I need some help with power lvling Build

I need some help with power lvling Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Prideroth.6230


Hello everyone,

I’m playing GW2 for like 2 weeks now and I’m a lvl 23 Guardian

I didn’t lvl up much yet because I had a lot of work to do, but now I’m ready to plvl =D

Do you guys and girls know any good low lvl build good to power level my char?

I`m playing with Sword + shield and I switch to GS to kill small groups on mobs =)

I need some help with power lvling Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Mortayia.7651


GS is really the way to go here for solo PvE roaming .. I carried a scepter shield off set for when i needed some breathing room on a vet or champ kite on DE’s.

On a side note you can PL yourself 30ish levels pretty quickly with jewel, cook, and artifice (potion) crafts. It takes few gold , depends on market prices but is quick and easy. Lots of guides for this on goggle. So if your goal is max level quickly I’d get to 48-50ish then PL the last 30 with crafts.

I blindfold myself then go pick fistfights with people so I can enjoy culling in real life!

I need some help with power lvling Build

in Guardian

Posted by: raubvogel.5071


Make sure you get some food. +10xp from weaponsmith +10xp from chef. You may check the wiki for more information.

I need some help with power lvling Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Bloodgruve.6038


My goal while leveling was to hit Two Handed Mastery trait at 40 and Altruistic Healing trait at 60. These will help you move through leveling content quickly with a Greatsword. If your server is decent at WvW that is a good place to level if you can follow a commander around and take objectives.


“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”