Lack of off-hand WEAPONS?

Lack of off-hand WEAPONS?

in Guardian

Posted by: Nowe.1793


I’ve searched the forums to try and find a post about this, so as not to repeat anything previously posted but I found nothing, anyway.

The lack of having any type of OFFENSIVE off-hand? I know, I know, the Guardian is supposed to ‘guard’ as it were (and does a kitten good job of it). But I feel there needs to be something more in terms of offhand offensive, yes we’ve got the fire breath torch, but really, I don’t know it just feels a little useless, TO ME at least.

Warriors have off-hand axes, swords, maces AND the warhorn (which gives useful buffs as far as I can tell). Rangers have off-hand axes, daggers, warhorns.

I just feel that as a primarily MELEE class, the Guardian is sorely lacking in off-hand weapons. I can only imagine how big of a task it would be for ArenaNet to implement something like this and how it would upset the game’s balance, but I simply wanted to ask other’s opinions.

Am I being too picky? I mean I LOVE the class, I really do, I wouldn’t even really want to play any other, however I am slightly underwhelmed with the choice of USEFUL off-handers.

Lack of off-hand WEAPONS?

in Guardian

Posted by: fishergrip.4082


Torch and focus both have decent offensive potential, but they could be a bit better. Mainly torch 5 and focus 4 should do a bit more damage. A shorter CD on focus 5 would help too, but it is a powerful ability as it is.

Maid Of The Coast

Lack of off-hand WEAPONS?

in Guardian

Posted by: Bash.7291


Uh… torch is exclusively offensive, while focus is a mix of both. Torch 4 (the throw after the initial burn) is extremely strong and has range, torch 5 however is on the weaker side, and requires multiple enemies to make it worth it.

Focus is mostly defensive, but with the right traits and a damage set up can be very effective. The explosion on #5 does massive AoE damage, and can be a great starter on opening up someone, It is best used before engaging, then right before it explodes use a gap closer/teleport on someone. Focus #4 is good for 1v1 fights with the vulnerability on blind trait. With virtue of justice use, flashing blade, and ray of judgement you can get a very quick 12 stack of vulnerability to open up into someone with.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

Lack of off-hand WEAPONS?

in Guardian

Posted by: Viralseed.9362


Symbol of Wrath and Binding Blade (group Retaliation and a pull/knockdown)

Banish and Ring of Warding (heavy knockback and crowd-control)

Empower and Line of Warding (group Might/healing and area denial)

I first want to point out that the Guardian’s two-handed weapons uses the last two skills primarily for support. Guardian doesn’t need offensive off-hands, especially when we already have Torch. Zealot’s Flame is uses to light all nearby enemies on fire which applies 9 seconds of burning. Stack this with Fiery Wrath and Radiant Power to raise your damage by 20% against those enemies during those 9 seconds. Cleansing Flame does cure conditions on allies in its path, but you can deal considerable damage using it as well. Hitting multiple times also helps your on-crit skills activate as well as activating Virtue of Justice multiple times. Stacked with Permeating Wrath, you can burn all nearby foes again at least twice during the attack (two more for each additional enemy) keeping the offense going. By default, it has a 15 second cooldown on both skills making it potentially the best offensive skill the Guardian has in either the fourth of fifth slot.

If you want offensive, the Torch is the way to go. Like most of the Guardian’s weapons however, you need to build for it to stand out as an amazing weapon.

Lack of off-hand WEAPONS?

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


Focus is great on offense.

We are talking about about 15k aoe burst here if timed properly with judges intervention and mighty blow.

Lack of off-hand WEAPONS?

in Guardian

Posted by: aophts.9862


Am i the only one who find stupid the 5 on torch? I mean, you spit FLAMES on enemies but they don’t burn them. ( – ____ – )

What kind of fire don’t burn? ¬ _ ¬’

Lack of off-hand WEAPONS?

in Guardian

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


In the description it’s called “magical flames”, so I’m guessing that’s why it doesn’t apply burning.

Really do wish it would remove conditions from yourself, it would help open up a lot of new builds.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Lack of off-hand WEAPONS?

in Guardian

Posted by: ODB.6891


Am i the only one who find stupid the 5 on torch? I mean, you spit FLAMES on enemies but they don’t burn them. ( – ____ – )

What kind of fire don’t burn? ¬ _ ¬’

I find that a bit ridiculous too….that a fire attack does not inflict burning…

Lack of off-hand WEAPONS?

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


torch 5 is not bad… but given the long animation duration, the damage is slightly lackluster. condition cleanse on self would be nice too. and you really needa be careful of retaliation before you plan to spit fire.

though torch 4 more than makes up for it for me. and 5 is not bad for chasing down enemies with like a smidget of health left. ://

timing Shield of Wrath on focus though is way too fun. paired up with protector’s strike for easy 12k+ damage. and probs more potentially, since i don’t look into numbers THAT much.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Lack of off-hand WEAPONS?

in Guardian

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

Just for asethics, I’d love to have an offhand sword!

For practicalty, these weapons could apply other condition appliers since we really only have access to one: burning. This could open up a new build based on conditions.

The #4 could be an immobilizer or stunner
The #5 could be poison.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Lack of off-hand WEAPONS?

in Guardian

Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608


Just for asethics, I’d love to have an offhand sword!

For practicalty, these weapons could apply other condition appliers since we really only have access to one: burning. This could open up a new build based on conditions.

The #4 could be an immobilizer or stunner
The #5 could be poison.

Agreed, agreed, agreed ! I so wish Guardians could have an offhand sword.

Lack of off-hand WEAPONS?

in Guardian

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

Just for asethics, I’d love to have an offhand sword!

For practicalty, these weapons could apply other condition appliers since we really only have access to one: burning. This could open up a new build based on conditions.

The #4 could be an immobilizer or stunner
The #5 could be poison.

Agreed, agreed, agreed ! I so wish Guardians could have an offhand sword.

I was a bit disappointed that they didn’t have them to begin with.

I think adding the conditions like I suggested would be a good reason to implement them.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee