Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Timston.1976


So Nerf hammer drops Tuesday and I fine with that I’m done getting flamed but, while you guys are working on Dragonhunter, could you maybe take a look at glacial heart and mighty blow damage? I’m fine with true shot being nerfed as long as mighty blow gets the damage. 2k-3k crit just doesn’t do it for me? Swapping Glacial heart with strength in numbers would be amazing. Or communal defenses. Anything is good. While classes are nerfed I think other aspects of them should be buffed

Guard main,Team pvp enthusiast, and all around Jolly fellow
bunker guard will live again, well, someday

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


DH will be buffed.

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703


Can I have a source link please?

#I no words have"

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Vikkela.7261


Stop teasing me where did you get this info

9 Guardians later…

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Arutha.9874


He is not confirming, just being pessimistic and realistic.
He and probably most of the non guard community think it should be nerfed so is having fun thinking of places where other things could be buffed.

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


I am just kidding, but DH will stay the same, no buffs and nerfs needed for DH. Other elite spec are better/same as DH. Ppl are complaining constantly because elites ARE straight upgrades to every class. Core cannot beat elites now. But core guardian could use some buffs, especially hammer, spirit weapons…

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Heimdallr.7021


There’s no source guys, this is just OP speculating of course.
He has a point though, i mean next week we get raids and probably the balance patch considering there’s also the pvp season incoming, after all the cries i think DH will be toned down.

norn warrior

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Vikkela.7261


Ah ok, I see. IMO though all the elite specs could take some nerfs and brougth back to be in line with core classes instead of going the other way of making all core class stuff obsolete and endlessly need to bring it all up (not talking about spirit weapons, they would need complete rework like signets)
Test of Faith effecting blinks and shadowsteps should be fixed/changed. give it a low low cast-time and the ability to camp a node and spam traps twice in a row should disappear

9 Guardians later…

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Ppl are shouting for DH nerfs because now you see how core guardian sucked for 3 years.

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Vikkela.7261


Can’t really agree with the “Guardians sucked before DH” statement m8

9 Guardians later…

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703


So what is the whole purpose of this thread? To flame more?
Or give some feedback? We have like 2987,6 posts already…

That’s it?

Bad troll is bad!

#I no words have"

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

Can’t really agree with the “Guardians sucked before DH” statement m8

Its not so much it sucked as a whole, it had some things that were rather nice (looking at shouts & meditations).

However there are numerous problems.

Many traits are underwhelming, feel like they are in the wrong line or flat out suck.

Numerous traits either encourage you to use a virtue every CD or never use it to make use of the passive (should be merged if in same line & effect the same virtue)

Looking at zeal many of the majors & minors should either be swapped around or merged to encourage use of something other then hammer or mace without feeling like your losing out.

Spirit weapons are extremely niche, so much so that outside of 1-2 instances in game they are not worth using. (when scrapper gyro’s were announced engineers threatened to riot if they ended up like spirit weapons. Gyro’s then had their CD start the moment they are summoned. Spirit weapons could stand to have the same treatment and have their base health at 80 adjusted.)

Signets pretty much suck.

So ya core guardian could use a ton of adjustments or even improvements to encourage build diversity.

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


If True Shot’s damage will really get nerfed then it’s going to be just as viable as Mighty Blow is right now, I guarantee it.
If TS is about to be nerfed, then unroot it and add some condition to it along with making sustain damage stronger. If this won’t work out then buff the hammer and don’t move the trait from virtues, otherwise those who don’t run traps will be left with long CD virtues (and these are already long enough) due to leaving Virtues trait line for other trait lines that will give us hammer/GS/meditation/shout traits.

If mesmer relies on their shatters as well, then why their CD’s are short, they got resummons, but we have only a long cooldown refresh to reset long cooldowns >_<
Guardians also need their virtues, and these should be WORTH using without obligatory Virtues trait line.
Without Virtues we don’t have any other form of healing other than healing utlity spell and meditation trait. Where are the passive regens that randomly pop ?
Retaliatory Subconscious is amusingly underwhelming.
Well it’s nice we get an aegis after knockback etc… but it’s a shame that it can be negated by a sneeze so after we shake off the CC we are left with basicaly nothing.
I think it should make us immune to any form of CC after being CC’ed instead of granting aegis (by immune I mean that only one CC thrown at us would be neglected, this would shield us from being CC locked).

