Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Roy.2846




I joined the dueling map from heart of mist these days and found that it is really really hard to win a mesmer.

I’ve read the technique to fighting them, but it only work when facing a not skillful mesmer. I never win a good mesmer by any chance.

Anyone get a advise for using guardian vs mesmer?

(edited by Roy.2846)

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: wish.3102



I just charge at them and smack them around with my greatssword and they run away or die.

I use 0 0 10 30 30 which I heard the name of, but I forget now. Lots of shouts and boon duration and shouts convert conditions to boons and a mix of cleric/soldiers gears, bit more soldiers than clerics. As long as you can stay on top of the real mesmer, they die eventually and youll be fine.

Jade Quarry. RNG/THF/GRD/WAR

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Rayya.2591


you will have to add more details
what kind of weapon set , traits do you use
what kind of weapon sets, mesmer used, condition build, direct damage build

-In general sword /focus is good against mesmers.
blinding blade will allow you to stay near the mesmer and the focus will allow you to block 1 shatter skill.
how to detect real mesmer ?
clones don’t dodge and will not move away from you when you hit them
-Greatsword is another good weapon against mesmer , you got an leap and whirl attack can kill clones real fast.
-Judge intervention….
-You must play agresive , or mesmer will just dance arround you
no.1 WvW kills

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: ExZee.8109


Be very aggressive.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Zackie.8923


option 1: grab a drink , wp.

option 2: all out pressure and nuke them down, hopefully you have dmg. but you must know their abilities well.

option 3: role a healbot and know how to evade burst and outheal their dmg.

i normally choose option 1 lol.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Roy.2846


you will have to add more details
what kind of weapon set , traits do you use
what kind of weapon sets, mesmer used, condition build, direct damage build

-In general sword /focus is good against mesmers.
blinding blade will allow you to stay near the mesmer and the focus will allow you to block 1 shatter skill.
how to detect real mesmer ?
clones don’t dodge and will not move away from you when you hit them
-Greatsword is another good weapon against mesmer , you got an leap and whirl attack can kill clones real fast.
-Judge intervention….
-You must play agresive , or mesmer will just dance arround you

I have tried 3 builds against them,

10/30/30/0/0 mediation builds with sword focus, scepter/torch soldier amulet/berserk jewel

0/0/30/30/10 and 0/10/10/30/20 shout builds with greatsword/scepter torch

The mesmer build i mostly facing is
shatter build 20/20/0/0/30
even i find the real mesmer, it lost in sight very fast

2nd one is phanstra build 20/20/0/25/5
when i focus on killing the phastra, he keeping dmg me

Both of these build are using Staff + Sword with Pistol/torch

Facing a mesmer with berserker amulet, i still have a chance to win, but facing a solider amulet mesmer, even I tried very hard to hit the real mesmer, everytime they kill me 1st

(edited by Roy.2846)

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Jax.5261


Hard counters Phantasm Mesmer. Just so everybody knows.

(edited by Jax.5261)

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Mesmers can be tricky.

You need couple of things you need to pressure, and high burst. Best weapon combos would be GS with s/t or f. Also GS and hammer works well too.

Also pvp Mesmers tend to be alot easier, since they can’t max/min their gear like in WvW. I use to duel Seven Mirror a lot, and it was almost impossible.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Benjamin.8237


I come from the perspective of a Mesmer myself, running a shatter build. Generally, I don’t lose to guardians, however when I do, it’s always down to the same things.

The builds that I do lose to are normally skilled D/D eles and big healing guardians. For advice, use a build that can maintain decent pressure while healing up most damage, and then go down to town with a somewhat burst. I find that GS and S/F guardians are quite tough, however remember that if you face a retaliation mesmer, you will kill yourself if you use whirling wrath (retaliation on the mesmer, and 3 clones can hit you for 600 damage each of each hit for a total of around 10-14k).

If the mesmer has a high pressure on him then he is gennerally a shatter mesmer, a good one will immobilize you or stun you, so try to make as much distance as possible and hope you have high protection and toughness. Phantasm mesmers are easy to beat as long as they don’t run the OP 10-30-0-25-5 build in which case you will die(look for sceptre/sword and sword/pistol).

