I need some help with power lvling Build
GS is really the way to go here for solo PvE roaming .. I carried a scepter shield off set for when i needed some breathing room on a vet or champ kite on DE’s.
On a side note you can PL yourself 30ish levels pretty quickly with jewel, cook, and artifice (potion) crafts. It takes few gold , depends on market prices but is quick and easy. Lots of guides for this on goggle. So if your goal is max level quickly I’d get to 48-50ish then PL the last 30 with crafts.
Make sure you get some food. +10xp from weaponsmith +10xp from chef. You may check the wiki for more information.
My goal while leveling was to hit Two Handed Mastery trait at 40 and Altruistic Healing trait at 60. These will help you move through leveling content quickly with a Greatsword. If your server is decent at WvW that is a good place to level if you can follow a commander around and take objectives.