I’m pretty new to the game, played about 2 months now and have three level 80 characters. So far the guardian is my favorite, but I’ve been very confused on how to build her for end game content. I’m pretty much a solo PVE player, WvW seemed ok with a good group, and I didn’t enjoy PVP, so please gear your responses to PVE play.
Anyway, I’ve read a lot of posts on this forum and the overwhelming build advice is go Berserker’s on guardian for PVE. It just doesn’t feel right to me. I tried it and found myself dying instantly in most situations. The common response seems to be learn to play, but I’m a casual who doesn’t have the time to memorize every enemy animation and dungeon so I can dodge all damage. I need some room for error. (Plus, a lot of people in the world you play with are not very good either…) Not only that, but the guardian doesn’t seem geared to be a big damage dealer. Most of the weapon skills focus on utility more than damage. Really, the profession seems more suited to be the perfect support and anchor role for a group. Pretty much a never die, blind enemies, heal allies, wipe conditions from allies, hand out boons to allies like candy, rinse and repeat. The guardian has access to a lot of healing in their kits, so why not maximize it with Healing power?
Anyway, right now I find myself using Greatsword/Staff or Mace-Focus, and I tug a hammer around for tough situations as well for near perma protection. I invested into Knight’s exotic equipment due to popular opinion (well 2nd most popular after Berserkers…), but I just feel the precision is wasted. Staff doesn’t really have much that benefits from it. Mace-focus doesn’t benefit from it. Greatsword is just ok with extra precision simply for the “2” skill. I was running full cleric’s prior with green items, and I the extra 20-25% crit I added with Knight’s doesn’t feel worth it. I had 18% crit with cleric’s, and I felt that was plenty to proc the vigor on crit consistently. Having 40% crit with knight’s feels similar, but I lost healing power.
Long story short, I guess I’m looking for more explanation why Cleric’s is advised against for PVE on a guardian? With the popularity of Berserker’s in PVE, it seems smart to have an anchor/healer/support that can keep Berserker players alive when they make mistakes. Yes, I noticed the healing coefficients for guardian skills are crap (except the dodge heal), but with access to so many ways to hand out heals, the little bit of extra healing power seems to really add up in fights, and bring a lot more to the party than giving yourself some extra crit.
Thoughts, explanations? Is Cleric’s really that bad in PVE? I feel like I’m regretting my Knight’s set that I spent 20 gold on…. Too bad that was all the gold I had!
EDIT: My trait setup currently is 0/0/6/6/2 but sometimes I spec 0/0/6/4/4 for the trait in the last line that makes your f2 virtue cleanse conditions.
(edited by sanddragon.7082)