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

(edited by Rodzynald.5897)

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Arcaedus.7290


Prediction: I think the most reasonable and likely nerfs that will be coming to us on Tuesday without completely destroying us would be:

-Add 1/2s cast time to Test of Faith, but crossing the barrier now does about 10% more damage.

-Test of Faith no longer does unblockable-trigger damage, but crossing the barrier still is unblockable.

-Protection gained from triggering Test of Faith reduced by 1 second, Regen gained from triggering Purification reduced by 4 seconds.

-Increase the cooldown of Trueshot by 1 second. Damage remains same.

I hope ANET doesn’t forget we need some fixes/buffs too…..
-Wings of Resolve being affected by movement-impairing conditions.
-Our Spirit weapons should receive the same treatment as scrapper gyros
-Shield of Courage (f3) being interruptible and going on full cool down without providing shield, or any of the traited effects.
-Hunter’s ward (LB #5) sometimes doesn’t affect the target during initial damage pulses if the terrain is not even.
-Reworking of quite a few traits (best to start with radiance and zeal)
-Some very slight buffs to our hammer moveset would be nice; namely damage on #2, speed on #1 and #3, and cd reduction on #4 and #5.

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


-Protection gained from triggering Test of Faith reduced by 1 second, Regen gained from triggering Purification reduced by 4 seconds.

WHUT? 4 seconds!!!

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: emkelly.2371


core guardian has never sucked.

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


I think it should make us immune to any form of CC after being CC’ed instead of granting aegis (by immune I mean that only one CC thrown at us would be neglected, this would shield us from being CC locked).

there’s this thing called stability and guardians can give it to people in an aoe. . .

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: SirServed.5693


-Wings of Resolve being affected by movement-impairing conditions.

I would find myself yelling “It’s supposed to REMOVE this!” as I stay immobilized in the same spot after using Wings.

-Shield of Courage (f3) being interruptible and going on full cool down without providing shield, or any of the traited effects.

When I first saw this, I was like “For real bro?” and the only believable response the mobs could come up with is “lolz, git rekt”.

-Reworking of quite a few traits (best to start with radiance and zeal)

I personally think Radiance and Zeal are fine, what problems do you have with them? I still primarily use GS so those two are must haves for me. Add in the traps from DH and some stuff is going to be angry/dead, or angry then dead.

(edited by SirServed.5693)

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Arcaedus.7290


-Reworking of quite a few traits (best to start with radiance and zeal)

I personally think Radiance and Zeal are fine, what problems do you have with them? I still primarily use GS so those two are must haves for me. Add in the traps from DH and some stuff is going to be angry/dead, or angry then dead.

This is mainly from a pvp/wvw perspective, zeal and radiance are great in pve or so I hear (I wouldn’t know, i’m a scrub when it comes to pve lol). I don’t much like the GM options for radiance. Amplified Wrath is a great trait for condi builds and hybrids but the other two GMs are rather diminutive. Even power-based guards taking radiance will often take Amplified Wrath. The other two GM traits need a bit of workover imo.

Zeal has good major traits, but the two minors (master and GM level) seem a bit redundant. We essentially have three traits dealing with symbols in the zeal line. I think we could stand to have some rolling-together, and development of a new minor. As is, if you don’t use hammer, and/or mace, you don’t seem to get a lot out of the symbol-related minor-traits here.

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Indure.5410


So ya core guardian could use a ton of adjustments or even improvements to encourage build diversity.

Don’t disagree, but you can go to every class forum here and see the same complaints for every single class in the game. There are countless worthless skills/weapons/traits/utilities and in comparison to other classes Guardians have on average a higher degree of build variety and utility/weapon choice.

