Is Rune of the Monk good with Guardians?
Assuming you’re playing support, they work well. With larger groups, that can provide some good support with your heals. However, on a smaller scale, I found that with the abundance of conditions, trooper runes are more favorable.
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)
Personally, I use Runes of Dwayna, I was just wondering how good Monk was.
If you want to be a personal healing signet for 5 people, take em. I’ve got one guard using them in a full healing power build, and keys just say battle presence for almost 400, regen for 500, plus all the other heals to give out. It gets a little crazy. Pairs best with sigil of benevolence on a staff. If you want to go full heals (like, 2k+ hpow) I recommend.
It depends on the kind of guardian. In my opinion, there’s no better rune set for healer guardians.
Take note that the description is correct in that it only affects allies. So you won’t be getting any survivability from the healing bonus.
I personally prefer runes of the water instead.
[vT] Violent Tendencies