Is there a good sword/focus bld with hmr/gs?
The hammer build in the sticky section allows for this kind of combo and as far as builds go, you have a ton of freedom as a guardian to build how you like.
I am currently in an inbetween state myself. Traditionally, I have played as more of a 1 vs. 1 or 1 vs. 2 player. I run a build based around mediation healing and condition removal and powerful auto attacks (Right Hand Strength, 30 pt Radiance, is naughty). My build is focused around 1 hand sword and focus / scepter and shield. , <— total lack of wvw mobility :-(
Just keeping with my build and trait distribution; last night I swapped things around a bit to see what would happen. I put on hammer and scepter/focus. I got into a 3 vs. 6-8 in a choke point and used my scepter skills to wear the enemy down from range with a necro helping, popped focus 5, then swapped to hammer and teleported into them with Judge’s Intervention and put 4 people down before they got me, my team was able to come around them and ambush and get me back on my feet. All I had to do was loot my bags on the ground. It was epic and boy were those enemy not happy with me.
I am going to swap over to the hammer spec and run mostly with staff as my secondary for mobility in wvw. However, if I find myself in that situation again I will do the same thing. I think spec’ed for more crits I would have killed all of those guys. (In my current build I have 36% crit rate with hammer vs. 51% crit rate with 1 hand weapons, not including food) Granted, they weren’t uber players, but I definately saw a lot of full dungeon exotics on people.
Long story short, I think you can do well as a guardian with just about any spec that has some degree of synergy.
Are you trying to make a PvE, PvP or WvW build? Which game mode you’ve got in mind will have a pretty big impact on traits, gear, etc, so it’d be helpful to know.
PvE and WvW. I like the input Bleeds, good shiznit! Ive been running around with hammer/GS forever and I jus want to do something different. Def want to keep one of them, but id also like to use a 1 hander me thinks.
I’d just use the same build for WvW. I often run sword/focus + hammer. Sometimes I swap in the gs for bombing people.
The other option,
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
Guardian traits tend to be (though there are exceptions) weapon-agnostic. You don’t build for specific weapons so much as you build for certain tactics. Altruistic Healing, for example, does allow for Sword/Focus. So does Spirit Weapons with 30 Radiance for Right-Hand Strength.
30 Radiance is usually a good way to go if you really want to maximize the potential of one-handed weapons. It’s open ended enough that you can dip remaining points in Honor, Valor or Virtues and create a relatively well-balanced build. If you’re focusing on Sword, and you want to mix up some damage and party-wide support via Virtues, look into the Virtues tree for stronger Virtue of Justice Passive. Sword is a great candidate for maximizing VoJ procs, and a Radiance/Virtues build could strike a good balance between high damage (Right Hand Strength) and party support via stronger Virtues and Boons.
(this is the only forum that doesnt cry)
Hah! Come drop by after a new patch nerfs us, and say this again.
You know, I have been wondering this as well actually because I normally run with the AH / Crit Hammer build with staff out in WvWvW and getting a bit frustrated. It isn’t the build per say, but more of me probably not understanding the class mechanics or what to do when, etc (and hammer seems so slowwwww).
I was thinking of trying to use my existing gear set and overall build and swap staff out with sword/shield or scepter/shield (or focus with either, even maybe torch). Just not sure if it would work out and just frustrate me more – lol.
I’m 0/15/30/20/5 overall, with Draconic Knights exotic, rare mithril beserker accessories, and exotic hammer/staff with rare sigs of accuracy. I’d have to buy some form of 1 handed weapons and off hands but those are typically pretty cheap. I have rares sitting in my bank (shield and scepter) but they are not that great. Was thinking of throwing those in the mystic forge and see what I get – or sell / salvage them I guess.
I know this can be done, and people do it. I’m thinking that is just the honest skill of the player behind the keyboard rather than the class Some of you guys/gals are just better in the big picture and can make any class look or play good.
I was also considering looking into a “I can’t be killed cuz I have a metric ton of health/toughness” build but “can’t kill anything” just for fun…
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
(edited by Crapgame.6519)