Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: tanshiniza.8629


I’m still waiting for a 1vs1 Arena because that’s something I could really get into. The ‘Solo’ Arena doesn’t allow anyone to show their stuff cause if you get a team full of Lemons then all you can do is sit back and make Lemonade and serve it to the other team after their flawless victory. Team Arena does what it says on the tin but I’ve never had much interest in setting up a team and playing in a good team means you’re a competent player however it doesn’t reflect on your solo performance.

Maybe one day we shall have a decent leader board for each type of competitive Game play but for now the most you can say is someone is ‘One’ of the ‘Top’ players because you can see they are good but there’s no one of telling if they’re the best.

Calm Caril – Level 80 – Guardian
“Jim’ll Fix It and if he doesn’t it’s not broken”

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


Guys I am really happy about your feedback and i got your point the only problem was for a title such as “interview with one of the best guardians (aszehene)” there arent enough letters I could use but now I did it!
—> i inserted the “a” haha

Thanks anyways for joining this thread and I will try to interview more guys which is pretty difficult since a lot of good players are currently having a break and are therefore not online that often

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


Honestly this thread would be incredibly entertaining if it wasn’t so pathetically sad… If the player in question wasn’t one of the best ‘known’ guardians around, I might be able to understand the entirely immeasurable kitten, but just wow…

It’s incredibly disappointing seeing good players get so bent out of shape over some superficial nonsense…

Nice interview btw though. If you can get Teldo, Ostrich, or Super in there next, that’d be pretty cool.

I will try my best but they are not online that often which is a problem but i will try

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


Azshenes spec is a general bunker spec and the point is to hold middle as long as possible and as i said if your team has a bigger fight on the side node try to help em out gl!

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Azshene really validated what I have felt for some time.

Bunker guardian is strong, but hybrid guardian, which is what most want to play, is weak.

Ty for the interview.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


no problem you are welcome

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Hunter.4783


All you little attention starved little punks need to chill the kitten out. You are pathetic. What the kitten did I just read over the last page? Are you in the warrior forums now.

All you forum all stars aren’t even 1/10th as good as the person in question is otherwise YOU would be playing in that team. Being a forum hotshot does not make you any good at this game, so again, tale a chill pill, let your egos deflate, THEN post again.


Thanks for the video mate, it was very informative and helpful. Don’t listen to these little punks kittening and moaning because they are suddenly not getting any attention.

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Hunter.4783


Love the “Best Guardian In Game” opinion.

Classic. Hopefully it’ll get you more ‘hits’ then respect.

Oh get over it, he is better than both you and me, you silly little egomaniac.

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Hunter.4783


Hmm, that’s funny. I don’t recall being interviewed….

Who the kitten are you? Exactly.

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Hunter.4783


and seriously nobody can deny that he is one of the best guardians ingame

See, here you go again. Is it really that difficult to understand what people are telling you? Best is subjective. What makes you think he is the best compared to anyone else playing the game today? I mean seriously, how hard is this to understand?

People have asked what he does for the community. Does he post builds? Does he theory craft with other members? Does he critique builds, offer advise to people playing the game and reading these forums? Is he an active member of probably the best forum/community on the GW2 official forums?

Are we talking about America or Europe? Are you going solely based on player vs. player? If so, why? There are achievements and other things to consider when talking about best. There are over 3 million people playing this game and your boy isn’t even ranked one looking at the stats right now. Then again we also all know the reporting criteria in this game is horrid at best.

My advise? Take the constructive feedback, delete the thread, and start over but your mileage may vary I guess. I’ll give you a gold star though for gaining a lot of attention.

My advice? this is probably the most informative video we have had in a while. The only problem is that your ego can’t take it for some reason, so how about YOU delete this post? His video and the OP is fine. You are the problem

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Kirschwasser.3972


Wow someone is REALLY defensive over an e-celebrity.

I mean, granted, the other people up in arms about him being the best are also funny.

… This thread is funny.

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


Guys you need to chill, azs is on a team 99.9% of you will never be on, so please show some respect.

So I assume everyone who hated on the term best must be from team CC or something, because those are the ONLY people who can poo on him right now.

Love when randoms hate on star players like they are even in the same universe.

If their gw2 team is as bad as their LoL team then 99.9% of us are lucky.

As for the condi meta, if those leaked notes are true then it just got much worse for guardians…MUCH WORSE.

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sarius.6983


If their gw2 team is as bad as their LoL team then 99.9% of us are lucky.

As for the condi meta, if those leaked notes are true then it just got much worse for guardians…MUCH WORSE.

