I like running solo or small groups but I haven’t found a group to my liking yet so I spend most of my time solo and not having a snare is very hard to work around against a good player.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


This moaning and groaning over ranged weapons is getting old, no? Forget what you don’t have and make it work with what you do. Build Toughness/Vitality and be a rock wall. Build Healing Power and Condition Damage and be a Support. Why do you need to be a Warrior on your Guardian? For Christ’s sake enough is enough. We don’t have a Longbow, move on. If you’re solo in WvW, then you might consider looking for a Group or Guild on your server who run in WvW a lot. DO something.

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


This moaning and groaning over ranged weapons is getting old, no? Forget what you don’t have and make it work with what you do. Build Toughness/Vitality and be a rock wall. Build Healing Power and Condition Damage and be a Support. Why do you need to be a Warrior on your Guardian? For Christ’s sake enough is enough. We don’t have a Longbow, move on. If you’re solo in WvW, then you might consider looking for a Group or Guild on your server who run in WvW a lot. DO something.

Whatever you do you cant be 100% of the time with a group in wvw. If I find a lone wolf behind our lines I would like to have a chance to beat that guy instead of playing around like a cat and mice for 10min or longer because the fight is going nowhere.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019



I have to agree, when talking about WvW, i dont think about 1v1 but a big stand off between two large groups, at a wall or not.
The only option we have is scepter, which wont make you kill anyone, just leach some assists…. gap closers are no option in such a fight because the moment you get close you get blown up by such a big group.

Whenever I raise this point I get smartkitten replies about survivability. The survivability is simply not applicable against multiple foes.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Marthiarn.8107



So because YOU cannot survive against multiple opponents, no one else can?

This game is a giant mindkitten btw.

The best way to mitigate damage in this game isn’t by stacking healing or tough/vit, but by synergizing traits to give you things stats cannot (Buttloads of on demand healing, stupid OP Protection durations, etc)

And before you claim (again) that we cannot survive against multiple foes, just realize that most of us have no problem doing so, and even killing a few of them.

Would love to see your stats. For someone who complains about lack of survivability in every single thread, I would like to see where you stand and in what ways we can help. Unless you just want to complain and not look at what you may be doing wrong

(edited by Marthiarn.8107)

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


I’m getting tired of all the people telling me how to play the Guardian and that the Guardian doesn’t need a viable ranged weapon. This profession is severely lacking in WvW and that’s why people are still complaining and I bet they will either quit or continue to complain until this huge issue is finally getting addressed to.

I don’t mind having no slows or disables, but I sure do mind my only ranged option being a magical wand that feels lackluster and boring in any regards, while other professions can have viable, decent weapons that look like a weapon.

The reason why people are still complaining is the fact that a lot of people are not satisfied with the Guardian’s lack of a viable, fun ranged weapon and heck they are right to complain! They feel like the character they wanted to play is severely lacking in a very important area of WvW and just because your preferrences are covered doesn’t mean they are playing the Guardian wrong or there is no need for a change. In a game where every profession is supposed to be able to fulfill any purpose or role they want, there is no place for a class that severely lacks in a certain area because that is ruining the very principle of this game.

(edited by shedim.8504)

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: squiggit.2357


The fundamental problem here is that support isn’t awarded for kitten. Anet needs to find a way to address that.

doesn’t mean they are playing the Guardian wrong

They’re looking for ranged DPS on a class that doesn’t have access to good ranged DPS. It’d be like me complaining that I can’t play my Thief as a buffbot.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: kousei.5914


I’m going with squiggit here. If you want ranged DPS other than guardian scepter, don’t play a guardian. Simple solution.

I personally love playing my guardian in WvW. Traits are set 0/0/30/30/10 and I play Sword/Shield and Scepter/Focus. I have a complete Knight’s set of exotic level 80 armor. I have no problem getting badges and kills in WvW. You just have to play smart and put some thought into your weapon sets (plural for a reason) and the right side of your bar.

1v1 battles are few and far between so not worry about those. For those that would say “but it’s part of WvW so you have to talk about it”, I’ve yet to lose a 1v1.

