Little help with my playstyle
Your current gear and knights accessories and a exotic GS or hammer from Ascalon catacombs with accuracy sigils and 5*superior rune of the ranger and 1*other crit rune in your gear:
Grab altruisitc healing, retributive armor, 2h mastery, lowered cd on signets and inspired virtues.
Start there and you will find survivability going up greatly and also increased dps.
In general, with a risk of being contradicted by very harsh words, zeal sucks for guardians and heal on GS is beyond bad.
The only reason to put points in zeal is if you go with spirit weapons. you dont trait for damage, you trait for certain functions and gear up for damage, a bit simplified but overall correct.
Try the above and watch what happens to incoming heals and compare that with your current specc.
Btw toughness is more important then health, and especially in pve.
You do not need more than 15k health on a guardian, especially if you take any kind of condition removal – put all the rest in toughness if you want survivability and get used to fighting at 25% health (where a lot of emergency traits activate, the difference here from other classes being that you don’t necessarily have to retreat from battle at this level)
Try running with spirit weapons (but don’t take wrathful spirits) and just doing binding blades → symbol of wrath → pull → sword command + whirling blades at same time → leap of faith for the blind you need to get out of there and heal up after your dodge escape with an emergency shout. You should be able to do some version of that fairly frequently, but without going 30 in either honor or valor, standing for any period of time in the middle of a mob is a no-no. Get out of there, put up a staff wall or shield barrier, and buy time with ranged till your spirit weapons/shouts/meditations recharge. Contemplation of purity alone is a sufficient get-out-of-jail-free card for any PvE or PvP situation.
As was said before, the zeal trait line is for people that want to use spirit weapon sometimes. If you need more rescue skills and can’t / won’t do spirit weapons, it’s helpful to have at least 20 zeal just so you always have that option in case a situation calls for them, like when you have to fight a same-level opponent ranged and still want to get tags / put out DPS.