Leveling Help (20-80)
If you’ve got the boosters then I suggest just open world hearts and events. The Megaservers have really increased the populations in <80 zones and it shouldn’t be too hard to find a player or 2 to just bounce around a map with doing hearts and events. Boosters increase XP for kills, so just start murdering stuff. GL
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Thanks, I will have to use some boosts then. Would getting in a WvW Karma train be more exp than running boosts and doing map completions?
If you have other level 80’s (which I presume you do).
You can farm CoF path 1 on a level 80 then swap to your alt just before boss dies. You’ll still get the end chest and it’s usually between 50% and 100% of a level every time.
Doing it this way means you get tokens in the process to gear it, or salve armour etc.
Yeah, I have an 80 Necromancer, Mesmer, Ranger, Warrior, and Thief. I did not think about dungeon running and swapping, that’s a good idea.
I want to level my Guardian sometime soon. Anyone have a suggestion as to the best way to level currently, other than crafting? I have a bunch of boosters and still have 8 birthday boosters.
EOTM from 20 to 80 for 2 days