Don’t try and kill a bunker build, there are generally 2 main mesmer bunker builds, the Chaos Maestro which can uptime more boons than you, and the imortal build which won’t die unless it is a 2v1 or 3v1.

Retaliation is your friend, phantasms will die off of it and it will catch a shatter mesmer off guard, switch to a hammer if you face a tanky mesmer, all others (except retalitaion/imortal) faceroll with your GS and S/F. Good mesmers are hard to beat, as with any class, but you can still do it, if all else fails remember to target the real mesmer or tab through clones quickly and try to juke him.

P R I N C E | Best Renger EU
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Bash.7291


Hard counters Phantasm Mesmer. Just so everybody knows.

Pretty much, I run 10/30/30/0/0 variant and don’t have any real issues with mesmers 1v1, unless i screw up bad and keep focusing clones instead of him -.-

Only main difference is that I run knights ammy and zerker’s jewel.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: TallDan.6350


Staff is very good against mesmers as it hits 5 targets aoe and shreds their illusions, killing the actual mesmer can be a bit harder with staff but switch to a dps weapon, I am using hammer atm, to hit the mesmer and switch back to staff when he has clones out.

Lady suzi ~ Human Guardian {} Gizmo Gregory ~ Asura Engineer
Firezof Arrows ~ Sylvari Ranger {} Hudeeni ~ Norn Mesmer
Ruins of Surmia [KoA]

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: yLoon.5289


Hi OP, here’s what i do all the time in tpvp, I dislike bunker build, so im always in this build (Speaking from getting Champion Paragon solely from this build):

Weapons : Hammer and Greatsword.
Utilities : Smite Conditions, Judge Intervention, Stand Your Ground

My combo is easy ; Stand Your Ground,Hammer(5)Judge Intervention,Swap GS(4)(2) and (5)(5). In most cases, the not so skilled Mesmer will downed instantly, smart Mesmer will use Blurred Frenzy or F4 skill.

When to use the Combo?
1)95% of Mesmer use Blink. The trick is, you only use the combo once they blink. Or the Ring of Warding will become a null to them.

2)Troll them into believing you’re gonna downed, and sudden perform the combo.Because they will use ALL of their skill to chase u down, that’s when you will counter owned them.

3)Perform the combo once they got hit by Hammer (2) twice.Trust me they are squishy, you got to be fast though.

4)Ambush. Perform the combo on zero line of sight from the Mesmer to give a surprise mouse trap.

Do not attempt to use this combo on a Mesmer with Feedback, you will die instantly instead.

The Mesmer is created to be extremely good in 1v1. Don’t feel bad when you got owned by them =).

12K AP
Level 54 Bear Rank

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Jax.5261


Hi OP, here’s what i do all the time in tpvp, I dislike bunker build, so im always in this build (Speaking from getting Champion Paragon solely from this build):

Weapons : Hammer and Greatsword.
Utilities : Smite Conditions, Judge Intervention, Stand Your Ground

My combo is easy ; Stand Your Ground,Hammer(5)Judge Intervention,Swap GS(4)(2) and (5)(5). In most cases, the not so skilled Mesmer will downed instantly, smart Mesmer will use Blurred Frenzy or F4 skill.

When to use the Combo?
1)95% of Mesmer use Blink. The trick is, you only use the combo once they blink. Or the Ring of Warding will become a null to them.

2)Troll them into believing you’re gonna downed, and sudden perform the combo.Because they will use ALL of their skill to chase u down, that’s when you will counter owned them.

3)Perform the combo once they got hit by Hammer (2) twice.Trust me they are squishy, you got to be fast though.

4)Ambush. Perform the combo on zero line of sight from the Mesmer to give a surprise mouse trap.

Do not attempt to use this combo on a Mesmer with Feedback, you will die instantly instead.

The Mesmer is created to be extremely good in 1v1. Don’t feel bad when you got owned by them =).