Much worse is an understatement. If they actually go through with it, the only thing guardians will be good at is for walls and knowing their current rate, itll probably get nerfed too.

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


I don’t actually care about people telling me that azshene is not the best guardian ingame or smth like that…I have been playing this game since the “reporter’s beta tests” and I have only been playing PvP. Therefore I would say i can judge a good guard when I see one and I have followed Team Paradigm for quite some time now because I love their playstyle teamplay and tactics..also i can say that azshene has a huge amount of skill when it comes to playing his class..he is insanely good in duels against every other class and knows how to support his team and when to leave his point to protect teammates etc etc

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: TheMaskedParadigm.3629


I thought everyone knew that I was the best Guardian.

Youtube Channel –

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


haha i knew but the others didnt :>

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


Some of the comments in this thread are quite cringeworthy. Anyway thanks for the video OP.

(edited by Fenrir.3609)

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


no probs as long as there are people appreciating the effort i will continue doing it

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Ezrael.6859


ITT a sub-par WvW Guardian that relies on gear discrepancy whines about the thread title.

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


haha funny indeed

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


ITT a sub-par WvW Guardian that relies on gear discrepancy whines about the thread title.

Probably should check that comment because there are several players here, who posted, which don’t mention gear discrepancy, whine, and provided feed back. Go figure. Oh, I’ll up you one. They actually provide input to the community via builds, videos, and active participation in various threads.

I think most people are over the title now believe it or not since the feedback was accepted, thought about, and people have since moved on. Well, except maybe you?

But hey, let us beat the dead horse and keep it on the front page so it isn’t forgotten!!!!

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Kirschwasser.3972


I never understand the whole frowning on WvW as relying on gear discrepancy. Isn’t spvp relying on build and stat discrepancy? In a truly skill-based game shouldn’t the only discrepancy boil down to who is the most skilled?

I dunno, something about the comment just smacks of ignorance and irony.

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


well what really annoys me since i am main mesmer is that (i will now call them not so high skilled mesmers)..they go to wvw fight people that are not even rank 80 and/or dont have equipment as good as him in 1vs5 and put it on youtube as a montage..
because in spvp everbody kinda has the same chances because you almost have the same stats
but in wvw its so different even tho you are rank 80 u deal almost no dmg if you are not max equipped and the enemy is..

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


This thread: 10% discussion on the topic at hand, 90% defining “best”.

Never change, official forums.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


yep sad but true

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


This thread: 10% discussion on the topic at hand, 90% defining “best”.

Never change, official forums.

Go read the other class forums then come back and post. We have probably one of the best forums for class discussions out of the lot. I think nit picking on a title or verb is ok…

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


i think its okay as long as the purpose of the videos doesnt get lost

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


well what really annoys me since i am main mesmer is that (i will now call them not so high skilled mesmers)..they go to wvw fight people that are not even rank 80 and/or dont have equipment as good as him in 1vs5 and put it on youtube as a montage..
because in spvp everbody kinda has the same chances because you almost have the same stats
but in wvw its so different even tho you are rank 80 u deal almost no dmg if you are not max equipped and the enemy is..

That’s the reason so many look down on WvW. It’s also the reason Anet won’t try for real balance there. The gear discrepancy helps pve players overcome the skill discrepancy. You might be better but when they are doing 10% more damage every attack, and taking less from you it adds up. It gives the pve players a false sense of skill. Of course then they go into actual pvp and lose. They stop playing it, hence the extremely low pop there.

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


Guardians be like “aw naw u didn’t just praise another guard”. Everyone has their own likes and whatnot and because this is a team game, being the best guard is really subjective as Crapgame has said. If he wants to provide feedback on the Guardian, that’s fine, but using marketing lines such as “top/best/etc” to draw attention is somewhat of a foul play. Good interview though!

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


I didnt use it to draw attention i used it because if you ask 10 top 200 lb players who they consider the best guardian ingame you will hear 9 times “Azshene” also the title “best guardian ingame or top guardian ingame” is based on reasearch i have done watching streams asking other top players dueling him checking other streams checking leaderboards etc etc i put a lot of effort and time into this its not just an eyecatcher

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


It was an attention getter, don’t try to deny it. My mamma said to me if it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it kitten well is a duck.

Anyway, you get kudo’s and a gold star for taking the time and effort. Honest, you do. However, I’m taking the gold star back because you keep thinking he/she is top. Take a step back and look at how many play the game, then are guardians, then stream or post. Now, look at the current leader board system and its decay. Also consider how many started to play, then left. Heck, factor in Americas vs. EMEA.