Now for the bulk of WvW play. For the most part, it’s party/squad/zerg battles. In those situations, I use Scepter/Focus as my annoyance set and spam Scepter #1, Scepter #2, and Focus #4. When you see a low target, Scepter #2, then Scepter #3, then weapon swap, then Sword #2, then Sword #3, and finally spam Sword #1. I rarely even run a utility snare as it’s not needed.

In keep/tower defense situations, you should be on a siege weapon as a guardian.

In keep/tower attack situations, you can be on a ram/siege golem or you can be on dolyak/foe watch. When I do dolyak/foe watch, I spam Scepter #1, Scepter #2, and Focus #4 on foes on top of walls and/or foe siege. When you see someone trying to get in, use Scepter #3, then weapon swap, then Sword #2, then dodge in front of enemy (towards their portal), then Shield #5, then Sword #3. If they’re not dead by that point, the fellow players on your server weren’t helping you enough.

Leader of Marked Souls [MkS]
Jade Quarry

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


The fundamental problem here is that support isn’t awarded for kitten. Anet needs to find a way to address that.

doesn’t mean they are playing the Guardian wrong

They’re looking for ranged DPS on a class that doesn’t have access to good ranged DPS. It’d be like me complaining that I can’t play my Thief as a buffbot.

Completely wrong. If your thief would only have access to a wand and a staff, both with awkward abilities, pathetic range, slow motion projectiles and ridiculous damage, then you would be right. Or your thief having no close combat weapons at all.

Honestly, what is this awesomesauce support you’re even talking about? Presssing 1-3 buttons every 20-60 seconds or the ridiculous tomes every 180 or 240 seconds and then waiting ages for your cooldowns to refresh while standing there like an idiot because you happen to be the only profession in this game with no viable ranged weapon in a melee-hostile large scale pvp scenario is your definition of fun?

“Go use siege weapons!” Yeah, right. There is no reason why siege weapons that you have to pay gold for should be required to make a profession viable in large scale pvp just because somebody thought it was cool to not give Guardians access to a viable ranged weapon.

(edited by shedim.8504)

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


shedim is a bit strong in voicing his/her opinion, but does have a point.
Guardians can do okay in WvWvW, but will never shine. Part of it is that support isn’t rewarded, but another part is that our ranged weapons are pretty bad in WvWvW, where a big part of combat is two groups fighting at ranged.
You could say that we should just play another profession if we want to be viable at ranged, but I disagree with that on two counts.
First of all, we’re the only profession with this particular problem, making me think it’s not intended (together with a dev post during the beta). It’s okay for a profession to have weaknesses, but this particular weakness just doesn’t seem intended.
And secondly: because I don’t want to play a different class. I love pretty much everything about the Guardian. I have a few nit-picks about the Scepter and the traits, but overall the Guardian is the perfect profession for me. Problem is, I can’t play my favorite profession in a big part of WvWvW and get rewarded for all the work I do.

“Come on, hit me!”

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: mynameisdan.5309


I do fine in WvW. I use scepter/focus and that gives me a little bit of a range, but the 2, combined with 3 destroys. The blind and 5 for the extra 3 nukes if I need to get away helps a little bit too. I stack tough/vit, and while my gear blows because I’m still working on getting 80 exotic gear, I think my 19k does just fine. If I notice I’m getting pelted for more than 2k a shot, I run. 1v1, I can kill just about anyone. Especially when they see that it’s just a guardian alone, but the shielding, blind, immobilize, and ability to make my immobilize also cause vulnerability helps. And then I swap to my hammer and cause even more havoc. But it’s a stupid assumption to think that any class will do well against 2v1 or more than 2. Toughness doesn’t seem to do crap in this game except mitigate a whole..what..5% of damage? I’m sitting at almost 2.5k armor and it’s just going to go up and mobs and players constantly hit me for pretty high, but it doesn’t stop me from being a pansy and running away unless I know I can kill one, then get away.

WvW..gotta fight like wolves do. In and out and in and out. Get the kill, run away. Unless you’re part of a zerg..and then..well..gung ho! What’s the worst that happens anyways? You pay 2s for repairs.

