Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


Just wanted to update because everyone is only reading the topic as I said below im really enjoying the guardian in solo and groups now, between getting more traits and learning the class more something just clicked and im having a great time, thank you for all your replies!:)

(edited by Ryou.2398)

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: phokus.8934


Funny that you wrote this because I was thinking about playing my Guardian again and why I stopped playing it in the first place. Really what it came down to was really flat, boring, <insert anything else> weapon animations.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


Funny that you wrote this because I was thinking about playing my Guardian again and why I stopped playing it in the first place. Really what it came down to was really flat, boring, <insert anything else> weapon animations.

I like the animations but yea the skills are really meant for dps/support and it just feels flat when you are by yourself.

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

It would be nice if 50% of the traits and utility skills weren’t complete and utter crap.

It would also be nice if they would update the weapons each of which has at least 1 major flaw.

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


I think most heavy armor classes are boring and easy to level in the end. Guardian just depends on how you are playing it. PvE map complete I think I used most builds to entertain me. GS was always fun. Sword/torch also had its moments. Just depends on what you are doing. I think in the end I leveled with GS/Mace/Focus. Staff when I was out in Orr with GS.

Boring was leveling my Ranger Pew Pew LB with Bear…

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Come to the revenant side, we have interesting things plus we give boons better:)

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


One of the cool things about PvE guardian is that your ground DoTs can reliably hit your opponents, so if you enjoy that kind of stuff, symbol builds are very satisfying (especially greatsword and mace/x. Hammer is really boring, even if effective). kind of like a melee fire elementalist.

Traps are also very interesting to farm, as you can put them in the locations where you know your enemies will spawn.

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I feel the opposite. The weapon choices for DPS aren’t limited at all. You can make good DPS builds with GS, hammer and mace for solo PVE. You can even decide direct damage vs. conditions with GS and Mace as well. Maybe even sword, though I haven’t looked at that for a while.

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


Yea after I hit level 37 just clicked with me and now im having lots of fun solo, im learning this class does take some real skill to play it right.

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Greatsword is an awesome weapon on Guardian. GET OVER HERE! ALL OF YOU! INTO MY CIRCLE OF PAIN!

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


Greatsword is an awesome weapon on Guardian. GET OVER HERE! ALL OF YOU! INTO MY CIRCLE OF PAIN!

I agree!:)

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Cambeul.3719


Greatsword is an awesome weapon on Guardian. GET OVER HERE! ALL OF YOU! INTO MY CIRCLE OF PAIN!

I then switch your weapon to Torch and set yourself on Fire.

Guardians are some bad mutha ……

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Zerthi.5493


Im thinking about lvl-up my guardian using hammer in main and in ubility Spirits? What triats set u recomend at first for me? (i just like hammer)

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


to me, it’s you. :-)

I find guardian/DH a lot of fun with a lot of tools to face any situation. As revenant I feel pigeonholed in 3 traitlines and AA.

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Mara.6782


I dont like to solo with guardian because its really slow. You need to use either staff or waste a rune. You lose damage to have more speed and now that longbow is destroyed you dont have good ranged weapon.

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


Actually i enjoy playing my guardian the most when it comes to Solo Open World stuff like HoT maps etc.

he can just roll on down over any mobs and with the DH trait line i can decide to stay at range with LB or go all Melee and multi trap for a complete deathzone around me.

Yesterday i decided i wanted to move away from traps and decided to go all Permeating Wrath Burns and Retaliation setup and see how it did. I kinda liked face tanking stuff and watching them burn and kill themselves by retaliation. Not an optimal build but for Open World anything works so i pick what i enjoy.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


I dont like to solo with guardian because its really slow. You need to use either staff or waste a rune. You lose damage to have more speed and now that longbow is destroyed you dont have good ranged weapon.

I always had a sigil of speed in my longbow (for my standard DH trap build) for open world. I would end up with 3-4 minutes of swiftness after every mob event encounter and perma swiftness during the actual event. That would be more than enough to get me to the next event.

After the Longbow nerf i recently moved back to using Greatsword and really enjoy it again. Only switching to LB if i really need to keep distance.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


to me, it’s you. :-)

I find guardian/DH a lot of fun with a lot of tools to face any situation. As revenant I feel pigeonholed in 3 traitlines and AA.

It was just me im loving my guardian in solo and groups now.

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Versuvious.2568


To each his own I guess.
Not being rude or trolling, just wanted to say that If you think guard is boring, then it simply means that the class isn’t for you.

Xeramphelinae – Legend S1 & S2, 6k sPvP games
6 legendaries, PvE & PvP’er. 3 yrs gw2’er, Raider
Hardcore but playing casually. Workaholic.

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


To each his own I guess.
Not being rude or trolling, just wanted to say that If you think guard is boring, then it simply means that the class isn’t for you.

I updated to thread:) I love the guardian now.

(edited by Ryou.2398)

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: PANIC ITS WILL.2748


To each his own I guess.
Not being rude or trolling, just wanted to say that If you think guard is boring, then it simply means that the class isn’t for you.

I updated to thread:) I love the guardian ow.

I’m curious what kind of build & utilities are you using now that made Guardian fun again for you?

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


To each his own I guess.
Not being rude or trolling, just wanted to say that If you think guard is boring, then it simply means that the class isn’t for you.

I updated to thread:) I love the guardian ow.

I’m curious what kind of build & utilities are you using now that made Guardian fun again for you?

Well I was very low level and barely had one trait line so that probably speaks volumes, I was mostly using the burning spec, but now im experienmenting with a reflect damage spec but im only level 62. I have been using mostly the 1h sword/torch and greatsword.

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Guardian is probably one of the least fun classes to solo because they aren’t as mobile as the other classes. Also why GS is king

But since they buffed retreat, you can get near permaswiftness in Open World. That was sorta nice and you don’t have to take staff or crappy runes any more.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


But since they buffed retreat, you can get near permaswiftness in Open World. That was sorta nice and you don’t have to take staff or crappy runes any more.

^This. Im loving the new Retreat cooldown. I dont need my sigil of speed anymore. I was fine with killing the odd ambient creature for the sigil proc but now i dont need that.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Just wanted to update because everyone is only reading the topic as I said below im really enjoying the guardian in solo and groups now, between getting more traits and learning the class more something just clicked and im having a great time, thank you for all your replies!:)

I’m really enjoying LB + trap DH, its quite a bit like playing ranger, but without the shortcomings, different playstyle.

Also messed around with a full condi build for a bit which was interesting as well.

As far as same animations and same core skills etc. well, all classes have them. This is why I have an 80 of each class and switch up once in a while.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Is it just me or is guardian boring solo?

in Guardian

Posted by: phokus.8934


Traps are nice in open pve. I feel like for so long it was a boring monotonous fighting style with vanilla guard that made me go Mesmer. But as of late I find myself going on my DH for hot maps.

I post from a phone so please excuse any references to ducks or any other auto corrections.