Is the trait Courageous Return bugged?

Is the trait Courageous Return bugged?

in Guardian

Posted by: J envy.5270

J envy.5270

“Courageous Return:
Virtue of Courage is recharged when you revive an ally or when you rally.”~ 30sec cd

basically the topic, i was testing this out as i was playing a few unranked games today, and i noticed that in about 10 times that i have watched my virtue of courage being on cooldown as i was rezzing a downed ally, this trait NEVER recharged my virtue of courage, i went back to the mists after the match went suicide against Chieftain boss and asked a kind stranger to rez me after i downed, made sure to use my virtue of courage before i downed, and as after he rezzed me i noticed that my virtue of courage did NOT recharge as well.

on a side note:
1) Stalwart Defender reduces cd of shield skills but it does NOT add the 180 toughness in PVP, and it does not affect the reduction of the cd of Shield of Absorption on the Protective Reviver trait.
2)I’m not sure if this is intentional but Communal Defenses trait DOES NOT affect the guardian when he blocks attacks, been wondering about this trait for weeks but i just remembered and brought it up. This could be intentional but a little note saying this trait does not affect you would have been nice.

Guild Wars Vet since 05
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Is the trait Courageous Return bugged?

in Guardian

Posted by: GSiege.3076


I actually just noticed this today too. The few times that I was watching my cooldown, it didn’t reset. Pretty sure I hadn’t picked anybody up in the previous 30s.
Gonna have to test this more.

Also, it is intentional that Communal Defense does not affect yourself when you block.

(edited by GSiege.3076)

Is the trait Courageous Return bugged?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


Courageous Return is bugged when used in tandem with Indomitable Courarge:

Guardian Known Issues

Stalwart Defender only adds toughness if you have passive bonus toughness applied ( which is not possible to do in PvP ) – here

Lastly, as GSiege mentioned, it’s intented behaviour the Communal Defenses doesn’t affect the caster.

Hope that helps

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]