Judges intervention, what happened?

Judges intervention, what happened?

in Guardian

Posted by: Weo weo.6378

Weo weo.6378

There are constant cases in EB and EOTM where an opponent is right in my face, maybe standing on a small rock or just simply on the roof of airport but… there’s no path to target. Other times enemies are a full level above me on a ramp-like part of the landscape and I can still instantly teleport to them with a surprise burst.

I mean, come on, this skill is so inconsistent at the moment in wvw although it still feels relatively unchanged in sPVP. I know this teleporting isn’t exclusive to guardians but can someone actually look at it?

The current locations where this skill/ blinks seem to bug out consistently are:
roof of airport in EOTM
The ramparts of Azalia’s post in EB
Durios post ramparts
Stairs at Mendons and some sections of the ramparts around SM.

There’s probably more but I’m too lazy to remember all the names. To anyone who knows how these blinks work, is there anyway to suggest a recommendation to fix this?

Multiple Class Disorder

Judges intervention, what happened?

in Guardian

Posted by: Manimarco Devil.1790

Manimarco Devil.1790

A lot of blinks do not work jagged or sloped terrain properly. I’ve had it fail because I wanted to go over steep terrain but I’ve learned to just avoid using it near stairs. It is just something to get used to I guess. Oddly enough it can straight teleport you up via the z-axis but this is not something I’ve done enough to use everywhere. An example of this is lets say you are trying to get to Ogrewatch lords, you can actually JE straight to the lord from below the bridge.

Battlelord Taeres