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Timston.1976


Expect drop to be today, noon. Pacific time. Bye bye true shot or.whatever is nerfed

Guard main,Team pvp enthusiast, and all around Jolly fellow
bunker guard will live again, well, someday

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: emkelly.2371


You’ll probably be pleasantly surprised at what the do and do not change. Anet loves their guardians

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Timston.1976


I kittenin hope so, I made a revenant just in case lol. I never want to leave my guard but if i can’t bunker or dps, revenant it is I guess

Guard main,Team pvp enthusiast, and all around Jolly fellow
bunker guard will live again, well, someday

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: emkelly.2371


True Shot: Added unblockable as a skill fact.
Hunter’s Ward: Removed an erronious icon that appeared on opponents when using this ability. Reduced the visual noise on the effects associated with this skill. Fixed an issue that caused the damage to not be applied in certain skill queueing scenarios.
Dragon’s Maw: Fixed an issue that caused the effects of this trap to fade early, leaving an invisible, impassable ring for a short time. Reduced the visual noise on the effects associated with this skill.
Purification: Reduced the visual noise on the effects associated with this skill.
Fragments of Faith: Reduced the visual noise on the effects associated with this skill.
Light’s Judgment: Reduced the visual noise on the effects associated with this skill.
Test of Faith: Reduced the visual noise on the effects associated with this skill.
Procession of Blades: Reduced the visual noise on the effects associated with this skill.


Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703


True Shot is a typo… they meant DeflectingShot what was indeed unblockable…

Confirmed by Karl…

#I no words have"

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Timston.1976


Yea like wtf. Now I think well eventually ger nerfed even harder since it’ll take longer

Guard main,Team pvp enthusiast, and all around Jolly fellow
bunker guard will live again, well, someday

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

So what it stops being an “Elite Specialization”? DH is meant to be the damage spec of the Guardian, they won’t touch the bow

Founder of [CBA]/Former vE
No.2 Warrior NA/Irl behind Mr Kitten.7359

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Emmrahil.1934


Not sure if this is the right thread to post it but … reading the forums last weeks made me smile about how people can confuse “strong” with “op”…also made me think how people judge how strong a class is in spvp from solo que and not from meta level of play (which should be the basic place where the fact if a class is op or not should be judged) . Guess what? DH is strong (as he should be) and is not OP at all . The fact some DH owned you in solo que dont make this class OP. Dont get me wrong. DH is ( thanks ArenaNet !! ^.^) strong enough to be part of current spvp meta.That is something good and it is not making DH an OP class. Hopefully developers will make the future patch changes and balances based on the meta level of spvp (if a class is clearly overpowered in meta level is normal to nerf it and if a class is not at all in high level games is normal to boost it -warrior cough cough-) and not based to what people say from their solo que experiance. I hope that since they seem to put great effort in spvp and create pro leagues they will do that insteed of try make everyone who post in forums happy. In my humble opinion no class is OP atm in spvp (not sure about revenant tbh not saying he is just dont know for sure) .Warrior needs a boost and maybe theif needs a small one and that’s it!

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Arutha.9874


Not sure if this is the right thread to post it but … reading the forums last weeks made me smile about how people can confuse “strong” with “op”…also made me think how people judge how strong a class is in spvp from solo que and not from meta level of play (which should be the basic place where the fact if a class is op or not should be judged) . Guess what? DH is strong (as he should be) and is not OP at all . The fact some DH owned you in solo que dont make this class OP. Dont get me wrong. DH is ( thanks ArenaNet !! ^.^) strong enough to be part of current spvp meta.That is something good and it is not making DH an OP class. Hopefully developers will make the future patch changes and balances based on the meta level of spvp (if a class is clearly overpowered in meta level is normal to nerf it and if a class is not at all in high level games is normal to boost it -warrior cough cough-) and not based to what people say from their solo que experiance. I hope that since they seem to put great effort in spvp and create pro leagues they will do that insteed of try make everyone who post in forums happy. In my humble opinion no class is OP atm in spvp (not sure about revenant tbh not saying he is just dont know for sure) .Warrior needs a boost and maybe theif needs a small one and that’s it!

I find myself disagreeing with a majority of these types of comments, in my opinion if you balance everything against high level play it becomes extremely boring for us normal people. In a lot of cases forum posters are observers instead of active gamers, I am not sure if that is true in the gw2 ones but these people forget that the game is about making people feel good at all levels of play.