Freshfruit – Guardian of Blackgate
Cat V – Necromancer of Blackgate

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


You summed it up pretty nice, Ynna.

I do indeed sound more aggressive than I intended and I think it is because I do genuinely care about this game and the class and I am just sick and tired of people suggesting me to reroll Warrior, that the Guardian shouldn’t have decent ranged weapons in the first place and that I should either buy siege weapons or hang back and occasionally buff teammates every now and then and watch the other people fight or enjoy the scenery until my support abilities are off cooldown, again. I do enjoy supporting people, but I absolutely do not enjoy being forced to support because my profession sucks at everything else in WvW. I also hate the tomes and the wand/staff because once again, there are no alternative options for people who want to use something different. My only options there are a ridiculous self-disable as an elite skill and either Princess Lillifee’s slow motion tennisball shooting fairy wand, Gandalf’s walking stick including the “You shall not pass!” ability or no ranged weapons at all. This is poor design, to me.

The Guardian is absolutely fine in spvp. He’s also okay in pve unless you have to go ranged but WvW is simply not enjoyable because the profession is unarguably flawed.

(edited by shedim.8504)

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


This moaning and groaning over ranged weapons is getting old, no? Forget what you don’t have and make it work with what you do. Build Toughness/Vitality and be a rock wall. Build Healing Power and Condition Damage and be a Support. Why do you need to be a Warrior on your Guardian? For Christ’s sake enough is enough. We don’t have a Longbow, move on. If you’re solo in WvW, then you might consider looking for a Group or Guild on your server who run in WvW a lot. DO something.

Because we should be able to…

This game was built around the idea that any class can do ANYTHING and fill any role.
If I want to spec my guard for Crit power and do tons of damage I can, and I should be able to. I shouldn’t have to re-roll because I cannot fill a role, when every class can fit any role.

Why are guardians left out of this “every class can do every role” when it comes to WvW, sure we can support, but so can a water ele, casters can use daggers, rangers can use a great-sword, warriors can use rifles and bows, why can’t we have a ranged way to defend ourselves!? Or fight!?

So don’t tell people how to play their class, or tell them to go play a warrior, this game is built around having fun and options, and there should be no reason a profession is left out of a certain playstyle when all the others have access to everything.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


^ a thousand times this, BlueprintLFE.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Vigil.3408


Spot on, Blueprint.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Silkath.9743


Guardian issues largely go away when you start playing with a guild/coordinated group. With coordination, melee weapons are totally viable in zerg vs. zerg situations. In fact, I’d even say melee weapons win those fights. All it takes is 3/4 melee to charge in together, which splits the initial wave of damage you get from being out front enough for you to survive. Once you’re up close with their front lines melee does huge damage (hammer/GS on a closely-packed group is crazy damage), their ranged tend to panic and break and then in the chaos it’s much easier to pick people off. The problem is, if you try to do this without the coordinated support you explode instantly. This is why people think melee isn’t viable in zerg vs zerg fights. 9 times out of 10 a strong, coordinated melee push will win the engagement.

If you spend large amounts of your time AoE’ing things in keep assaults/defences then you’re not contributing effectively to WvW. Even so, there are ways to contribute in these situations.
*Smite from scepter or Symbol of Swiftness (properly traited) are great at clearing walls
*A Purging Flames + ground-targeted Consecrations adds another AoE to your skillset
*Baiting ranged attacks and dropping a Wall of Reflection does major damage
*Staff Orb of Light or Scepter Orb do reasonable dps in the fairly static situation of a keep assault/defence.

tldr: Sure, ranged weapons aren’t our strength, but we do have ok options here. Playing melee solo is tough, but with a coordinated group it becomes extremely effective (and fun!) so go find a guild if you want to WvW.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


Blueprint said it..

Much of my fun is derived from roleplay, the concept of a Light Warrior is what suits me personally most. I don’t want to be forced into a purely supportive role, as that nets you no rewards in WvW anyway, but even if it did it’s just not how I want to play, and since every profession is supposed to be at least viable at every role, I do agree that guardians should get longbows.

