Is sword weak?
I am very sad that sword\shield guardian build is a bad choice…
Says who? And a bad choice for what?
I consider the sword to be one of our best and most interesting weapons.
Sure, it could be buffed, because who doesn’t like to be buffed… but it’s not a bad weapon by any stretch of the imagination.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –
Doesn’t the sword have bad AOE dmg when compared to the GS and hammer?
Doesn’t the sword have bad AOE dmg when compared to the GS and hammer?
Bad? No, but certainly lower and we have the luxury of equipping a GS or Hammer too. The sword in only three slots gives you; an attack chain on the auto that hits quickly, hits hard (if you gear well) and procs our burn, a teleport and blind, a single target nuke and projectile protection. It’s a great weapon that is paired up with something else to add yet more damage or utility (personally I use a shield; a knock back, projectile protection for the group and party protection).
I sometimes think people are too hung up on numbers that they overlook a well balanced weapon.
The sword isn’t a bad choice… non of the weapons are; there’s an intersection that takes place between Class, Player, Playstyle and Weapon choice, and everyone is different.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –
Sword is not the best choice for AOE damage, but it’s single target DPS is unmatched by any other weapon. The best Sword DPS builds will always outperform the best anything else builds against a single target. But that only gets you so far. Which is why we can switch weapons in combat.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
I begun using sword as my 2nd set, but after trying scepter (before the patch), I never come back to use sword again. Scepter is better becouse bring more DPS and resistence and even AoE. DPS becouse scpeter outdps sword easly (#1 scepter out dps #1 sword; #2 specter out dps #3 sword [also shorter cooldown on scepter]; #3 scepter is more damage oriented than #2 sword), resistence becouse u can stay at distance (and even immob) and more AoE becouse sword = 0 AoE. Not only this, but scepter also allows to not be kitten (since it’s the only ranged offensive oriented weapon).
Also scepter works really well with your other set becouse u can immob and throw smite then change to ur 2nd set.
But sword is more defensive than scepter. But for defensive, I prefer mace or even hammer.
I guess that I’ll only back to sword when they change some thing. For me there are no reason to use sword than travel faster in a map using flashing blade (with judge’s intervention).
Sorry for my english.
PS: In my opnion, sword #2 should work like Ele dagger #4, that allows u to teleport to the direction that u are facing.
(edited by Mikau.6920)