I would dodge and sword 2, that combo doesn’t work at all.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Anyone get a advise for using guardian vs mesmer?

I believe there are three ways to combat a mesmer;

  • Run away,
  • Make some wacky spec especially for this fight,
  • Bring friends.
Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


Or simply quite GW2 , you forgot to mention that one

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: yLoon.5289


Hi OP, here’s what i do all the time in tpvp, I dislike bunker build, so im always in this build (Speaking from getting Champion Paragon solely from this build):

Weapons : Hammer and Greatsword.
Utilities : Smite Conditions, Judge Intervention, Stand Your Ground

My combo is easy ; Stand Your Ground,Hammer(5)Judge Intervention,Swap GS(4)(2) and (5)(5). In most cases, the not so skilled Mesmer will downed instantly, smart Mesmer will use Blurred Frenzy or F4 skill.

When to use the Combo?
1)95% of Mesmer use Blink. The trick is, you only use the combo once they blink. Or the Ring of Warding will become a null to them.

2)Troll them into believing you’re gonna downed, and sudden perform the combo.Because they will use ALL of their skill to chase u down, that’s when you will counter owned them.

3)Perform the combo once they got hit by Hammer (2) twice.Trust me they are squishy, you got to be fast though.

4)Ambush. Perform the combo on zero line of sight from the Mesmer to give a surprise mouse trap.

Do not attempt to use this combo on a Mesmer with Feedback, you will die instantly instead.

The Mesmer is created to be extremely good in 1v1. Don’t feel bad when you got owned by them =).

I would dodge and sword 2, that combo doesn’t work at all.

Sure, it depends who is the user of the combo. Like i say its situational, the key element is to surprise, and wait for the skill they used first, not doing this face to face.

The reason i used Hammer is due to the AOE blast dmg and can easily destroy their clones with ease, therefore cutting them off from their F1-F4 skills. Hit their clones together with real Mesmer to get Protection up at the starting fight., hammer (2) them meanwhile.

If u engage straight without considering all of the “When” i mentioned, yes, i agree with you, it wont work. Ring of Warding is extremely strong against any class without stability.

12K AP
Level 54 Bear Rank

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


Ignore people who tell you to give up mesmers are one of the easiest professions for me. The key thing to beat a Mesmer is pretty simple, find the right one and put pressure/dmg on him while dodging their bursts.. Works well if you have good dps or conditions. Those who say Immortal Mesmer is hard to beat, try fighting one using condi stacks, they won’t last long.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


You do realize you posted in the guardian forums right? The only damaging conditions that will get placed on the mesmer by a guardian is burning. Even specced fully into conditions damage, which would be extremely unintelligent, that burn won’t significantly impact the Mesmer.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


I also mentioned DPS, which guards do have.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


Yes, but you mentioned condition stacking, which makes your entire post not even worth reading for someone reading the guardian forums. Clearly you aren’t talking from the perspective of a guardian if condition stacking even appears as a suggestion. Do you even have a guardian lol?

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


I mentioned both just in case

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


I have a Champion Paragon, whom trained with a Marauder Mesmer for quite a while now.

(edited by Skelemiere.3094)

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


I mentioned both just in case

Just in case… what? You know what. Nevermind.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


Yes, just in case a guardian was actually running a condi spec and I hope you are not trying to cause a flamewar just because I posted my advice

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


There is no flame war as I am not flaming you. I just found it important to note that, in a thread where a guy is asking for guardian advice on fighting mesmers, you suggest condition stacking and go on to talk about how effective it is.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


Please point out where I “went on about” on how effective it is, I only mentioned once that it works well, and I didn’t consider it as the only option if you don’t think guardians can stack condi (burning) then I suggest to try looking deeper into potential guardian builds, because I have tried it, thus posted it here

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


In a post on the guardian forums, mentioning fighting mesmers with condition damage in not one but two places in your suggestion qualifies as going on about it lol.

I find that to be a bad/impossible suggestion for the guardian forums. Stacks implies multiple stacks, and burn doesn’t have stacks. The only thing that stacks is duration, but there are no burn stacks.

Anyway, done responding to that. Have a good one.

(edited by timidobserver.7925)

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


The condi spec I used could increase duration, and provide more burns when needed and as you said, it is a suggestion. If you dislike the idea of condi, then don’t use it. If you like condi, I posted that it can work well. If you really still want to try to prove it’s a bad idea, I will show you the build(s) later.


Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: yLoon.5289


The condi spec I used could increase duration, and provide more burns when needed and as you said, it is a suggestion. If you dislike the idea of condi, then don’t use it. If you like condi, I posted that it can work well. If you really still want to try to prove it’s a bad idea, I will show you the build(s) later.


Hi, i am very interested to learn your build , could you kindly post it here? =)
Im too bored with my current tpvp build.

12K AP
Level 54 Bear Rank

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Roy.2846


Thanks for those who gave positive comments. I do try the 10/30/30/0/0 and 20/0/30/20/0 with berserker amulet. I tried very hard to give pressure to the real Mesmer but i still down faster than them every time. (due to my poor skill may be)

Then i tried wish.3102 build, the dmg is much lower but the surviabilty increased a lot, which give me chance to keep hitting the mesmer, may win a round or 2 which make me feel very nice =D.

Thanks !

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: TallDan.6350


I know some people have trouble picking the real mesmer from the clones and although this is fairly obvious to those who know, I’ll say it anyway. Clones don’t strafe or dodge roll and the real mesmer’s auto attack is much faster than the clones, clones attack slowly and only stand still or run forward.

When I first encountered Mesmers I found them difficult to deal with so assuming they were an OP class after a few of my friends said as much, I decided to roll one, after learning the class I can tell you they aren’t as boss as people think. Against inexperienced players they are totally OP but against a player who has played a mesmer they are much less of a problem, but like thieves I would say mesmers are one of the 2 classes it really helps if you have played yourself, for you to learn how to deal with them.

Lady suzi ~ Human Guardian {} Gizmo Gregory ~ Asura Engineer
Firezof Arrows ~ Sylvari Ranger {} Hudeeni ~ Norn Mesmer
Ruins of Surmia [KoA]

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Cempa.5619


Hard counters Phantasm Mesmer. Just so everybody knows.

Hi Silven.

Would this build translate well into WvW? If so would you use full Knight?

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Jax.5261


Umm, I’m not really sure. I don’t play full burst in WvW.
I’m not 100% sure about the cutoff of where your crit damage needs to be at either, the zerka/zerka in sPvP seems just enough to 1 shot all the phantasms and clones with Smite Condition, as long as you can do that the build will work.

If it can’t you’re going to get rolled by a good player.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Punkins.2087


learn what to dodge and block.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: jstew.2073


Short answer: of course.

I main mesmer, play Guardian as a second.You gotta know that. Mesmer abilities and traits are incredibly diverse and tricky. If you don’t know the mesmer abilities, learn them. If you don’t know them, you’re gonna underperform every time.

I don’t play a DPS guardian, so I won’t give any advice on that. My intuition is it will be a pretty hard fight and you will want sword, GS and blink skills to keep burns up and get to the mesmer fast with sword two, GS leap, and judge’s intervention — the key is HIGH pressure and be relentless. I play a bunker ‘ya aint gonna kill me’ guardian. This build will have an easier time in my opinion since you can heal off and endure the burst. The main factor will be your skill, how well you know mesmer class, and your compatibility with the build you are running.

Okay, so what do you do?

Shatter mesmer
These guys can be predictable: they gonna burst your @$! by blowin’ up clones. There are two traits you really want to watch out for: (1) Shatter Removes Boon and (2) Daze inflicts vulnerability.

A proper shatter will use daze to inflict 20+ stacks of vuln followed by a dps spike. When you get that daze, you need to shout for your life, and get it off, ’cause the following burst will hurt. Blocks are also a really good option. I run boon for days guardian, so shatter removes boon kittens me off for days. Due to the volume of shatters it is really hard to avoid it. I highly recomend letting the mesmer blow their shatters on you, heal it off, and save boons for the pockets between shatter bombs. Shatter remove boons is one of the most powerful tools in the mesmer arsenal for fighting bunkers. I bring it in every shatter build I run since it is the difference between shutting down bunkers (eles and guards) and getting pressured and underperforming. You have to know mesmer builds and get your boons into those pockets.