Yes, I like to kick the bee’s nest But hey, I gave you kudo’s and a star. Wait, I took that star back, didn’t I?

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


haha well that was a weird but awesome comment i guess?

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Who really cares? I was happy with the original title. It got my attention. GJ Sen

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


yes! attention wh..e sensotix wins! haha

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Bas.7406


Haha, sensotix, welcome to the world of putting on videos :P. Good Morning everyone! Leave the poor kid alone. he is trying to do something helpful for the community.

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Redscope.6215


well what really annoys me since i am main mesmer is that (i will now call them not so high skilled mesmers)..they go to wvw fight people that are not even rank 80 and/or dont have equipment as good as him in 1vs5 and put it on youtube as a montage..
because in spvp everbody kinda has the same chances because you almost have the same stats
but in wvw its so different even tho you are rank 80 u deal almost no dmg if you are not max equipped and the enemy is..

That’s the reason so many look down on WvW. It’s also the reason Anet won’t try for real balance there. The gear discrepancy helps pve players overcome the skill discrepancy. You might be better but when they are doing 10% more damage every attack, and taking less from you it adds up. It gives the pve players a false sense of skill. Of course then they go into actual pvp and lose. They stop playing it, hence the extremely low pop there.

I would argue that the low (low as a relative term to the rest of the game’s playstyles) sPvP pop is simply due to the restrictions put on stats by amulets. There are quite a few builds that suffer in sPvP because they’re unable to pick up the types of stats they want/use in PvE…so they don’t play.

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


i dont really care if people complain haha i am kinda a relaxed person so i really dont mind

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Divinity.8041


sens, it is ok for scrubs with no vision and or knowledge of high level pvp to say you are wrong, you keep doing you

bad scrub is bad

R40 Mesmer

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Ezrael.6859


ITT a sub-par WvW Guardian that relies on gear discrepancy whines about the thread title.

Probably should check that comment because there are several players here, who posted, which don’t mention gear discrepancy, whine, and provided feed back. Go figure. Oh, I’ll up you one. They actually provide input to the community via builds, videos, and active participation in various threads.

I think most people are over the title now believe it or not since the feedback was accepted, thought about, and people have since moved on. Well, except maybe you?

But hey, let us beat the dead horse and keep it on the front page so it isn’t forgotten!!!!



Not several, thanks for the long useless paragraph of defensiveness though.

The comment was direct at a certain Guardian who plays badly in his videos, by misusing several skills; Can’t time Shield of Wrath with Flashing Blade, doesn’t use Ray properly, can’t use Chains of Light either to guarantee damage with Smite or interrupt an opponent, always misses Zealot’s Flame, doesn’t know how to maximise the damage and burning from Zealot’s Flame even though he uses a condition based burning build >.<
But somehow manages to win 1v1s, most likely because of a gear discrepancy from WvW.

And this person had the audacity to make a bad comment towards Azshene in this thread, a player whose skill level is far higher than (a Guardian) will ever achieve.

In all, your defense of several Guardians was unnecessary because only one was ever the subject.

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


ITT a sub-par WvW Guardian that relies on gear discrepancy whines about the thread title.

Probably should check that comment because there are several players here, who posted, which don’t mention gear discrepancy, whine, and provided feed back. Go figure. Oh, I’ll up you one. They actually provide input to the community via builds, videos, and active participation in various threads.

I think most people are over the title now believe it or not since the feedback was accepted, thought about, and people have since moved on. Well, except maybe you?

But hey, let us beat the dead horse and keep it on the front page so it isn’t forgotten!!!!



Not several, thanks for the long useless paragraph of defensiveness though.

The comment was direct at a certain Guardian who plays badly in his videos, by misusing several skills; Can’t time Shield of Wrath with Flashing Blade, doesn’t use Ray properly, can’t use Chains of Light either to guarantee damage with Smite or interrupt an opponent, always misses Zealot’s Flame, doesn’t know how to maximise the damage and burning from Zealot’s Flame even though he uses a condition based burning build >.<
But somehow manages to win 1v1s, most likely because of a gear discrepancy from WvW.

And this person had the audacity to make a bad comment towards Azshene in this thread, a player whose skill level is far higher than (a Guardian) will ever achieve.

In all, your defense of several Guardians was unnecessary because only one was ever the subject.

What exactly are you trying to say?

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


i am also kinda confused haha

Interview with a top guardian (Azshene)

in Guardian

Posted by: Sensotix.4106


i will do another interview with a guardian after the next big balance patch