Is the Vengeful trait even working?

Is the Vengeful trait even working?

in Guardian

Posted by: Swiftar.7594


Hey guys,
I’m just doing some random testing, and I’m not noticing any increase in Retaliation duration while I have the vengeful trait. I might very well be doing something wrong, but can anyone else confirm? ie:

Pop Stand your Ground, have roughly 6.5 seconds of retal w/o trait
Pop Stand your Ground, have roughly 6.5 seconds of retail w/ trait

Is the Vengeful trait even working?

in Guardian

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

I’ve never actively tested it, but it’s always seemed to work for me..

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

Is the Vengeful trait even working?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


Did you actually count the seconds the boon was active?
It’s a known bug that the tooltip doesn’t update when Vengeful is selected.

Edit: Just tested in-game, and it does give an extra second of retaliation to SYG and Greatsword Leap lightfield combo ( both in the Mists and PVE ). The effect should be much more apparent on boon duration builds

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

(edited by Tarsius.3170)

Is the Vengeful trait even working?

in Guardian

Posted by: Swiftar.7594


I have roughly 60% increased boon duration, and I did try it by popping abilities and looking at the duration. I’m at work now, but I believe the duration of Retaliation and Protection are the same on SYG? I remember them both fading off at the same time, which shouldn’t happen with Vengeance.

I’ll have to do more tests when I get home, but it really didn’t seem like it was working for me when popping SYG.

Is the Vengeful trait even working?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


With 30 in virtues, I can visually see the difference between Retal and Stability from SYG when Vengeance is equipped.

It’s possible that it’s a zone specific issue, so if you can recall where you were when you tested it, I can try and recreate the circumstances here.

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]