Is it just me or does True Shot...

Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: Skyline Crash.6254

Skyline Crash.6254

Feel a bit slower than the advertised 3/4 second cast time? Feels like 4/5 second or something idk lol

Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


.05 seconds is significant to you?


Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: Skyline Crash.6254

Skyline Crash.6254

.05 seconds is significant to you?

It just doesn’t feel as fast as the auto even though they have the same attack speed. So yes, it is.

Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: Isarii.2804


.05 seconds is significant to you?

It just doesn’t feel as fast as the auto even though they have the same attack speed. So yes, it is.

Well when you put it that way – you’re right. They absolutely do not have the same cast time.

Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: Skyline Crash.6254

Skyline Crash.6254

.05 seconds is significant to you?

It just doesn’t feel as fast as the auto even though they have the same attack speed. So yes, it is.

Well when you put it that way – you’re right. They absolutely do not have the same cast time.

If that is true, shouldn’t that be looked into? Or is it working as intended?

Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: merchantchuck.4875


if anything they’ll just increase the cast time by 3 seconds just cause.

Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


If that is true, shouldn’t that be looked into? Or is it working as intended?

No, it shouldn’t. If you notice, every skill had a cast time in multiples of 1/4 second. Between aftercast and other factors, even a skill that is intended to have a .8 second cast time will be listed as 3/4. Regardless of that rule of thumb, the skill is balanced around it’s actual cast time in conjunction with projectile speed, recharge, and other factors.


Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: brannigan.9831


Seems at least as second to me.

Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: Skyline Crash.6254

Skyline Crash.6254

Seems at least as second to me.

Sweet, so it isn’t just me.

Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


I guess they nerfed it but never revealed to the ppl because we would complain a lot.

(plus half of our skills are not what tooltips says)

Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


(plus half of our skills are not what tooltips says)

That’s because most of those numbers are rounded and none of them take aftercast, ect into account. Just like how damage values use an armor rating of 2600. Not everything has 2600 armor.


Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: Drekor.5217


The activation times are just that… they take into account until a skill “hits” rather than when it completes its full cast.

The Shipwrecked Pirates
Tarnished Coast

Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

The listed activation times for skills might as well be fictional.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


I guess they nerfed it but never revealed to the ppl because we would complain a lot.

(plus half of our skills are not what tooltips says)

Not sure if Jon Peters still works at ArenaNet, but I seem to recall him making up all kinds of stuff back in the day when people found out that Ranger Short Bow auto received a stealth-nerf.

Even when people showed hard evidence he was dancing around the issue and eventually tried to claim it was an animation issue that needed the extra frames or some other silly excuse. But in reality it was just a nerf and he refused to admit it. I even remember that he claimed to have made pets hit more reliably now. And immediately afterwards their damage abilities were all nerfed by 10-50% (but they did not hit more reliably at all).

If it’s the case here as well I can’t say, but Rangers always seem to be getting the short end of the stick while Warriors usually got all the good things (and ANet balance devs loved their Warriors). Then Guardians got the brunt of the assault; starting with making Spirit Weapons mortal (and even more useless as they originally were due to their traits being lacklustre and all over the place) as well as other kneejerk nerfs while Warriors only got minimal downtuning (like the Signet Heal ‘7% nerf’ which still made the health gain on a fully zerker Warrior more powerful than a full healing specced Guardian). And I find this odd as I always saw the Guardian as the most balanced class.

So while I praise ANet for giving me so much enjoyment out of Guild Wars 1 and 2, I just cannot agree with some of the decisions as some members of their ‘balance team’ clearly seemed to be playing favorites.

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(edited by Aveneo.2068)

Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


I too love anecdotes


Is it just me or does True Shot...

in Guardian

Posted by: ZoroDaOtter.3859


It probably feels slower because you’re rooted.