It would give greatsword warriors an awesome second weapon set. In one vs one it would allow us to beat an opponent, and in every other situation it would allow us to avoid the instant melee deaths due to having the health pool of a newborn kitten. (2x heartseeker = RIP)

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Mougen.6702


Really for me it comes down to two things.

1. Support needs to give rewards, hands down. Support builds are very important to WvW, sometimes more important than just beating on people and should be rewarded as such.

2. WvW needs to be made more melee friendly at times. Honestly I think it’s silly that WvW is pretty much just a ranged dps game zerg fest. The only time melee seems to be useful is in very small battles, once your in a tower/keep or on the off chance you find some guy running around alone….and even then most of the time he just runs away from you haha.

Also a side note, why not let the 1 on the staff be 1200 instead of 600? I mean is it doing too much damage? Are you afraid we’re going to wipe whole armies with its powerful AoE attack? It would be nice to at least do a bit of damage and get some credit when I’m using the staff for support.

(edited by Mougen.6702)

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


It’s kind of weird for a 1200 range auto attack to be aoe though, sure it would help a bit technically, though its damage is too low to be useful for anything, I doubt you get much credit with that, but I think a longbow would make more sense.

A guardian longbow, firing heavy bolts of light energy.

My ideas:

#1. A medium hitting auto attack with a medium recharge, the visual would be a fast moving streak of white light.
#2. A low damage flash arrow that causes a 5 second blind in a small aoe radius. 15s CD.
#3. A shot that dazes for 1 second and teleports you to the target. 20s CD.
#4. A slow charging attack (like the warrior rifle burst skill) that does a ton of damage, like a comet of blue light, a small aoe radius with a 3s burn. 20s CD.
#5. A 2s knockdown (not knockback) blast arrow. 45s CD.

Skills #1 and #4 go at 1200 range, the others go at 900 range.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Mougen.6702


It’s kind of weird for a 1200 range auto attack to be aoe though, sure it would help a bit technically, though its damage is too low to be useful for anything, I doubt you get much credit with that, but I think a longbow would make more sense.

Oh I agree 100%. I wasn’t saying that the staff 1 attack should be our ranged option, just that it would be nice if I could..like hit people with it. I wouldn’t mind the they made the cone effect less wide as well. Just when I’m supporting from up on a wall or something I would like to be able to hit someone, even if it’s not for a ton.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Downstairs Eddie.8125

Downstairs Eddie.8125

The scepter should be the ranged option (until we get a bow in an expansion, I’m guessing), but it needs some changes. The projectiles are way too slow and need to be sped up somehow. Either much faster projectiles or instant hit like the elementalist scepter. I’d like the #2 skill to be high up-front damage rather than a series of weaker AoE hits. Make it more like the Dragon’s Tooth skill: some beam of light blasts your enemy and does reasonably high damage, but perhaps with an animation lead-in that could be avoided (thereby necessitating the use of the #3 immoblize). Maybe the #3 skill could have the current Smite AoE incorporated into it, so the immobilize also does damage over time to the rooted enemy. Obviously damage would have to be reduced across the board to keep things balanced.

I think those changes would make the scepter more entertaining to use. At the moment it feels very weak, even though the damage is fairly high. Worse, it just feels boring at the moment. Most of the time you’re just firing slow orb after slow orb without much to show for it.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


I think a case could be made for a crossbow too, maybe less easily put in as longbow.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Punny.9210


lol there are ways to close the gap …..
on my guardian i do play melee why the hell would i make this class if i wanna play range and i have no problem closing the gap or being melee or w/e at all.


I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Sorry OP but you’re bad.
People aren’t laughing at you because you’re a Guardian, but because you’re bad.

I use this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/en/?fUAQNAR8dlYgiCnESIEgYFRuArHE8g+rqQ8wUgxMeLA

Never had a problem on the field.
Swiftness, leap, teleport, knockdown, immob, tome > lolkiting.

As for people on walls I carry arrow carts and blow them up.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Alarox.4590


I use a Hammer, and I have no trouble staying near an enemy in WvW long enough to kill them.