I run these guys a lot. they are tricky. thats why I run it! a good phant mesmer will keep phants on you, place them on the field in way that will kitten you off and make you choose between phant (kill their dmg) or mesmer (end the fight). I operate on a simple rule of thumb: when they get two phants out, I start killin’ ’em. As far as DPS phants, they have two main ones on each weapon. edit: two main ones, one on each weapon set.

Side point: Signet of Illusion. If a mesmer is running this and running a phant build, it is critical to kill the phants as soon as you can. because the second that sig. pulses the phants get a TON more health.

So, usually, we throw out all phants we can right off the bat. When I’m on my guard I save my cooldowns and kill the phants off the bat, then leap into the mesmer to dps and pressure. When 2 phants are up, I pause, kill ’em, go back to wacking at the mesmer.

So, can a guard 1v1 a mesmer? Like, I said, I play a ‘aint gonna kill me’ guard, but the difference between a ‘dont make me laugh, ya really not gonna kill me’ guard and stale-mate or worse, a loss, is your skill with guardian and knowledge of mesmer class. I main mesmer, but I play my guard as well as I play my mesmer, so with the knowledge and skill with the class, I very rarely lose to a mesmer. I can’t stress the importance of knowing mesmer skills and playstyle (go watch youtube videos) and building your own skill on guardian, time dodges, know your survivability and how to burst.

good luck!

Shimizu Amaya, Mesmer
Blackgate, [RISE]

(edited by jstew.2073)

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: snake.6734


I always auto attack them to death with my gs, I never use bursts on them since 90% will get wasted on a clone, so I just try and find the real mesmer and just auto attack. Depending on the situation i might use Leap of Faith as well.

[CNG] Carnage of War (Guild Leader/Raid Leader)

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Bash.7291


Hard counters Phantasm Mesmer. Just so everybody knows.

Hi Silven.

Would this build translate well into WvW? If so would you use full Knight?|b.1g.h2.f.1g.h19|1.1p.h1l|1n.7r.1c.7r.1c.7r.1c.7r.1n.7r.1c.7r|1p.61.1n.61.1n.61.1g.61.1i.61.1c.61|a2.u24b.u61c.0.0|16.1|w.|e

Is the version I currently run in wvw. Normally I run with a Soldier focus offhand but I deleted it on accident when I was getting rid of some extra copies of Spvp gear >.< The build has good condition negation through food and melandru runes, along with sigil of generosity and smite condition. I generally only run contemplation of purity while with zergs as a panic button, while roaming it can easily be switched out for signet of judgement for added defense, or bane signet for added power/CC. If you are roaming you could also forgo the GS for sword/torch as well, but the big issue is the lack of AoE on pretty much all of our 1h weapons, so if you run into a 1 v X situation it might cause issues.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


Use all of your options for cc carefully and build to have some damage on your guardian and you should be good. If you are full tank, you won’t.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: jstew.2073


Use all of your options for cc carefully and build to have some damage on your guardian and you should be good. If you are full tank, you won’t.

I run full tank and have no issues. Full tank build fights just last longer. The basic question comes down to your knowledge of class and skill with your build and class.

Shimizu Amaya, Mesmer
Blackgate, [RISE]

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


There was another post like this not too long ago, here’s what I said:

I’m not a guardian player, so don’t take what I say too seriously, but my view would be that Guardians (being a melee-oriented class) have access to a decent bit of AoE via hammer (as mentioned by Zen) and the Greatsword. Other options are the staff (which I think is a kittening fun weapon for guards, although it doesn’t do well with range, unfortunately) or Smite on Scepter.

The other thing is that Guardians can (and should) be staying right on top of mesmers with their abilities. I know that, as a thief, one of the best ways to counter mes is to get right up in their face and blow their brains out. That’s really the best method I could give you for countering mes. A good mes will be able to escape from you, but even then they’ll be under immense pressure. Don’t get me wrong, mes has good melee options, but… Not as good as a guard.