Good specs should be hard to play and easier to avoid. This lets low players have much more “I can’t believe I just did that” moments as oppose to “burn noob” moments.
Dragon hunter is at the moment too easy to play and too hard to counter, this means that top level players can compete but low level players have to struggle and begin hating the game for it. This is exacerbated further as there is no skill splits so dragon hunters are everywhere.

Encouraging easy gaming specs to be above the power curve is bad for the future.
Examples of what could make DH harder to play and better for top meta players:
1. Adding knockback to skill 3 instead of RNG. (Skill shot that becomes better with Mesmer friend)
2. Traps trigger 10 seconds cooldown on utility when triggered.(placing triggers normal cooldown so you can reposition but if triggered the cd goes to max(10,current_cd) )
3. True shot gives kitten stacking intensity buff that makes next true shot deal 20% more damage, nerf TS by about 25% (stacks up to 5, stack refreshed when next true shot hits)
4. Daze removed and replaced with something thematic instead of hard to get, eg. 3 stacks of torment on trigger instead of on damage, nerf base damage a little (High usability by condi guard and asks the question, do you want to move out of the traps?)

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Encouraging easy gaming specs to be above the power curve is bad for the future.
Examples of what could make DH harder to play and better for top meta players:
1. Adding knockback to skill 3 instead of RNG. (Skill shot that becomes better with Mesmer friend)
2. Traps trigger 10 seconds cooldown on utility when triggered.(placing triggers normal cooldown so you can reposition but if triggered the cd goes to max(10,current_cd) )
3. True shot gives kitten stacking intensity buff that makes next true shot deal 20% more damage, nerf TS by about 25% (stacks up to 5, stack refreshed when next true shot hits)
4. Daze removed and replaced with something thematic instead of hard to get, eg. 3 stacks of torment on trigger instead of on damage, nerf base damage a little (High usability by condi guard and asks the question, do you want to move out of the traps?)

DH don’t need to be harder.
1. Fine by me.
2. Srry but 10 sec cd it too much for fast paced pvp matches.
3. TS is fine because it roots you in place.
4. Torment is useless if you don’t play condi guard. Maybe adding trait for condi dmg but removing daze no.

Traps are fine, DH is fine, ppl just need to learn counterplay. Visual nerf made that road easier.

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Emmrahil.1934


Not sure if this is the right thread to post it but … reading the forums last weeks made me smile about how people can confuse “strong” with “op”…also made me think how people judge how strong a class is in spvp from solo que and not from meta level of play (which should be the basic place where the fact if a class is op or not should be judged) . Guess what? DH is strong (as he should be) and is not OP at all . The fact some DH owned you in solo que dont make this class OP. Dont get me wrong. DH is ( thanks ArenaNet !! ^.^) strong enough to be part of current spvp meta.That is something good and it is not making DH an OP class. Hopefully developers will make the future patch changes and balances based on the meta level of spvp (if a class is clearly overpowered in meta level is normal to nerf it and if a class is not at all in high level games is normal to boost it -warrior cough cough-) and not based to what people say from their solo que experiance. I hope that since they seem to put great effort in spvp and create pro leagues they will do that insteed of try make everyone who post in forums happy. In my humble opinion no class is OP atm in spvp (not sure about revenant tbh not saying he is just dont know for sure) .Warrior needs a boost and maybe theif needs a small one and that’s it!

I find myself disagreeing with a majority of these types of comments, in my opinion if you balance everything against high level play it becomes extremely boring for us normal people. In a lot of cases forum posters are observers instead of active gamers, I am not sure if that is true in the gw2 ones but these people forget that the game is about making people feel good at all levels of play.

Good specs should be hard to play and easier to avoid. This lets low players have much more “I can’t believe I just did that” moments as oppose to “burn noob” moments.
Dragon hunter is at the moment too easy to play and too hard to counter, this means that top level players can compete but low level players have to struggle and begin hating the game for it. This is exacerbated further as there is no skill splits so dragon hunters are everywhere.

Encouraging easy gaming specs to be above the power curve is bad for the future.
Examples of what could make DH harder to play and better for top meta players:
1. Adding knockback to skill 3 instead of RNG. (Skill shot that becomes better with Mesmer friend)
2. Traps trigger 10 seconds cooldown on utility when triggered.(placing triggers normal cooldown so you can reposition but if triggered the cd goes to max(10,current_cd) )
3. True shot gives kitten stacking intensity buff that makes next true shot deal 20% more damage, nerf TS by about 25% (stacks up to 5, stack refreshed when next true shot hits)
4. Daze removed and replaced with something thematic instead of hard to get, eg. 3 stacks of torment on trigger instead of on damage, nerf base damage a little (High usability by condi guard and asks the question, do you want to move out of the traps?)

No offence but i am not an observer…actually you can say i am a new player (6 months of gw2) who works hard in spvp trying to reach the high spvp level of play..That dont mean that i dont have a general philosophy about online competitive stuff (since i do that seriously for last 10 years). What i beleieve is that is every competitive game the power of classes should be judged based to how strong a class is in meta level. Hopefully since ArenaNet trys to raise the status of competitive spvp and make it professional they will judge the next patches and updates from high level plays also.And even in average level of play DH can beconcidered strong but not even close to OP.Knock back has certain limitations (range and CD) and traps are fine (cant be weaker expect you wish make them useless). Now if you think counter a class should be easy enough so a player who dont play spvp a lot should be able to do it i guess your logic is totally against the fact that ArenaNet trys (and many of us agrees and are super happy with it) to raise the status of spvp in general and make it a hardcore competitive thing.

Ideas for nerf drop tuesday

in Guardian

Posted by: Arutha.9874


Emrahil, we can disagree but you miss the aspect of making it more rewarding to play with high skill. I want it to be difficult to be good because if it is easy to be good then that spec won’t appear in the meta but will only damage the lower brackets, how is that a good thing? Notice most of my suggestions actually lead to a increase if you play properly like the 25% increase to true shot damage if timed exactly right.

Encouraging easy gaming specs to be above the power curve is bad for the future.
Examples of what could make DH harder to play and better for top meta players:
1. Adding knockback to skill 3 instead of RNG. (Skill shot that becomes better with Mesmer friend)
2. Traps trigger 10 seconds cooldown on utility when triggered.(placing triggers normal cooldown so you can reposition but if triggered the cd goes to max(10,current_cd) )
3. True shot gives kitten stacking intensity buff that makes next true shot deal 20% more damage, nerf TS by about 25% (stacks up to 5, stack refreshed when next true shot hits)
4. Daze removed and replaced with something thematic instead of hard to get, eg. 3 stacks of torment on trigger instead of on damage, nerf base damage a little (High usability by condi guard and asks the question, do you want to move out of the traps?)

DH don’t need to be harder.
1. Fine by me.
2. Srry but 10 sec cd it too much for fast paced pvp matches.
3. TS is fine because it roots you in place.
4. Torment is useless if you don’t play condi guard. Maybe adding trait for condi dmg but removing daze no.

Traps are fine, DH is fine, ppl just need to learn counterplay. Visual nerf made that road easier.

1. I think everyone agrees on this at this stage.

2. But these are traps you are not supposed to be able to stack them up the way players do at the moment… In my suggestion if you drop a trap and it is triggered instantly there is no change to current mechanics. Yes 10 seconds is long but currently you can have at least 4 traps trigger on a player within 1 second easily. 2 PoB at once is just stupid. Even if it doesn’t happen often it should never be allowed to happen.

3. This was more of an option to show a nerf which leads to more damage if skilled right, could be a nice buff to pve damage for example through a trait.

4. I think this is the part I have the most issue with, explain to me why Daze is a good mechanic for these traps? Is a 5 second daze through all your traps (potentially more due to point 2) really balanced? If you want we can calculate daze uptime vs Mesmer to see…
And the torment suggestion is just extra damage, sure torment numbers aren’t very high but it is still added damage or added thought to clense after triggering. Either way it gives people more of a “hey I can do something” feeling after hitting traps.