Ranged combat is another story, at the moment we’re lacking. If you greatly increase the speed of Orb of Light, make Wave of Wrath 900 range with a thinner cone, and you have a WvW weapon.

Alarox – Human Guardian
Rampage Wilson – Charr Engineer
Sea of Sorrows

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Stamen.9240


It’s just a train wreck trying to close the distance on foes as a guardian. On my silly little warrior I have a charge skill when equipped with a war horn that recharges faster than a slot skill like “Retreat.”

Seriously what do we get with Retreat? One extra block? Get real. The recharge is just stupid long compared to Charge — and the Warrior gets to swap weapons sets — he is stuck with the stupid thing on his skill bar.

My thief? Well, what do you know… I don’t even have to slot a dang thing. Just spec to gain swiftness on evade and I can actually roll TOWARD my targets to speed up. And of course that’s if I am too lazy to warp there with one of a dozen skills on my bar.

Slow, slow, slow. And if you’re at a distance — weak, weak weak.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: WatchTheShow.7203


I know it might not be what you want to hear, but this game encourages you to play with other people. Try pairing up with a ranger or engineer. Both of those classes have great snares and cripples. Together, you will be unstoppable.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Lifeline.4062


The guardian’s ranged attack is called retaliation. Spec for it and stand around while people kill themselves as you /laugh.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


WatchTheShow, the game being about team play is not an excuse for some professions to be inferior to others, the devs clearly said they want to make the game as balanced as it can be.

Every profession should be enjoyable to those who want to play that certain profession. Some people only feel comfortable playing certain types of professions, for example it is impossible for me to play dark professions such as necromancer or thief or an unnatural one such as engineer.

Lifeline, retaliation does very little damage, it does not reflect all the damage back, only a small portion, and you still get hit by that damage too, retaliation doesn’t offer protection of any kind. If you rely on retaliation you will die long before your target even if it is kiting you while it is near death.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


I know it might not be what you want to hear, but this game encourages you to play with other people. Try pairing up with a ranger or engineer. Both of those classes have great snares and cripples. Together, you will be unstoppable.

“Enourag[ing] to play with other people,” shouldn’t mean: “make one profession horrible in one area, so its forced to group up.” Playing with other people in this game is fun, and makes you more powerful (loving the combos), but shouldn’t be a prerequisite for success.

“Come on, hit me!”

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Blades.9417


^totally agree, you shouldnt have to pair up to have a snare.

the premiss the devs gave us was not “pair up with other people to have fun” it was “play however you want to play and have fun”

Guardians are desperatly needing a criplle associated witha weapon, rename flashign blade to criplling blade, remove the leap and give us cripple instead if that’s what it takes. (and whoever doesnt agree as never gone 1v1 against a mesmer)

we have 0 effective snares. even with weapon swap, and the signets, you either spike hard and hope not to get dodged, or the guy will break free very fast, cripple you and flee,and theres nothing you can do about it.

SFR thief.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


If at least the hammer glacial trait wouldn’t be on a horrible 45s cooldown.

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Snort.3698


The issue isnt the Guardan. it os how you approach mass pvp.

Join a good guild. Organisation is king.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Edenwolf.6328


So you must be implying ever other class has infinity tools to catch people and does so successfully 100 % of the time :S Ive stopped many people in there tracks and killed them with the heavy cc of great sword/hammer.

Alistat the White-Guardian, Edenwolf-Thief, Grimtech Jones-Necro Borlis Pass

I feel trolled in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Sorry OP but you’re bad.
People aren’t laughing at you because you’re a Guardian, but because you’re bad.

I use this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/en/?fUAQNAR8dlYgiCnESIEgYFRuArHE8g+rqQ8wUgxMeLA

Never had a problem on the field.
Swiftness, leap, teleport, knockdown, immob, tome > lolkiting.

As for people on walls I carry arrow carts and blow them up.

Not everyone wants to run your build. I use 30 zeal, 10 valor and 30 Honor.

Oh and I got 72 kills with siege equipment without dieing yesterday, but it was totally boring just pressing the same button over and over seeing the kills appear…

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.