Your disadvantages are going to be in your lack of range and the fact that you aren’t quite as mobile as mes, so you’ll have to make up for that. If you run a meditation build with Judge’s Intervention, you can stay on top of the mes by teleporting to them. With sword, #2 is a great way to keep up with the mes. GS 3 and 5 either drag the mesmer to you, or you to it. Hammer 5 locks them up (but be careful, because mes can teleport out of the circle. I’ve done this more than enough times on my thief). Scepter 3 also helps lock down opponents.

tl;dr: stay on top of the mes with whatever mobility you can muster; don’t let them out from underneath you hulking greatsword (or whatever). Doing this will put a ton of pressure on them, making the mes more susceptible to mistakes. This isn’t a formula for auto-win, but it’s definitely a very, very powerful strategy.


Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


Use all of your options for cc carefully and build to have some damage on your guardian and you should be good. If you are full tank, you won’t.

I run full tank and have no issues. Full tank build fights just last longer. The basic question comes down to your knowledge of class and skill with your build and class.

I can survive mesmers no prob when I am running full tank but I can’t actually kill half decent ones.

If you can then you are good. If im in my tank spec and a mesmer tries to gank me I just /wave and keep going where I was going. I don’t actually try to fight them though. Now, if im in my roaming set I’ll fight and win most of the time.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Just have to out play them and stay on target. I run full cleric’s build with weapons (GS, Sword, Focus) unless they catch me with my zerg warfare gear of Staff/Sword/Shield.

Hardest part for me is keeping track of the original for whatever reason so I lose a lot of time dealing with that and, well, back pedaling as my kids say I know, I should really ground for talking kitten to their dad. Anyway, point is you stay on top of the mesmer and put resure. I use sword and focus mainly and when I get them low or after their big heal I’ll get distance then swap to sword/focus to teleport, damage, then swap to GS, F1, 3, 2 and see what that does. it is always a dance of keeping distance then leaping to them and try and burst.

Good ones or better players I’ll typically lose. Others I’ll either kill them, stall for help, or both of us will get tired and /bow and leave each other alone

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


I would say no, not vs a good mesmer.

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


I would say no, not vs a good mesmer.

This is entirely false, and there’s no strategic or tactical evidence to support your claim.


Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


I would say no, not vs a good mesmer.

This is entirely false, and there’s no strategic or tactical evidence to support your claim.

It’s just my opinion, no need to back up with facts or anything.

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


I would say no, not vs a good mesmer.

This is entirely false, and there’s no strategic or tactical evidence to support your claim.

It’s just my opinion, no need to back up with facts or anything.

That’s fine, but the fact that you didn’t state that that was just an opinion to a player who is clearly in need of help for this matchup wasn’t entirely helpful. If I was a new Guard on these forums looking for advice, it wouldn’t be encouraging to see “no, we can’t win against good mesmers”.


Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: wish.1027


I actually want to add to my original post. I found a mesmer build I cannot beat. It has all PVT gear and its clones have retaliation. The good news is that this build cant kill me either, but its added to the list of things I cannot kill that cannot kill me with BM bunker rng and Bunker D/D ele.

Jade Quarry Warrior Strike Force [SF]
w/ an alt Thief and Guardian.
Math is your friend.

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Noss.4105


Be very aggressive.

This. Try to make him/her burn all defensive cooldowns.
Most mesmers are also very vulnerable to conditions.
Turtle up when you get immobilized. Blurred Frenzy + Shatter will usually follow that.

N*** Dew Gunnar’s Hold
WvW Roaming with Mesmer

Is there anyway to win a mesmer in 1 v 1

in Guardian

Posted by: Scoompoof.4657


Mesmer is a tricky one, but if you stay on top of them it can be p easy. A pro mesmer will make this very difficult for you though. I like using Judges intervention to stay on top of them, and renewed focus to renew virtues. There were a few times where i 1v1’d a Mesmer and was surprised how easily he went down